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Category: Data

May 18, 2021

NurseryCam data breach

The recent NurseryCam data breach reportedly exposed the information of parents using the webcam service, which allows them to watch live footage of their kids at nursery.

Said to be in use across 40 nurseries in the UK, the company believes that the breach did not allow unauthorised users to view the webcam footage, but it nevertheless had the potential to cause a substantial violation of privacy had action not been taken quickly. It is currently unclear how many users of NurseryCam have been affected.

The news comes following a public dispute between NurseryCam and a cybersecurity expert, who had reportedly identified holes in the company’s defences prior to the data breach. As a result, the incident undoubtedly raises questions about the strength of the cybersecurity measures used by the company, and perhaps also the general attitude towards data protection among employees.

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breaches in the healthcare sector
May 17, 2021

Healthcare data breach spikes during COVID-19 pandemic

As governments and healthcare organisations strive to suppress COVID-19, the main numbers being counted are those of transmission rates. At the same time, data breach incidents may be rising in number without the attention their severity merits as well. In mid-2020, the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and its American counterpart, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), warned of the dangers of cyberattacks hitting healthcare organisations during the pandemic, given the immense strain which was already stretching their time and resources. With coronavirus prioritised, it may be that only time will tell what the true cost of these healthcare data breach spikes will be.

Through the data breach incidents of the past few years, many healthcare organisations have shown that they are poorly equipped to protect personal data. Whether the data breach consists of an accidental email or a large-scale cyberattack, the effects can be severe for the victims, and may put the organisation involved in breach of the law.

As leading specialists in data breach law, we help victims to claim compensation when their right to proper data protection has been breached. Contact us for free, no-obligation advice if you think you may have a claim.

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nhs trust data protection
May 14, 2021

Losing trust after data breaches

When data breaches occur, the effect on the victims can be extremely severe, as they can be exposed to many different kinds of data misuse. The psychological impact of a data breach can sometimes be its worst consequence, with the majority of victims suffering some degree of stress or anxiety. As such, it is unsurprising that many victims lose trust after data breaches, not only in the third party that caused the breach, but more generally, as they may find it difficult and worrisome to disclose data under any circumstances in future.

Although it may be difficult to lessen your worries, it is important to remember that the law is on your side. We are here to help anyone claim the compensation the GDPR can entitle them to in the event that a third party fails to protect their personal data.

Contact us for advice today if you think you may have a claim to make. We are Your Lawyers – The Data Leak Lawyers – and we are a leading firm of data lawyers who are here to fight your corner.

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May 12, 2021

Confidential medical records on the dark web

Containing some of the most sensitive information we may ever disclose to a third party, our medical records require substantial protection, as all personal data does. Unfortunately, health organisations can be prime targets for hackers because of the value of this sensitive data, a problem that is often exacerbated by the failure of these organisations to implement sufficient cybersecurity methods. As a result, cybercriminals may be circulating countless medical records on the dark web, and victims need to know what to do.

If a third-party organisation fails to protect your personal data, in can be very difficult to prevent yourself from being exposed to the dangers of cybercrime. Because a data breach can come with a significant financial and emotional cost, the law can entitle you to claim compensation for the harm caused.

As leading, specialists in data breach law, we aim to help all victims who come to us to achieve the justice they deserve where we can. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any enquiries about making a data breach claim.

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cyberattack compensation
May 11, 2021

Data for sale online

In today’s digital age, we give out so much of our personal information to third parties, whether it’s an online fashion store or a delivery giant, that many undervalue the risks of data disclosure. While entrusting your data to a third party should not be unsafe in any way, the dangers that can arise if that third party has poor cybersecurity and falls victim to a hack, following which the cybercriminals may put up the data for sale online, can be serious.

Even the smallest amount of information can be a powerful weapon in the arsenal of criminals. They can use this valuable resource for themselves or sell it on for profit, thus exposing the data to wider misuse.

The risks of data sale should never be underestimated, a fact that we are keen to highlight in our work as leading data protection lawyers. We advocate data breach victims who want to stand up for their right to proper data protection, so contact us to find out if you could be eligible for a compensation claim.

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The Financial Conduct Authority data breach
May 10, 2021

The Financial Conduct Authority data breach- one year on

In February last year, the Financial Conduct Authority data breach hit the news after the regulator was forced to admit that it had inadvertently exposed confidential consumer information.

The breach represented a humiliating blunder for the FCA, a government watchdog that regulates the UK financial services sector.

Indeed, as an authority that frequently investigates the security and data handling of other organisations, there was an embarrassing irony to the incident for the FCA. Although the data breach took place a year ago, any affected victims may still be eligible to claim compensation. We are still taking on claims, so contact us for advice about your potential claim.

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data breach
May 07, 2021

Claims for the Robert Dyas data breach

In April last year, we began taking on cases for victims affected by the Robert Dyas data breach, which resulted in the exposure of affected customers’ personal and financial information.

Affected victims have been contacted in relation to the breach, and we want to remind anyone who has yet to claim that they may be entitled to receive compensation for the harm caused.

The hack affecting hardware retail company Robert Dyas occurred around the time its stores were closed in response to the first UK lockdown, when customers began turning to online sales. It seems that the cybercriminals involved were keen to capitalise on the increased traffic to the online store, during a period in which Robert Dyas had to limit transactions to £50 as a result of the overwhelming influx of purchases.

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data breach deleting information
May 05, 2021

Human error GDPR breach – legal advice

A huge volume of data breaches in recent years were caused by human error, and the frequency with which such breaches happen does not seem to be lessening. A human error GDPR breach can be no less serious than a mass cyberattack. In fact, it can be due to the mistake or overall negligence of employees that data hacks are allowed to occur in the first place.

In either scenario, vast amounts of information can end up being exposed.

It is simply unacceptable that failing to carry out basic data protection procedures is still a primary culprit of data leaks, even in today’s digital world. Data protection guidelines have been enshrined in law for many years now, and the GDPR should have further moved organsations to repair any holes in their defences, yet human error continues to provoke data breaches. Anyone who has fallen victim to such a data breach may be eligible to claim compensation for any damage caused to them, so contact us if you would like to be advised on your right to claim.

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Watford Community Housing email breach
May 04, 2021

Watford Community Housing email leak

Just over one year has passed since the Watford Community Housing email leak, in which thousands of tenants’ personal information was exposed. The data was leaked as a result of an email sent on 23rd March 2020, to which a spreadsheet containing a list of all 3,545 tenants was accidentally attached.

Your Lawyers – The Data Leak Lawyers – as a leading firm of specialist data compensation lawyers, believe that victims of the email leak have been affected by a significant breach of their right to data protection. This is why we have been taking on compensation claims on behalf of the victims, and we now represent a large group of victims affected by the incident.

If you were also affected by the data breach, it is not too late to start your claim, so contact us to receive advice on your case. It does not matter that the breach was brought about by an accidental email error, as all data breach victims can still be entitled to access justice, regardless of the circumstances. Given the progress of our cases so far, we remain confident in achieving a successful outcome.

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council email data leaks
May 03, 2021

Billions of email addresses and passwords leaked in COMB breach

The recent COMB breach is being labelled as the biggest data leak of all time, with billions of email addresses and passwords exposed online.

The pairs of emails and passwords are said to amount to 3.2 billion, meaning a huge proportion of internet users may have been affected.

The COMB breach is damning proof of the cybercrime crisis affecting the world, suggesting that data theft appears to be out of control. Although cybercriminals are developing more sophisticated ways of hacking databases, it is also true that some data controllers are not taking their data protection duties as seriously as they need to be. The monumental COMB breach should be a wake-up call to all companies and organisations that hold and process private information, particularly those which do not have the cybersecurity defences that the law requires of them.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
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We will fight for your right to compensation.
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