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Category: Employee Data Breach

executive charged
March 23, 2021

Data leaks from outsourcing

For businesses with expanding opportunities and responsibilities, it often becomes necessary to hire external providers and suppliers to ensure the efficiency of company operations. Data leaks from outsourcing can unfortunately occur when these external providers lapse in protecting the information held by the company they work with.

However, when a data leak does arise, it is not acceptable for the affected company to simply shift the blame onto an external supplier or provider. Ultimately, the responsibility to protect the information of customers, members and employees falls on the organisation itself as a result of the legal duties that they must adhere to. Even in cases where an external provider caused the leak, the victims can still be eligible to claim compensation either way.

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Dyfed-Powys Police enforcement notice
March 22, 2021

Derbyshire police officer evades dismissal over data protection breach

A constable at Derbyshire Police has recently faced a misconduct hearing over allegations of unlawfully accessing records of a police incident and then sharing a photo of the file with colleagues.

Although the officer’s actions contravened policing standards and data protection law, he has escaped dismissal and will be allowed to continue serving at Derbyshire Police.

Regardless of the verdict of the hearing, a breach such as this should never have occurred at all. Testaments to the officer’s reportedly “excellent” work as an officer do not erase his culpability for what has been regarded as an incredibly reckless action. As an organisation with access to extensive personal data, the police service has a vital duty to be rigorous in data protection and we should all feel safe that our information with them is secure. Our trust in the police should never be abused.

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council email data leaks
February 16, 2021

Staff information data leaks

Often, the most high-profile data leaks involve customer data being leaked by a third-party organisation as, in these cases, the hit to the company’s reputation and revenue can be perceived as more significant. However, staff information data leaks can be just as costly, as they can expose extremely sensitive information related to the internal operations of a business.

In many cases, such leaks can be entirely preventable, and they may never have occurred if companies and their staff had rigidly followed data protection protocol. Nowadays, there should really be no excuse for accidents and mistakes, as the GDPR requires that any company in possession of private data follows stringent regulations.

At Your Lawyers – T/A The Data Leak Lawyers – we are a leading data compensation law firm that is here to help any staff member who has fallen victim to a data leak provoked by their own organisation. You may be entitled to claim thousands of pounds in compensation.

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By Ella p
February 15, 2021

School cyberattacks and data protection

School cyberattacks represent some of the most significant threats to data privacy in the UK, primarily because of the sensitivity of the information that school systems hold.

While cybersecurity procedures will hopefully be followed well by most staff, the effects can be dangerous when a cyberattack exposes children, parent, or staff information.

Teachers and schools have an important duty of care for their pupils and are often privy to confidential information to allow them to protect children and provide tailored educational plans. This means that a lot of private information falls under their protection, whether this is provided by children and families, or shared with them by social services.

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By Ella p
claim for an accidental data
February 10, 2021

Sheffield Council data breaches

While large-scale data breaches are often the ones that hit the headlines, the reported Sheffield Council data breaches represent an example of how individual data breaches can build up and amount to significant information being exposed.

Over the course of 2019 and 2020, Sheffield City Council is understood to have recorded a total of 231 incidents, 92 of which were breaches involving personal data.

At the Your Lawyers – T/A the Data Leak Lawyers – we have been representing clients in privacy cases since 2014 as a leading firm of data breach compensation lawyers. We believe that councils must be held accountable for any inadequacies when it comes to data protection, so we are here to help you with council data breach compensation claims now.

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data leak and data breach compensation
February 01, 2021

Now: Pensions data breach

An employee error has recently brought about the Now: Pensions data breach, leading to the online exposure of customers’ personal details.

Now: Pensions, one of the UK’s largest pension providers, was involved in a breach of data protection duties through this leak. The result of the incident left the names, dates of birth, home addresses, and National Insurance numbers of trusting customers vulnerable to misuse.

The firm has accounted for the breach by explaining that a contractor from an external partner inadvertently uploaded the data to a public forum. Although the data was only public for a brief period of time and was removed as soon as the error was identified, the idea that the company’s procedures and systems could not protect against such a mistake is worrying.

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mobile devices
January 26, 2021

Workplace data breach and the impact on employees

In a workplace data breach, the exposure of employee information can be devastating for the reputation of the company and its overall operations.

But the personal impact on staff members can be the most harmful effect, and this is the element that we focus on.

If you have been the victim of a data breach in your workplace, Your Lawyers is here to support you in the face of the errors or neglect of your employer. In the event that your information has been processed incorrectly or insufficiently protected, you could be eligible to claim compensation for any harm caused to you. 

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police data breach claims
December 22, 2020

Misuse of Police database for personal use data breach compensation advice

Taking advantage of the police database for personal use can amount to an extreme breach of privacy and an abuse of power by the individual accessing the information.

Accessing the police database for personal use means that the person who is accessing personal and sensitive data does not have the authority or right to do so, and it may not relate to any past or active cases of the individual.

In many cases, the data breach victim is known to the employee and it is a case of data snooping. Data breaches of this nature can be severe and may involve someone the police officer has a negative relationship with, meaning the risks can be significant. Under no circumstances should staff abuse the police database for personal use. If they do, and you have been a victim of a data breach of this nature, you could be eligible to make a data breach compensation claim with the Data Leak Lawyers today.

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Sandicliffe car dealership data breach
November 10, 2020

Sandicliffe car dealership data breach

It has been reported that the Sandicliffe car dealership data breach occurred earlier this year in February and could possibly affect hundreds or thousands of people.

The data breach stemmed from a cyberattack that was a result of a phishing scam and it is currently unknown exactly how many people could have been affected. Information exposed could include personal and sensitive data such as financial information and medical details.

As a leading firm of data breach compensation specialists fighting for justice for thousands of victims in over 50 group and multi-party actions, we are offering No Win, No Fee legal support for anyone affected by the cyberattack.

If you have been affected by this breach, speak to a member of our team today for free and no-obligation advice here.

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medical test results
September 28, 2020

Claim compensation for medical data leaked online

You could be eligible to claim compensation for medical data leaked online, and you could be entitled to pursue a legal case on a No Win, No Fee basis.

As a leading firm of data breach compensation lawyers, this is an area of the law that we specifically specialise in. These kinds of claims can be complex, but we have been representing people for medical privacy cases since 2014. We have pioneered legal action for some of the most infamous events, including the 56 Dean Street Clinic leak of 2015. What this means for you is that you can benefit from our significant experience and we can fight for your right to justice.

Here is how we can help you today.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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