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Category: Cybersecurity

cyberattack compensation
September 05, 2018

Equifax data breach fraud trends

It’s understood there have been cases of Equifax data breach fraud committed, perhaps, as a direct result of the breach itself.

Tech company, Forte, produced some stats that indicate some alarming figures in the wake of the Equifax data breach. The data can be interpreted as a possible spike in some fraud incidents after the Equifax data breach took place, which wouldn’t surprise us given the scale and nature of this monumental attack.

It’s another sign that we ought to be far more concerned with regards to data breaches than many people are.

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cyber attack
August 31, 2018

Ticketmaster cyber attack may just be the beginning

The recent Ticketmaster cyber attack we’ve launched an action for may just be the beginning as hackers are reportedly ready to attack again.

The Ticketmaster cyber attack was successful because the hackers were able to install malicious code into third-party software that Ticketmaster were using as part of their payment process. Inbenta, the authors of the code, say they didn’t know Ticketmaster were using their code for this purpose, and had they have known, they say they would have recommended against it on the grounds of security issues.

The growing trend of hackers looking to attack third-party code means the huge Ticketmaster cyber attack may well be just the beginning.

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data breach
August 29, 2018

Superdrug data breach victims held to ransom

The apparent Superdrug data breach has led to as many as 20,000 victims being held to ransom as hackers threaten to release information reportedly stolen in the breach.

Superdrug say they were contacted last week by hackers threatening to expose the personal data of customers affected by a breach. Hundreds of accounts appear to have been compromised so far as hackers have reportedly been able to verify the data they hold.

It’s assumed that a ransom is being demanded, although the details of any payment demands have not been made clear.

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By Author
August 21, 2018

My voice is my password system raises eyebrows

There has been some recent controversary over the government’s use of the ‘my voice is my password’ system.

Privacy campaigners have reportedly called for HRMC to delete the millions of recordings they hold for people who use the ‘my voice is my password’ system because they’ve failed to gain clear and proper consent from users of the system. The government say that the system is secure, and they have relied on implied consent; but privacy watchdogs are concerned over consent, security and storage.

Eyebrows have certainly been raised…

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executive charged
August 17, 2018

Ticketmaster UK data breach just the tip of the iceberg

The massive Ticketmaster UK data breach from June appears to be just the tip of the iceberg as part of a wider cyberattack campaign.

According to security researchers, the software that was hacked that led to the Ticketmaster data breach was one of many targeted and successfully hacked as part of a wider campaign to access the payment information for tens of thousands of people at a time across the world. This does not fill anyone who uses online payment platforms with a great deal of confidence, and given the scale of the online industry, how can we know for sure that we’re ever safe?

We’re representing a number of victims of the Ticketmaster UK data breach who are claiming compensation having had their information compromised.

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us and eu data breach laws
August 16, 2018

Equifax cyber hack fine avoided in the US

An Equifax cyber hack fine has been avoided in the US as the company struck a deal with regulators to change their ways and avoid a repeat of the incident.

The massive Equifax data breach that took place in 2017 was entirely preventable given it was caused by their failure to patch a known security vulnerability, and the fact that their own systems failed to identify the continuing vulnerability. As such, the avoidance of an Equifax cyber hack fine in the US has come as somewhat of a surprise, but this doesn’t mean that they won’t be fined here in the UK.

We’re acting for a group of victims of the Equifax breach here in the UK who are claiming compensation as a result of the incident.

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claims folder
August 10, 2018

Is there a Ticketmaster GDPR fine on the horizon?

Are we going to see a Ticketmaster GDPR fine given that at least some victims of their data breach had their information exposed after the May 2018 legislation change?

There are a few thing to look at when considering which legislation will apply; i.e. the old or the new. The breach actually spans across the deadline because some information in this breach was exposed both before and after the GDPR legislation came into force.

So, which will apply? Will the test be that the information was initially exposed before the deadline, meaning the old rules apply, or are we saying that the data being exposed after the deadline means GDPR will apply?

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equifax data breach
August 08, 2018

Was the Equifax breach just the beginning?

Was the Equifax breach – an action we are representing a group of individuals for – just the beginning in terms of cyberattacks against financial institutions?

When news broke of the Equifax breach, the world was left in shock that such a major financial institution could become a victim to what transpired to be a relatively simple attack that was entirely preventable. With almost 150 million people affected worldwide, and 700,000 of those victims here in the UK, and many not even knowing that Equifax held their data, it was the big breach of 2017; and the aftershock is still being felt to this day.

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cybersecurity issues
August 03, 2018

Who is responsible for data protection? Blame HR, apparently…

According to some recent and rather worrying research, the question as to who is responsible for data protection is that it’s a HR problem, some executives say.

According to a spread of UK executives who were asked about where the responsibilities are in terms of compromised credentials, like stolen or misused passwords, it’s a HR training issue.

It’s understood that one-fifth of respondents placed the responsibility in the hands of HR departments, with close to a thousand executives questioned. Some respondents also considered compromised credentials and weak passwords as very little risk to the business as well.

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By Author
August 02, 2018

Ransomware attacks still on the rise

Ransomware attacks are still on the rise, and we all have every reason to be very worried about the increasing trends we’re seeing.

According to at least one piece of recent research, 2018 has already seen double the rate of ransomware attacks so far, but what’s equally as concerning is that the attacks are changing tact to go for bigger targets to demand higher ransoms, and the hackers are enjoying success.

It’s a sign of the times, and we all need to be very careful to make sure we protect ourselves from the growing risks of ransomware attacks.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
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