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October 23, 2019

Bolton school data loss worrying incident

This month’s news about the Bolton school data loss incident is incredibly worrying to hear about, especially given how vulnerable data in the wrong hands can be.

Although the document containing the pupils’ data has been reported as missing, and it may be the case that it has been lost forever or disposed of, there remains the risk that it could fall – or already has fallen – into the wrong hands.

As expert data leak lawyers, we’ve helped a lot of people with school data breach compensation claims over the years we’ve been fighting for justice. When it comes to vulnerable persons like children, any data incident can lead to significant distress suffered by the victims and their families.

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hospital ransomware attacks
October 22, 2019

Hospital Data Breach Claims: Advice From The Experts

When it comes to compensation claims for sensitive hospital data breach incidents, it’s important to talk to the right people, and get the best legal representation you can.

And there are more than a few good reasons as to why you can trust us as a pioneering data breach law firm to help you.

Data breach compensation pay-outs for hospital data incidents can be typically high because of the level of distress that victims can suffer. There may also be a battle in terms of trying to convince the organisation at fault to compensate you. Read on for some guidance and reassurance.

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British Airways data breach
October 21, 2019

British Airways hack compensation claims: what to do

If you have yet to start your British Airways hack compensation claim, here’s a handy guide of a few things that you need to know about in terms of what’s going on.

We initiated legal claims last year as soon as news of the breach hit the headlines. Just over a year on from the first announcement of the breaches, a great deal has happened, and we’re acting for a number of people on a No Win, No Fee basis for claims.

If you’ve yet to start your legal case and you’re not sure what the current state of play is, this quick and handy guide will hopefully give you a little insight.

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data breach compensation payout
October 18, 2019

GDPR data breach rights

It’s important to know your GDPR data breach rights, and as a pioneering data breach compensation law firm, our expert advice and representation can help.

I once read that, statistically, data breaches are more common than rain in the UK. Having lived here all my life, and travelled a fair few places around the world, that statement seems excessive. The weather, and how wet it is, is a common part of British life!

But it’s apparently true. So, with this in mind, let’s look at your GDPR data breach rights and how we can help you when it comes to making as claim for compensation.

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data breach deleting information
October 17, 2019

Recruitment agency data breach compensation claims

With cybercriminals potentially targeting this sector, recruitment agency data breach compensation claims may be on the rise. We’re here to help.

This kind of data breach could lead to a substantial impact on the victim. You must remember that recruitment agencies hold a great deal of information about thousands and thousands of candidates. And many of the big agencies are online, so the numbers can be huge, and the data can be accessible.

When you have a wealth of potentially sensitive information for thousands of people, you can easily become a target for hackers. Employees of recruitment companies must also ensure that they’re complying with the law as well.

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check online banking accounts
October 16, 2019

Compensation for a financial information data breach

We can offer No Win, No Fee representation for victims who claim compensation for a financial information data breach with us.

Although we often talk about claiming for the distress of a breach, those who lose money can be entitled to recover what has been lost as well. This is in addition to the distress for the fact that the breach has happened in the first place.

With the number of cyber incidents in the financial services sector said to be increasing, this is an important area for us to offer our expert advice and services for.

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healthcare data breaches caused by human error nhs staff medical record breaches
October 15, 2019

Unlawfully accessing medical records: what can you do?

If you’ve been the victim of someone unlawfully accessing medical records, you could be entitled to make a medical data breach compensation claim.

With the Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh (WWL) NHS Foundation Trust medical records access scandal fresh in our minds, we want to make sure that victims know that they have a voice. We’ve taken forward a number of cases for victims of the WWL incident so far, but anyone who has suffered this kind of breach can be entitled to claim.

Whether you’re one of the 2,172 Greater Manchester patients affected by the above scandal, or someone who has discovered unlawful access to your information, we may be able to help you.

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Data Breach Claims Solicitors
October 14, 2019

More claimants sign up to join the BA Group Action

There has been a surge in people signing up to join the BA Group Action lawsuit following this month’s announcement of our appointment to the Steering Committee that’s conducting the litigation.

The hearing at the High Court of Justice on Friday 4th October 2019 resulted in some key victories for the claimants’ side that we’re a part of. Mr Justice Warby gave the go ahead for a Group Litigation Order (GLO) to be formed, allowing all claimants – which could reach up to around 500,000 – to bring their claims together. This can allow for a far more efficient way of managing the cases and fighting the common issues, and we were delighted with our appointment to the Steering Committee as well.

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compromised mobile phone
October 11, 2019

Health apps sharing data: should you be concerned?

Apps and smart devices are pretty much staples for many people these days, and information is being shared all the time. But what about health apps sharing data? How much of an understanding do you have about what exactly is being passed around?

If you’re not sure, you may have reason to be concerned. Health apps are fairly common these days, from the basic ones tracking our physical activity, to period tracking apps, dietary apps, and workout apps.

Like most apps, information is being passed and shared around, and there are usually privacy policies in place and consent forms in place. But how much do people really understand about it all?

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local authority data breaches local authority data leak
October 10, 2019

Unauthorised access to medical records: know your rights!

Victims who have been subjected to unauthorised access to medical records can be entitled to take legal action, and it’s important to know how we can be of assistance. With healthcare data breach claims being one of the most common cases that we help people with, and one of the worst in terms of the affect it can have on the victim, it’s an important topic to discuss.

This is a topic we’ve covered a lot in the past as a firm of lawyers who have helped many people with this exact type of case for a number of years. In recent weeks, we’ve covered the issue even more given the recent Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Foundation Trust scandal.

With the issue at the forefront of the media right now, let us – as expert Data Leak Experts – tell you exactly what you can do if you’re the victim of this kind of breach.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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