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Category: Claims

equifax data breach
May 11, 2018

Equifax counts the cost of monumental data breach

As Equifax counts the cost of the monumental data breach they suffered last year, we’re left wondering why they hadn’t spent enough money on ensuring the data they hold was safe and secure in the first place…

Too many organisations are reactive instead of proactive; only ever spending what they need to when a data breach actually happens.

So far, Equifax is said to have spent around £175m on dealing with the data breach, of which £91m of that was insured. The costs have dealt with the general expenses, IT improvements, and we assume the fines and claims against them, of which our claims will need to be factored into that.

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equifax data breach
April 27, 2018

Are victims of the Equifax data breach being looked after properly?

Are victims of the Equifax data breach being looked after properly? Some data suggests they’re not, and with an estimated 700,000 UK victims of the breach, Equifax must do as much as they can to ensure they look after the victims.

We are representing a large group of individuals who were affected by the breach, so if you are looking for advice about making a claim, we can help.

With personal and sensitive data compromised in a data breach, it’s imperative that victims are properly looked after by the organisation responsible for the breach. Are Equifax doing enough in this case?
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equifax data breach
April 18, 2018

Victims of Equifax data breach receiving letters containing incorrect personal data

A number of victims of the Equifax data breach have been receiving letters containing incorrect personal data, according to media reports; further exacerbating the massive data breach that has affected some 700,000 people in the UK alone.

According to Equifax, determining the best addresses for some victims had been “complex” and had resulted in letters being sent out that are thoughts to have contained erroneous information.

As time has passed, the Equifax data breach seems to have worsened and worsened, and this is yet another problem adding to the pile.

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email breach
April 16, 2018

Council data protection breaches: a common problem

Council data protection breaches are a common problem, so if you have been the victim of a breach or leak caused by your local council, you’re one of many.

You have rights to be able to claim for data breach compensation, whether the council has directly breached data laws, or where a local authority outsourced company has breached the law instead.

We advise and represent a lot of people for council data leaks and data breaches because the root problems as to why they are so common have yet to be resolved.
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wigan council data protection breaches
April 04, 2018

Wigan Council at centre of alarming number of data protection breaches

According to data gleaned from a Freedom of Information request, as reported by Wigan Today, there have been a concerning number of data breaches involving Wigan Council where information of a confidential, sensitive, or protected nature has been accessed or disclosed “in an unauthorised fashion”.

Councils and private companies who local authority agencies outsource work to are high on the list when it comes to data protection breaches, and we advise and represent a large number of people claiming for data protection compensation as a result of a council data breach.

Unfortunately, this news does not come as a surprise to us.
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March 30, 2018

Compensation claim launched against Lovense app over allegations of secretly collecting intimate usage data

We have blogged about this before, but here is an update about a case that has been launched. As a reminder, we are acting for a large number of people claiming for the We-Vibe data breach scandal when it was discovered that the sex-toy software was secretly collecting information about the use of the product that they were not entitled to. Not only that, but hackers were reportedly able to break into the associated app and essentially “control” the device.

Now, there is a new legal case for a different remote sex-toy that is allegedly collecting user data secretly as well. According to papers already filed in a legal case, Lovense, a division of Hong Kong-based Hytto Ltd, is collecting and recording the intimate data of the users of their products.
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how much the average compensation
March 29, 2018

Is council data protection and cybersecurity quality a postcode lottery?

Experts have looked in to the differences between councils and local authority services and compared the quality of the cybersecurity and their data protection procedures and protocols. One worrying trend is the fact that there are some huge differences between different councils when it comes to practically all aspects of data security.

This issue means that, in reality, the quality of data protection and cybersecurity can be somewhat of a postcode lottery. There is no single or uniform approach, which is a really worrying aspect.
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equifax data breach compensation
March 28, 2018

Equifax data breach compensation success

It’s pleasing to see that some consumers have already had their cases heard and have been able to receive successful verdicts against the credit-referencing agency at the heart of last year’s huge data protection scandal.

Although Equifax reportedly turned up to court with some very expensive lawyers, a group of claimants managed to convince a judge that they had a case to answer for. This has all happened in America, where cases can often get to a trial much faster than they can here in the UK, but the news can be seen as potentially good news here as well.
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cyberattack compensation
March 22, 2018

Trusted Quid data breach – some 66,000 payday loan customers hit by breach

We have already been contacted by people affected by the Trusted Quid data protection breach, and our Data Leak Lawyers have agreed to investigate cases.

As many as 66,000 customers of payday loan firm Trusted Cash, trading as Trusted Quid, may have had their data stolen due to an unauthorised access of their website. Customers affected by the breach are now at a greater risk of becoming a victim of fraud as key information was stolen in the breach.

Because of the nature of the data compromised in the cyberattack, this is a very serious data protection breach indeed.

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tesco travel money data breach
March 20, 2018

Tesco Travel Money data protection breach advice

Back in 2016, the cybersecurity of Tesco Bank was rigorously questioned, when hackers were able to gain access to 9,000 customers’ accounts and steal £2,500,000.

Tesco also suffered a further breach last week were they reportedly cancelled a number of credit cards over a ‘third-party compromise’.

There has now been another breach where it’s estimated 17,000 Tesco Travel Money customers are subject to this new and massive data protection breach which happened through Travelex – a company that runs services on behalf of Tesco.

Names and payment information are amongst the data that has reportedly been compromised
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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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