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December 12, 2018

Equifax cyber breach was entirely preventable

We’ve been stating that the Equifax cyber breach was entirely preventable since we launched our legal action for compensation last year.

Equifax failed to patch a known security vulnerability. On top of that, their staff failed to identify the ongoing vulnerability. To make things worse, they didn’t even spot the data being lifted for months and months.

Although we’ve known this for a while, it’s good to see the same statements from external reports. Unsurprisingly, another report has highlighted this important fact. It’s a fact that means we’re confident in securing compensation in the legal action we’ve launched.

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fingerprint access
December 11, 2018

Victims of Amazon data breach should take precautions

An Amazon data breach incident took place in the lead up to the big Black Friday sales a few weeks ago.

The incident reportedly stemmed from a technical problem.

In the data protection breach, customer names and email addresses were inadvertently posted on the company’s website. They were removed upon discovery of the error, and customers affected by the data breach have been informed.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is said to be looking into the situation.

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December 10, 2018

Marriott data breach legal advice

If you need legal advice about the Marriott data breach, we can help. This is another huge breach that has led to private and sensitive data being exposed.

This has to be 2018’s mega breach. Although we thought the British Airways one was the breach to set the bar, this one is obscene in terms of data breached and the timeframe. Some 500 million customers whose data was on Marriott’s Starwood reservation database has been comprised since 2014. Anyone with data on the system up until 10th September 2018 may be affected.

If you’ve received notification that you’re a victim of the data breach and you’re based in England or Wales, we can help.

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data breach deleting information
December 07, 2018

Questions over the Dell data breach

There are questions that remain unanswered following the Dell data breach incident that took place last month.

It’s still not fully clear as to whether any data was taken. If it was, whose data was exposed, and how much of it was exposed? It has been suggested that all Dell customers ought to change their password just in case, and they should also remain vigilant. The data breach activity that was detected in November identified an attempt to steal customer information. All that’s known is that it’s possible some data was taken.

This was another high-profile data breach, and another where a reactive approach as opposed to a proactive approach appears to have been taken. read more

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December 06, 2018

TalkTalk data hack pair jailed

A pair or friends from Tamworth who got involved in the massive 2015 TalkTalk data hack have been jailed.

The TalkTalk data hack is a legal action we’re involved in as we fight for the rights of victims affected by the incident.

23-year-old Matthew Hanley was jailed for 12 months having admitted to hacking the website between 18th October and 22nd October 2015. He reportedly handed data over for hacking to another person, and handed financial information to 21-year-old Connor Allsopp. Allsopp was jailed for eight months and admitted to supplying stolen customer data to another person for fraud.

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breaches in the healthcare sector
December 05, 2018

Worrying Birmingham Hospital data breach figures

We’ve seen some worrying Birmingham Hospital data breach figures off the back of recent data released about NHS data incidents.

Birmingham Hospital sits at the top of the pile for 2017 data losses and thefts. According to a Freedom of Information request, some 10,000 documents went missing or were stolen in 2017 within the NHS. Over 3,000 of those were from Birmingham Hospital alone.

The figure of 10,000 missing or stolen documents is a horrendous amount. How can so many documents go missing when they’re likely to contain very sensitive and private information?

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Dyfed-Powys Police enforcement notice
December 04, 2018

Staffordshire police data breach leads to sacking

A sickening Staffordshire police data breach has led to an officer being sacked and being handed a 12-month prison sentence.

With the police handling very sensitive and personal information, we expect the best from them. Unfortunately, they do fall short on some occasions. The police have been embroiled in a number of data breach incidents for several years. A concerning element is where officers are using police data when they’re not supposed to.

This hearings in the Staffordshire police data breach at the centre of this article resulted in the instant dismissal for the officer involved.

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December 03, 2018

The big Facebook GDPR questions

It seems highly likely there will be some form of Facebook GDPR fine coming at some time. The recent data breaches cannot go unpunished.

As data breaches and our rights to privacy continue to grow in importance, people want to know how GDPR will be there to protect us. With the massive Facebook data breach that took place in September fresh in our minds, people want to know what kind of Facebook GDPR fine may be issued.

Facebook could find themselves as the marker in Europe for how far the new GDPR will go. Although it isn’t the first company to have been at the centre of a data breach since the rule change in May, it could be the biggest.

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compromised mobile phone
November 30, 2018

York Council data breach

The recent York Council data breach led to the information for almost 6,000 people being exposed due to a coding vulnerability.

A computer expert happened upon the vulnerability in the ‘One Plant York’ app. He did the right thing and reported the breach to York Council, who then bizarrely reported him to the police. It’s understood that the expert had alerted the Council in efforts to make them aware, so the issue could be resolved.

The police matter aside, the result is that the data for almost 6,000 people has been left exposed. If one expert happened upon it, who’s to say someone else isn’t already aware of it, and hasn’t already been exploiting it?

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claim for an accidental data
November 29, 2018

East Lindsey Council data breach

The recent East Lindsey Council data breach was another example of a totally avoidable incident that resulted in sensitive information being exposed.

Our lawyers are often representing victims for council data breach cases. This includes for claims against local authority agencies and outsourced third-parties as well.

Public sector breaches can be common, and council data breaches are amongst the most frequent we see. As is the case with the East Lindsey Council data breach, many of the incidents are totally avoidable. Many stem from simple errors that can have costly consequences.

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Leading Data Breach Lawyers
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