We focus on the latest news surrounding data breaches, leaks and hacks plus daily internet security articles.
Social services data breaches can be extremely serious. Social services hold information on vulnerable children and their parents, and their job is to protect this information and safeguard the welfare of vulnerable children.
As such, data breaches of this nature can be extremely serious and can put vulnerable people at risk.
Your Lawyers (T/a The Data Leak Lawyers) are highly experienced in the complex area of data breach law as a leading firm in the UK, and we have been representing clients in privacy matters as far back as 2014. We are currently representing victims across dozens of multi-party and group action claims, and our expert team is ready to help you if you have been affected by a data breach; particularly any social services data breaches.
A serious Bristol City Council data breach has occurred, revealing the names of hundreds of disabled children as well as the email addresses for primary care providers.
A spokesperson for Bristol City Council has said that there will be staff training and improved systems and policies put into place to prevent any similar breaches from occurring in the future. We question why such measures were not already in place, and it has been suggested that the breach was the result of employee error.
We know how scary it is to have such sensitive data breached, and we can help you make a compensation claim to get you the justice you deserve.
Public sector GDPR violations are becoming a bigger and bigger problem for government data protection teams, and our work representing the victims has never been more important than now.
New research into public sector GDPR violations has reportedly indicated that understaffed teams and an increased workload are potentially leading to the occurrence of many more public sector data breaches than there should be. As a leading firm of data breach lawyers, this unfortunate issue does not come as a surprise to us.
If your personal data has been exposed as part of a public GDPR violation, you could be entitled to claim compensation on a No Win, No Fee basis. Depending on the nature of the information breached, and who it has been exposed to, or misused by, you could make a substantial compensation claim. We are specialists in the field of data breach law and the team is ready to help you with your claim.
A housing customer data breach can be extremely concerning to residents as they can easily expose highly sensitive data.
Information involved can include personal information such as names and addresses, as well as sensitive and protected information like sexual orientation, disabilities, ethnic origins, and more.
Data of this nature that is exposed can leave victims not only vulnerable to fraud, phishing scams, cold callers, and identity theft, but also to malicious attacks. This kind of information in the wrong hands could be the basis for racist or malicious incidents, so it is important that we address such risks.
On the 13th October 2020, Hackney Council suffered what could be a serious cyberattack that has reportedly affected systems and services for residents.
Data breaches such as this one can be extremely serious for any victims involved, and it could leave them vulnerable to cyber scams. If it is the case that personal and private information has been exposed, victims need to be wary and they need to know that they could be eligible to claim compensation.
Without knowing the exact information involved in the breach, we do not yet know the severity of the attack. We have represented claimants for similar breaches as a leading firm of data breach lawyers. We represent thousands of clients having launched over 45 group and multi-party data actions, including infamous ones such as the 2018 BA data breach event and the big 2017 Equifax cyberattack.
We can represent clients for compensation claims that can arise from an online council data leak. We can take forward eligible clients for cases on a No Win, No Fee basis.
One of the more common types of cases that we take forward are for council data breach compensation claims. They can be common given the nature and the extent of the information that they hold, which can lead to significant distress and problems for victims if it is ever exposed or misused.
Here is some brief guidance about how we may be able to help you. To speak to our team now for a free and no-obligation claims assessment, please don’t hesitate to contact us now.
In our view, the Flintshire Council data breach that led to the personal details of people being accidentally leaked online was another avoidable incident.
Despite the GDPR and the lessons that could – and should – have been learned from similar incidents in the past that have affected public and private organisations alike, these simple and avoidable leaks continue to take place.
As a leading firm of data breach lawyers, we are used to taking council data breach compensation claims forward because of how often these kinds of incidents take place. At a time when we should be seeing fewer of these kinds of leaks, we continue to take on significant numbers of new legal cases.
You could be eligible to claim compensation for a breach that has arisen from a council email data leak, and we may be able to represent you on a No Win, No Fee basis.
In this article, we will look at some common examples, as well as defining what a data leak compensation claim actually is. You can also speak to our team today for free and no-obligation advice about your options for justice here as well.
As a leading firm of data breach compensation lawyers, we’re here to help.
Victims of local authority data breaches can be entitled to claim compensation with our team with the benefit of our No Win, No Fee legal representation.
Council data breach compensation claims are one of the most common types of individual cases that we take forward for people. Of the thousands of clients that we represent, many involve local authorities and their various agencies and service providers, such as social services.
Victims could be entitled to receive thousands of pounds in damages, and we can recover compensation for our clients with our specialist representation. As a leading firm of data breach compensation lawyers, we may be able to help you.
Domestic abuse data breach compensation claims are one of the most sensitive types of legal cases that we represent people for on a No Win, No Fee basis.
If this is something that has affected you, there is a way that you can obtain some form of justice for what has happened. You could be eligible to claim compensation, and we will outline what this means and what you could claim for below.
You can also speak to us today for free, no-obligation advice on a confidential basis today as well.
Fill out our quick call back form below and we'll contact you when you're ready to talk to us.