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nhs patient confidentially compensation claims
January 29, 2019

Compensation for a HIV status data breach

You can be eligible to claim compensation as a victim of a HIV status data breach, and we can offer No Win, No Fee legal representation.

A HIV status data breach can be absolutely devastating. Medical data breaches are often among the worst because of the nature of the information that can be exposed, and a person’s HIV status is a prime example of how bad it can get.

We’re currently involved in legal action for a large group of victims claiming compensation for the 56 Dean Street HIV status data breach. The expert reports and witness testimonies show just how bad a HIV data leak can be.

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email breach
January 28, 2019

Scarborough Sixth Form data breach

The Scarborough Sixth Form data breach was another example of an email leak that was caused by a simple administrative error.

It happened in July last year, so it falls within the scope of the new GDPR legislation. The incident was referred to the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) for investigation.

As alarming as an email leak sounds, it’s not an uncommon occurrence. We represent a number of people who have been involved in email data leaks, with the most prominent one being the 56 Dean Street Clinic leak of 2015. As easy as these things can happen, there’s no excuse for allowing it to happen at all.

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hospital ransomware attacks
January 25, 2019

What to do if your medical data is hacked

If your medical data is hacked, we’re (unfortunately) not too surprised. A large volume of the cases we deal with are for healthcare sector breaches, and hackers do target the sector.

The reason hackers target the sector is often due to a lack of resources in cybersecurity. We saw in the 2017 WannaCry attack just how much damage a targeted attack can do. The hackers in this incident targeted outdated systems because they can be more vulnerable to being broken into. With the healthcare sector often using outdated systems, they were an easy target.

If your medical data is hacked, what can you do about it?

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school distress claim
January 24, 2019

The Twickenham school data breach incidents highlight the problems we face

The recent Twickenham school data breach incidents in the news last month highlight the sorts of problems we face when it comes to data protection.

In these incidents, headteacher Darren Harrison was fined £700.00 and ordered to pay costs of £364.00, plus a victim surcharge of £35, for breaching data laws. He’d reportedly taken data from previous schools he’d worked at – Spelthorne Primary and Russell School – for, he says, professional reasons. He then uploaded the data on to the server of the school he’d then been employed with, Isleworth Town Primary School.

An IT audit discovered the movement of the data about the pupils. This kind of breach is not unique at all.

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Watford Community Housing email breach
January 23, 2019

Scams arising from the TV licensing data breach

Victims of last year’s TV licensing data breach need to take care to avoid falling victim to phishing scams that are doing the rounds at the moment.

Victims of the TalkTalk data breach – one of the over 20 data breach actions we’re representing people in – were contacted after the breach. It appears that scammers had got hold of information that had been exposed in the breach. Victims of the TV licensing data breach should be wary of being contacted in the same way.

We know that phishing scams using the cover of TV licensing are doing the rounds. One victim lost £10,000.00 to scammers after they managed to convince him they were the real thing.

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domestic abuse data breach
January 22, 2019

Serious Swansea Council data breach

There has been a serious Swansea Council data breach that has affected vulnerable adults and children that was discovered in December 2018.

In this remarkable case, a diary was found on the side of the A48 road in Carmarthenshire. The diary contained personal and confidential information about vulnerable adults and children and is thought to belong to a Swansea Council employee.

It has yet to be determined how the diary ended up abandoned at the side of the road. What we know for certain is that proper care for sensitive data has not been upheld.

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data breach
January 21, 2019

Collection #1 data breach shows how vulnerable people are

The monumental Collection #1 data breach that hit the headlines last week shows just how vulnerable people are to data breaches.

The incident, known as the Collection #1 breach, involved what many say is the biggest ever dump of hacked information on the internet. Hundreds of millions of email addresses and passwords that are thought to have been taken from a number of different hacks were published online. Criminals may have been using the information to break into people’s accounts for years.

The sheer volume of the Collection #1 data is a stark reminder as to just how vulnerable people are nowadays.

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data theft risks
January 18, 2019

The Butlins data breach incident

The Butlins data breach incident was one of many that hit the UK in 2018. As holidays are getting booked up in the post-Christmas period, data security may well be a concern for some.

We know from the recent Marriott data breach that passport data was compromised. The data that’s collected as part of booking holidays can be private and sensitive, and could leave victims at risk of fraudulent activity.

In the Butlins data breach of last year, it was personal information that appeared to have been exposed.

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coronavirus contact tracing data app data breach risks
January 17, 2019

Closure of York Council app after hack

The York Council app that was hacked late last year has reportedly been shut down as a result of the data breach incident.

It’s understood that the public-facing aspect of the app is no longer available. Residents had been able to access it and use it as part of waste-reduction plans and for the improvement of their environmental performance.

After it was discovered that the app lacked the proper security to keep users’ data safe, the app has now been reportedly shut down and is no longer publicly-available.

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data breach compensation
January 16, 2019

Have you been the victim of a Suffolk Council data breach?

If you’ve been victim of a Suffolk Council data breach, we may be able to help you; and you’re not alone either!

Recent data reportedly indicated that there has been an increase of around a third in terms of the number of reported Suffolk Council data breach incidents in 2018 when compared to 2017. Suffolk Council has suggested that this could be because of the new GDPR that came into force last year. They’ve also suggested it could be due to greater awareness from staff, meaning more breaches are being reported.

But that doesn’t mean that those breaches haven’t been taking place. With council data breaches being one of the most common cases we help people with, we can’t say we’re surprised by this latest report.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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