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how much the average compensation
May 16, 2018

Third-party outsourcing can lead to a council data protection breach

Third-party outsourcing can lead to a council data protection breach, and as the old saying goes, “you’re only as strong as your weakest link” – which means councils and local authorities are only as good as the private organisations they outsource work to.

This is important, because public sector data breaches are an ongoing problem, and councils can be a prime target for cyber-criminals as well as being vulnerable to leaks and breaches from inadequate procedures and policies.

With councils outsourcing work for the private sector a lot, there is understandable cause for concern.

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hospital ransomware attacks
May 14, 2018

Oswestry Orthopaedic Hospital Data Breach

Oswestry Orthopaedic Hospital has reported a data breach involving patients who were taking part in a study.

The hospital, based in Shropshire near the Welsh border, confirmed the data breach in a report to the Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group’s governance board. The data breached has been described as confidential information, and an investigation is believed to have been initiated.

It’s understood that the data breach has been reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

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equifax data breach
May 11, 2018

Equifax counts the cost of monumental data breach

As Equifax counts the cost of the monumental data breach they suffered last year, we’re left wondering why they hadn’t spent enough money on ensuring the data they hold was safe and secure in the first place…

Too many organisations are reactive instead of proactive; only ever spending what they need to when a data breach actually happens.

So far, Equifax is said to have spent around £175m on dealing with the data breach, of which £91m of that was insured. The costs have dealt with the general expenses, IT improvements, and we assume the fines and claims against them, of which our claims will need to be factored into that.

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council worker fined for sharing data information to social site
May 10, 2018

St Helens council data breach

There are allegations of a St Helens council data breach involving recently resigned council leader, Barrie Grunewald.

Any council data protection breach can be serious and can pave the way for legal cases for victims of such a breach; especially when it comes to the nature of the data councils hold. This incident, however, is a little unclear in terms of exactly what has happened.

Police are said to be investigating the alleged data breach which is thought to involve images from a group WhatsApp conversation between St Helens politicians which were allegedly obtained from a mobile phone and subsequently distributed. Mr Grunewald has said that the allegations are “spurious”, and police investigations remain ongoing.

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car hacking
May 09, 2018

If Tesla can be hacked, how safe are self-driving cars?

If Tesla can be hacked, how safe are self-driving cars?

There are already major concerns over whether self-driving vehicles are safe, given that computers can make mistakes that humans may otherwise be able to prevent or correct. There have been a number of incidents already involving self-driving car collisions, but to add another perspective to this issue, what about self-driving cars being hacked?

Tesla was subject to a data breach recently, so how safe will self-driving cars be in terms of cybersecurity?

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data breaches identified by
May 08, 2018

Inogen Inc. medical data breach

Inogen Inc. have reported a medical data breach involving some 30,000 customers where the improper access of personal information occurred.

Medical data breaches are a real concern, and medical device data breaches are a current issue given that medical devices in this day and age can be computer controlled and are “smart” devices that can send data from patients to servers elsewhere.

While smart medical devices could undoubtedly save lives as the flow of data can be vitally important for patient wellbeing, medical device data breaches are a monumental worry, which is why any medial data breach involving a device-maker is a cause for alarm.

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police data breach claims
May 03, 2018

ICO completes follow-up assessment of Dyfed Powys Police

The ICO has completed a follow-up assessment of Dyfed Powys Police who signed an undertaking last year to improve their data protection compliance. The undertaking meant that the police force had to engage in force-wide data protection training and refresher training, as well as ensuring that training and monitoring was properly recorded to address non-compliance and ensure that security measures are in place to properly protect data.

The involvement of the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) – the UK’s data watchdog – was to ensure that Dyfed Powys Police were upholding their data protection responsibilities after a number of incidents had previously occurred.
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new report uncovers councils lack of cybersecurity systems
May 03, 2018

Councils data breaches and GDPR

Council data breaches and the GDPR that’s coming into force this month is a key topic for discussion. With councils and other public sector authorities often experiencing high levels of data breaches and data leaks, it’s imperative that enough attention is paid to the new regulations that could see organisations fined a heck of a lot more money for breaching data laws.

We take on and represent a lot of people for council data breaches, so we know how often they happen, and we know how bad they can be for the victims. Given the nature of the data that councils hold, any breach or leak can often be very serious for the victims who are entitled to claim for data protection breach compensation.
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school distress claim
May 02, 2018

School data breach compensation claims

School data breach compensation claims can often be serious and incredibly sensitive as the victim of the data breach will usually be a minor. A minor can still claim for data breach compensation with an appropriate adult as their “Litigation Friend”, which is normally a parent or guardian.

School data is of course very private and can be very sensitive. Schools must be privy to a wealth of personal and sensitive data about children, including their domestic circumstances and medical details. A school data breach or data leak could involve thousands if it covers a particular Local Education Authority area, so this type of data must be kept safe and secure.
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fraud from cyberattacks hotel data breaches
May 01, 2018

Scams and fraud from data breaches and data leaks

Scams and fraud from data breaches and data leaks are common. In fact, scams and fraud are common anyway, with more than 10,000 cases reported last year, which was a five percent rise on the previous year.

It can be so easy for people to fall victim to scams and fraud that stem from data breaches, so the big question is how people can protect themselves, and what the organisations who hold our money – and data – can do to protect us as well. The burden of responsibility is a two-way street, and there is plenty that banks and organisations can do to better protect us.
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