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Category: Claims

May 30, 2016

Research shows victims hold the organisations primarily responsible for data leaks

Research conducted by ResearchBods found that consumers put the responsibility for data leaks, breaches, and hacks firmly on the shoulders of the organisations.

The study results showed that people blame the organisations far more than the hackers, and in terms of how the law actually works, it’s fair to say that the legal responsibility does weigh heavily on organisation (as Data Controllers) anyway.

The excuse “oh, but we were hacked!” is not one that will save an organisation from criminal or civil prosecution!
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data breach compensation expert guide
May 20, 2016

Data breach compensation

You may not know this but you are entitled to claim for data breach compensation if you are the victim of a data breach. You can claim data breach compensation from organisations leaking your information (like a public service or your employer); from organisations sharing your information without consent; or even from hacks, as examples.

In the digital age we live in, where organisations hold an astounding wealth of information about us, we’re all at risk of our right to privacy being breached, and at risk of scams and frauds.

So what can you claim for in terms of data breach compensation, and on what basis do you claim?
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no win, no fee data protection compensation claims
April 19, 2016

Data Protection Compensation Claims on a No Win, No Fee

Most people are aware of the No Win, No Fee with it being so prominent in areas of the law like personal injury claims.

Some people are not as aware of their rights when it comes to making a data protection compensation claim on a No Win, No Fee basis as well though. The facts are these: there are a lot of similarities and even crossovers in terms of personal injury and data protection law that can allow us to offer No Win, No Fee arrangements in similar ways.

The law can be more complex and does require Data Leak Lawyers like us who know how to help people properly. So let’s talk No Win, No Fee Data Leak Compensation Claims…
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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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