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Category: Financial Data Breaches

data breach compensation for card skimming
September 15, 2020

Compensation for a debit or credit card data scam

You could be entitled to claim compensation for a debit or credit card data scam event with our No Win, No Fee legal representation.

There are several ways in which payment card data can be misused and/or exposed as a result of a data breach, and the GDPR provides people with rights that are enshrined in law. Data breach compensation pay-outs for events like this can be substantial, especially when particularly personal and sensitive data is involved in a breach.

As a leading firm of UK data breach and consumer action lawyers representing thousands of clients for individual cases, having launched over 45 group and multi-party actions, our experience speaks for itself.

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email breach
September 09, 2020

Pensions Management Institute data breach

The Pensions Management Institute data breach is understood to have affected 1,700 people after hackers gained access to the Outlook account of a PMI employee.

We understand that those whose information has been exposed in the attack have been targeted with emails directing them to a third-party website. Victims of the security incident are at an immediate risk of fraud and theft and will need to be vigilant for any contact that they now may receive.

As a leading firm of data breach lawyers, we are used to representing clients for these kinds of cases. The standard tricks that criminals use to steal money and further information can work, and people need to be careful.

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data breach compensation for card skimming
July 22, 2020

Data breach compensation for card skimming

You could be entitled to claim data breach compensation for card skimming events where data is stolen when you input your information into a legitimate website that has been compromised.

As a leading firm of data breach compensation specialists, this is an area of law we have a great deal of expertise in. We represent thousands of clients for group and multi-party actions, as well as for individual legal cases, and many involve skimming events.

You could be entitled to damages if your information has been misused or exposed in this way. Here’s how we may be able to help you.

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compensation for e-skimming fraud
June 19, 2020

Compensation for e-skimming fraud and data theft

You could be entitled to claim compensation for e-skimming fraud and data theft events with our team on a No Win, No Fee basis today.

This kind of cyberattack is a growing problem and we expect to see more events of its kind take place over the coming months and years. Some of the over 45 group and multi-party actions that we’re involved with involve such events as well.

As a leading firm of data breach and consumer action lawyers, we represent thousands of clients for cases and we may be able to help you too.

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By Author
June 16, 2020

NHS ransomware attacks: rights for victims

Victims of NHS ransomware attacks can be entitled to claim data breach compensation with our expert team on a No Win, No Fee basis today.

Attacks against public sectors can be common because cybercriminals do target what they deem to be weaker systems, and this includes the NHS. In 2017, the WannaCry ransomware attack specifically targeted older and more outdated systems that may not be up to date, and the NHS was hit hard. There’s a trove of incredibly personal and sensitive data that the NHS is responsible for, which is another reason as to why it’s a target.

It’s the government’s responsibility to ensure that the NHS is fully protected against cyberattacks by properly funding our national healthcare service. For victims of a successful cyberattack, their rights are enshrined in law, and it’s important that we address this.

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easyJet data breach
May 19, 2020

easyJet data breach

Breaking news today: 9 million customers are thought to be affected by the significant easyJet data breach, with over 2,000 people’s credit card details stolen.

Personal information and travel data are understood to have been exposed in a “highly sophisticated” cyberattack, and victims may be at an immediate risk of fraud and scams. As experts in the niche and complex area of law of data protection negligence, we know the true extent of how dangerous information can be in the hands of criminals.

The airline could face a significant number of compensation claims, and we’re investigating the issues now. We have been contacted for media comment and have issued advice to the press in relation to fines and legal actions.

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Flagship Group cyberattack
March 03, 2020

Data Lawyers representing victims of LOQBOX data breach

We have been contacted by victims of the LOQBOX data breach since Saturday, and we immediately offered No Win, No Fee agreements for the several victims that got in touch.

LOQBOX has been hacked and customers are being informed about the potential exposure of personal information. As accessible lawyers, we were open over the weekend from 9am to 5pm to help victims who were receiving breach notification emails, and we have taken compensation claims forward.

If you’ve been informed that you were a victim of the LOQBOX hack, we could represent you for a claim for compensation. As a leading firm of specialist data breach lawyers that are proudly representing people in over 30 different group and multi-party actions, with thousands of people coming to us for our expertise, we can help you.

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By Author
February 20, 2020

Cyber theft compensation claims

We represent a lot of victims for cyber theft compensation claims. This includes individual claims and the many people involved in our group and multi-party actions.

We can represent victims for compensation cases on a No Win, No Fee basis if they’re eligible to claim with us. We understand that the impact of having your information exposed and / or stolen can be devastating, and organisations are still not doing enough to protect the valuable data that they store and process.

As a leading firm of data breach compensation experts that have been fighting for the rights of victims for a lot longer than many other firms, we can help you.

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data theft risks
October 30, 2019

Accountant data breach compensation claims

An accountant data breach could lead to a significant amount of personal and sensitive information being misused or exposed, which is why the rights of victims to claim compensation is important.

Accountants and accountancy firms are in that category of companies responsible for processing and storing a great deal of sensitive information. The most obvious type of course is financial information, both on a personal level and on a company level.

Accountants are a target given the wealth and the nature of data they hold, so it’s important that they ensure they’re properly defended. Where a breach occurs, victims can be entitled to make a claim for data breach compensation.

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check online banking accounts
October 16, 2019

Compensation for a financial information data breach

We can offer No Win, No Fee representation for victims who claim compensation for a financial information data breach with us.

Although we often talk about claiming for the distress of a breach, those who lose money can be entitled to recover what has been lost as well. This is in addition to the distress for the fact that the breach has happened in the first place.

With the number of cyber incidents in the financial services sector said to be increasing, this is an important area for us to offer our expert advice and services for.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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