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mass cyberattacks causing
August 07, 2023

Mass cyberattacks causing data exposure

Mass cyberattacks causing data exposure can allow victims to pursue compensation for any distress caused by the loss of control of their personal information.

We may be able to represent you for a legal case on a No Win, No Fee basis. Contact our team here now for free, no-obligation legal advice about pursuing privacy compensation today.

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confidential adoption information
August 03, 2023

Confidential adoption information – £15,000 settlement

We previously settled a claim for a client of ours who had been subject to a confidential adoption information breach in the sum of £15,000.

This substantial award reflected the significance of the information in question and the impact that our client suffered. As you can imagine, this kind of information is precisely the sort that we want to maintain strict confidentiality over. For it to be exposed through negligence warrants a claim for compensation.
settlement is just over £6,000 pounds in
As Leading Data Leak Lawyers representing thousands of clients engaged in compensation cases in the UK, we knew that we were able to help our client in this matter to achieve the settlement that they deserved.

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increasing retail data breaches
August 02, 2023

Increasing retail data breaches – claim compensation

Increasing retail data breaches can cause significant risks for those who are affected, and victims of privacy incidents could be eligible to claim compensation on a No Win, No Fee basis.

You can find out if you are eligible to pursue a claim for compensation as a victim of a data breach by contacting our leading team of experts for free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

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pensions industry data breaches
August 01, 2023

Pensions industry data breaches – claiming compensation

Victims of pensions industry data breaches could be entitled to claim compensation, and we may be able to represent you for a legal case on a No Win, No Fee basis.

There have been many incidents of this nature in recent years, and some studies have indicated that they are becoming more frequent. It is clear that the sector is a target for cyberattacks given the nature of the information they store and process, and the impact on anyone affected by such breaches could be substantial.

You can talk to our team here today to find out if you are eligible to pursue a privacy compensation claim by contacting us here now.

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data compliance breach
July 31, 2023

Data compliance breach compensation claim

You could be entitled to claim compensation for a data compliance breach, and our leading team of lawyers may be able to represent you for a case on a No Win, No Fee basis.

You can talk to our team here now for free, no-obligation help about starting a claim which may only take a matter of minutes and could be set up in one simple phone call today.

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member of parliament data
July 27, 2023

Member of parliament data matters: claiming compensation

You could be entitled to claim compensation for a member of parliament data breach matter, and we may be able to represent you for a legal case on a No Win, No Fee basis.

Ultimately, no one is above the law. Particularly personal and sensitive information could end up being misused or exposed as a result of an incident of this nature. You can contact us for free, no-obligation legal help about starting a claim for compensation with us here now.

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targeted cyberattack incidents
July 26, 2023

Targeted cyberattack incidents: claiming compensation

Targeted cyberattack incidents could lead to swathes of personal and sensitive information for huge numbers of people being misused and exposed.

Victims of privacy incidents could be eligible to pursue GDPR compensation, and you can contact our team for free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

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too much access
July 25, 2023

Too much access and privacy breaches

In an increasingly digitised age, the issue of too much access to information by employees could lead to privacy breaches, and victims could be eligible to pursue compensation.

Read on for advice, and make sure to contact our team for free, no-obligation legal help in respect of a claims assessment for your case today.

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compromised mobile phone
July 24, 2023

Compromised mobile phone: claiming compensation

A compromised mobile phone could cause significant problems and distress for any victim who is affected. You could be eligible to claim compensation on a No Win, No Fee basis for such an incident.

Your Lawyers, as Leading Data Leak Lawyers, is used to representing people for all sorts of privacy matters. You can receive tailored advice about your particular circumstances by contacting our team for free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

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personal and sensitive information
July 20, 2023

Over £12,000 pay-outs for personal and sensitive information leaks

In respect of any breaches involving particularly personal and sensitive information, compensation pay-outs can be substantial. We have settled a number of cases for over £12,000.

This is above our average and reflects the nature of the seriousness of such breaches, and it is also likely more than what some other law firms may be prepared to settle similar cases for. We know this because we are aware of other law firms settling claims for reduced amounts or taking earlier offers, whereas we are prepared to fight harder to make sure we get the best justice possible.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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