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Category: Government

Nursing Home data breaches
May 01, 2020

Nursing home data breaches

Nursing home data breaches can have a devastating impact on the victims. When victims are already elderly and vulnerable, the impact can be worsened.

As a leading consumer action and data breach compensation law firm, it’s important for us to make sure that people know their rights. If you or someone you know has been affected by a data breach involving a nursing home, there is action that you can take.

We may be able to pursue a claim for compensation for the victim on a No Win, No Fee basis.

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Home Office data breaches government data breach leak
April 10, 2020

Home Office data breach compensation claim

No one is above important data protection legislation. Victims can be eligible to make a Home Office data breach compensation claim when information is leaked, exposed, or misused, and we can help.

It’s important to know that there’s no hiding from important data protection laws. It applies to all, and this includes public sector bodies and government departments. With a recent spate of hundreds of Home Office data breach reported in the media, it’s important that victims understand their rights.

We’re here to help. If we can represent you for a compensation claim, we can offer No Win, No Fee representation.

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March 31, 2020

Watford Community Housing data breach advice

The Watford Community Housing data breach is a particularly sensitive incident, and victims can be entitled to make a claim for compensation with us on a No Win, No fee basis.

According to the WCH website, an email was sent on the 23rd March 2020 that contained the personal details for several of its customers. They say that this was a “human error” incident and that the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has been informed about the incident, as well as reporting the matter to their regulator.

Here’s how we can help you and what you need to do as a victim of the breach to get the right legal advice and help that you need. As a leading firm of data breach law specialists, we’re here for you.

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unsecured database compensation claims
March 20, 2020

NHS is vulnerable to cyberattacks: still

The fact that the NHS is vulnerable to cyberattacks – especially when compared to many other organisations – is not a new thing at all; but the continuing risk is a continual concern.

A recent report by ZDNet is understood to have demonstrated that some half a million computers being used by the NHS are still running older and outdated software, like Windows 7 Operating Systems. What this means is that the systems and software they’re using may not be good enough to prevent a cyberattack, which is a huge cause for concern.

We must appreciate that patients’ lives are at risk as well as the fact that any medical data exposure case is usually significant given the type of information involved. What needs to be done, and what can the victims to?

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data breach deleting information
February 19, 2020

Department for Work and Pensions data breaches

We represent victims for Department for Work and Pensions data breaches, and we know that the impact in terms of the distress suffered can be severe.

Public sector data breaches are one of the most common types of legal cases that we take forward for people on a No Win, No Fee basis. Given the ongoing resource restraints that many areas of the public sector are under, it’s not uncommon to see incidents that involve organisations like the DWP. Victims do not have to suffer in silence, and they have the right to make a claim for compensation with us.

As a leading firm of data breach compensation experts that have been helping thousands of people for years in this complex and niche area of law, we can help you.

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confidential lawyers
February 12, 2020

Foster care data breach advice

A foster care data breach is one of the most sensitive and significant types of cases that we represent clients for on a No Win, No Fee basis.

A lot of claims we take forward involve social services matters, and it’s the adoption agency and fostering matters that can often be the worst. Many victims are vulnerable children, and the families associated can suffer when a breach takes place as well.

As a leading firm of data breach compensation experts that has been specialising in this niche and complex area of law for a lot longer than most other firms, we can help you the right way.

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domestic abuse data breach
February 05, 2020

Social care data breach compensation claims

A victim of a social care data breach can benefit from our No Win, No Fee guarantees when a claim for compensation is made with our expert representation.

When it comes to individual legal cases, we help a lot of people with data breaches that involve social services, or that have stemmed from a particular social worker. It’s usually the council and local authorities that deal with cases as many aspects of social services falls within their area of control.

We know from years of experience that these kinds of cases can have a devastating impact on the victim. Data breach compensation values are usually based on the severity of the impact on the victim and, in these claims, the pay-outs can be high.

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council data protection breach claim government data leaks
November 27, 2019

Government data breaches are serious, and here’s why

Government data breaches can be incredibly serious, and when you look at why, it’s obvious. Victims of these kinds of data breaches should know their rights for justice as well, and this goes for both national and local government organisations.

I heard recently that a survey suggested that some IT bosses in the public sector consider that the data they hold is not as valuable as data in the private sector. Clearly, some of these individuals do not grasp the gravity of the extent of data that’s stored and processed by public sector organisations and would do well to consider this.

Given the nature of the data that they hold, and for how many people, any breach, leak or hack can be serious.

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November 20, 2019

School GDPR breach incidents won’t go unpunished

The new legislation that came into force in May 2018 could lead to many incidents and violations, and this includes issues involving a school GDPR breach.

We must remember that all organisations – no matter how big or how small, or whether they’re private or public – are responsible for complying with the GDPR. For schools, not only is the duty there, but we must also account for the fact that the data subjects are young; and therefore vulnerable individuals.

Although schools will need to have adapted in similar ways that businesses have, they cannot take for granted the extra care required given that it’s children involved. If a breach occurs, victims should know their rights.

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claim for an accidental data
August 07, 2019

Sunderland Council data breach incidents in GDPR world

Issues surrounding a number of Sunderland Council data breach incidents have hit the headlines in recent weeks, with some 170 incidents said to have been recorded.

In the GDPR era, councils and local authority agencies must take their data protection responsibilities seriously. They hold a lot of information about a lot of people, and if this is exposed, the impact on the victim can be severe.

A large volume of the individual cases we take forward are for council data breach compensation claims because of how often they can occur, and because of nature of the information that can be exposed or misused.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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