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Category: Council

claim for an accidental data
July 21, 2020

Gloucestershire Council data breaches

Gloucestershire Council data breaches have been in the news following an annual report that outlined a number of incidents, some of which looked to be serious.

As we often say, council data breach compensation claims are one of the most common types of individual legal cases that we take forward for people. They can be unfortunately common, and they can also cause a great deal of harm for the victims. In fact, a couple of the cases that we resolved this year alone settled for between £7,000.00 and £9,000.00, and both involved sensitive information being accidentally shared. It can easily happen, but the damage from data being misused and exposed can be severe.

As a leading firm of data breach lawyers, we’re more than used to seeing the impact for the victims, which is why we do what we do.

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cyber-attacks on UK councils
July 14, 2020

Cyber-attacks on UK councils: your rights

Cyber-attacks on UK councils can lead to the victims suffering significant distress as a result of the loss of control of their personal information.

The law can entitle victims to be able to claim data breach compensation for the misuse and/or exposure of private information. With councils and local authority agencies holding so much data about so many people, they’re a clear target for cybercrime. There are also concerns that not enough is being done to protect data as well which we will go into in this article here.

Victims do not have to suffer in silence. We can offer No Win, No Fee representation for eligible clients for legal cases as well.

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council data protection breach claim government data leaks
July 07, 2020

Council data protection breach claim eligibility

When can you make a council data protection breach claim? If you are eligible, what do you claim for? Is it free to claim, or do you need to pay something to a lawyer?

These are all important questions to answer. As a leading firm of data breach and consumer action lawyers representing thousands of clients for cases, we are well equipped to answer these questions for you. We are also well equipped to be able to represent you for a legal case, and we offer No Win, No Fee representation as well.

Here’s some advice for you about council data breach compensation claims and how we can help you today.

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local authority data breaches local authority data leak
June 29, 2020

Local authority data leak compensation

If your personal information has been exposed in a local authority data leak, you could be entitled to claim data breach compensation with us on a No Win, No Fee basis.

As a leading firm of data leak lawyers representing thousands of clients for cases, we are here to help you. After all, we are called The Data Leak Lawyers for a reason – we have a long history of fighting for the rights of innocent victims who have been wronged, with millions of pounds in damages recovered over the years we have been helping people in civil legal matters.

Council data breach compensation claims are one of the most common types of individual legal cases that we take forward for people. They can be worryingly common and the impact for the victim can be substantial. Here’s a little advice about when you can claim, how we can approach valuing a case, and how to speak to our team about your No Win, No Fee options.

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how much the average compensation
June 17, 2020

Councillors breach data protection laws – rights for victims

Where councillors breach data protection laws, the victim whose information has been misused or exposed can be entitled to bring a claim for compensation.

We represent thousands of victims for cases on a No Win, No Fee basis. One of the most common types of individual cases are for council data breach compensation claims, so we know how bad the impact can be for the victim.

Victims could be eligible to receive thousands of pounds in damages for the distress caused by the misuse of, or loss of control of, their private information. Here’s some brief guidance in terms of who is responsible for a claim when this happens, what you can, and how we can help you today.

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claim for an accidental data
June 09, 2020

Compensation for published personal data online

If an organisation has published personal data online about you and they didn’t have just cause, reason or consent to do so, you could be entitled to claim compensation.

If this has happened to you, we may be able to represent you for a legal case on a No Win, No Fee basis. There are plenty of ways in which this kind of data leak can happen, and it’s only right that victims have a voice for justice.

As a leading firm of data breach and consumer action experts, we regularly help people for breaches where this has happened. We may be able to help you too.

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data breach compensation expert guide
May 25, 2020

A council has shared your information: do you have case?

If a council has shared your information without consent, or inappropriately, you may be eligible to make a claim for compensation on a No Win, No Fee basis.

Council data breach compensation claims are one of the most common types of individual legal cases that we take forward for people. Unfortunately, they can happen a lot, and the impact can be severe given the nature of the information that they store and process.

If your data has been shared and you did not agree to it being shared in the way that it was, or at all, we may be able to help you. We can offer free, no-obligation advice as a leading firm of consumer action and data breach compensation specialists.

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data breach deleting information
May 18, 2020

Deleting information and claims for compensation

Deleting information can be done by request or in-line with how data processors will store and use information. But what about intentionally erasing information that shouldn’t have been erased?

Although we’d like to think that this kind of thing wouldn’t happen, it does. Sometimes, organisations or the people working for them may opt to try and avoid the fallout of a problem by erasing information; i.e. ‘getting rid of the evidence’. This is wrong, and victims should know their rights when something like this happens.

As a leading firm of consumer action and data breach compensation lawyers, we represent victims for this kind of case. Here’s how we may be able to help you.

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impact of a council cyberattack
May 11, 2020

Impact of a council cyberattack

As a leading consumer action and data breach compensation law firm, we understand the impact of a council cyberattack as the representatives of victims for these kinds of cases.

Council data breach compensation claims make up a huge number of the thousands of cases that we have taken forward. Settlements for these types of cases can be substantial given the nature of the information that can be involved, and we can offer No Win, No Fee representation.

If your data has been misused or exposed in a cyberattack like this, we may be able to help you.

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council email data leaks
May 06, 2020

Council email data leaks compensation advice

Victims of council email data leaks can be entitled to make a claim for compensation, and we’re able to offer No Win, No Fee representation for this kind of incident.

We often say that council data breach claims are common, which they are. Generally speaking, public sector incidents are some of the most common types of individual cases that we take forward. Of the thousands of people that we represent for legal cases, plenty of them involve local authorities or the agencies working on their behalf.

As a leading firm of consumer action and data breach compensation specialists that have been representing people for cases like this for years, we may be able to help you.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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