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Category: Hacking News

data breaches in hospitals
November 09, 2020

Data breaches in hospitals – legal advice

Data breaches are often serious, and data breaches in hospitals can be some of the most dangerous and serious types of incidents there can be.

Hospitals hold extremely sensitive information about a huge number of individuals, and that information can be very dangerous in the wrong hands. It can also be distressing for victims when such information is exposed.

Medical databases are commonly attacked by cybercriminals, and we represent thousands of people for data breaches with many of them involving hospitals data and incredibly sensitive medical information. This information can be targeted for a variety of reasons, including for the monetary value of highly sensitive data that can be held for ransom. read more

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Flagship Group cyberattack
November 06, 2020

Flagship Group cyberattack announced

The Flagship Group cyberattack is still causing problems for the Norwich-based housing company with many of their systems and services still offline.

According to the company, they were hit by a major cyberattack on the 1st November, which took many of their systems offline and reduced their available services. To prevent further issues worsening, Flagship Group has taken further systems down, and it is understood that some systems have now been inaccessible for the week.

The BBC says that Flagship Homes own and manage 31,000 homes in England and employ over 1,200 people in their repairs, facilities, heating and maintenance departments. The numbers in terms of anyone who may be affected by the data breach are currently unknown, but these figures could mean that a substantial volume of information is at risk of exposure.

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hospital ransomware attacks
November 04, 2020

Victims claim compensation when healthcare records are hacked

Eligible victims could claim compensation if their healthcare records are hacked. Personal information is hacked for a variety of reasons which is why we represent thousands of people for compensation claims arising from data breach events.

Medical records contain highly sensitive data that criminals can use to exploit victims or gain profit from, such as holding the information to ransom. Medical records usually contain extremely personal or valuable information, such as dates of birth, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, national insurance numbers, and even salary details on occasions, as well as names and contact information. This is on top of details about treatment and healthcare matters which are incredibly sensitive too.

It is important that people know their rights.

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data breach fraud
November 03, 2020

Data breaches can put your sensitive information in the hands of criminals

In the digital age, it is almost impossible to not provide personal information online, which could put your sensitive data in the hands of criminals if a breach occurs.

We have to trust companies to keep our sensitive data private and secure, but companies often suffer data breaches, both big and small. These breaches can be the result of many things, including system errors, cyber-attacks, employee errors, or poor security measures.

We are experts in the niche area of data breach law as a leading firm in the UK and can help eligible victims of a data breach claim the compensation that they deserve.

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cybersecurity issues
November 02, 2020

Hackney Council Data Breach

On the 13th October 2020, Hackney Council suffered what could be a serious cyberattack that has reportedly affected systems and services for residents.

Data breaches such as this one can be extremely serious for any victims involved, and it could leave them vulnerable to cyber scams. If it is the case that personal and private information has been exposed, victims need to be wary and they need to know that they could be eligible to claim compensation.

Without knowing the exact information involved in the breach, we do not yet know the severity of the attack. We have represented claimants for similar breaches as a leading firm of data breach lawyers. We represent thousands of clients having launched over 45 group and multi-party data actions, including infamous ones such as the 2018 BA data breach event and the big 2017 Equifax cyberattack.

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healthcare data breaches caused by human error nhs staff medical record breaches
October 27, 2020

Why hackers target medical records

There are many reasons as to why hackers target medical records. This is why it’s so important for organisations to protect private and sensitive healthcare information, and justice for victims when they are misused or exposed is equally as important.

Claims for compensation for medical records data breaches are some of the  most serious that we deal with. We represent thousands of clients for cases as a leading firm of data breach lawyers, so we can tell you this from considerable experience.

Here is our insight into why hackers target this kind of information, and what victims can do when data is misused or exposed.

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cybersecurity month
October 19, 2020

Cybersecurity month: importance of protection and legal representation

This October marks the 8th year of the European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM), and it is an important thing to mark as a leading firm of data breach compensation lawyers.

Starting in 2012, the event brings together parties across Europe to unite against cyber threats and dangers. It is important to know how to protect yourself online against cyber criminals and hackers, and it is also important to know where to turn to in the event that you have been the victim of a breach.

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passwords are exposed in cyberattacks
October 08, 2020

What can you do about passwords found on the dark web?

As growing numbers of cyberattacks plague the UK and the rest of the world, more and more people are suffering due to passwords found on the dark web.

The dark web consists of areas of the world wide web that are usually accessible with the use of specific software or authorisations. It is where hackers can sell information that has been hacked, and where criminals can go to find information to exploit.

If one or more of your passwords has been found to have been breached, what can you do about it?

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fraud from cyberattacks hotel data breaches
October 06, 2020

Fraud from cyberattacks – legal right to compensation

You could be legally owed thousands of pounds in data breach compensation for fraud from cyberattacks, even if you have not lost any money at all.

The law is on your side, and you could be entitled to claim thousands of pounds in damages for any distress caused as a result of fraud, or the threat of fraud, from an attack. As a leading firm of data law experts, we can represent you for a case, and we may be able to do so on a No Win, No Fee basis.

Read on for more advice.

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Dyfed-Powys Police enforcement notice
October 05, 2020

Leading Data Lawyers concerned to learn of Greater Manchester Police data breach

As a leading firm of UK data breach compensation lawyers, we are incredibly concerned to learn of the Greater Manchester Police data breach that may affect thousands of victims of serious crime.

Representing thousands of clients for No Win, No Fee compensation cases for individual claims and in over 45 group action matters, our team is dedicated to fighting for the rights of those whose personal and sensitive information has been exposed or misused. We have seen how damaging a leak like this can be, and we have settled serious privacy compensation claims having been specialising in this area of law for over the last six years.

If you have been affected by this incident, we may be able to help you.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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