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Category: Hacking News

May 16, 2017

Data breach affects over 26,000 Debenhams customers

A recent hack saw thousands of Debenhams Flowers customer details compromised.

The hack was targeted at the staple retailer’s flowers website, but their primary website Debenhams.com is not thought to be affected.

Debenhams has reportedly notified affected customers, and issued a statement:

“Debenhams has taken immediate steps to minimise risk to customers affected and made contact with all those customers whose data has been accessed.”

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May 12, 2017

Colossal NHS cyber-hack attacks systems, forcing hospitals to move emergency patients

The NHS are being held to ransom after a huge cyber-attack has thrown IT and phone systems in to chaos.

As the networking system has been crippled by malicious software, huge amounts of IT systems have been shut down to prevent further damage, seriously impacting the level of care the NHS can provide.

Cyber criminals are reportedly holding the network systems hostage for an undisclosed sum while watching the nation’s health service struggle to cope. Physicians are understood to be using pen and paper to made medical notes, and real lives are in real danger.
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May 09, 2017

Cyber-attacks increased by 300% in 2016

Top digital security provider Gemalto released a Breach Level Index (BLI) report on cyber-attacks and compromised data records in 2016. They found a total of 1,792 data breaches last year alone, leading to around 1.378 billion data records being illegally accessed.

Since 2013, over 7 billion data records have reportedly been stolen across the globe. And these are just the ones that have been reported. To break this number down, this equals to:

  • 4,501,854 records lost or stolen every day
  • 187,577 every hour
  • 3,126 every minute
  • 52 every second.

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April 27, 2017

Are large teaching hospitals more likely to have data breaches?

A new study finds that teaching hospitals are more likely to suffer from data leaks.

In a new study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), researchers found that larger health care providers and teaching hospitals are more likely to have data breaches. At the John Hopkins Carey Business School, Assistant Professor Ge Bai identified that around 1,800 data breaches were reported in the last 7 years, and he found that, the larger the hospital, the more data breaches occur.
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aqa data breach
April 25, 2017

Exam Board, AQA, reportedly compromised 64,000 examiners’ personal details

A school examining board has recently fallen victim to a mass data breach, compromising approximately 64,000 current and former examiners’ personal information.

AQA’s online systems were reportedly hacked on the 21st March 2017. These online systems stored examiners’ name, addresses, personal phone numbers, and passwords. The examining board were quick to stress that the attacked systems didn’t store any financial details or any personal data of the schools, pupils or exam material.
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April 20, 2017

Data of 100,000 U.S. Student loan applicants hacked

Regulators have identified that up to 100,000 student loan applicants could have had their personal information stolen by hackers.

This comes after a “data retrieval tool” that allowed applicants to upload their tax information to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which was hacked by criminals. John Koskinen, head Commissioner for the IRS, has been investigating the ways in which the breach could have happened.
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April 19, 2017

RinGo Parking App Potentially Leaks 2,000 Customers Details

It’s almost impossible to avoid everyday news of another company being added to the long list of data breach perpetrators and here’s another one…

Parking app “RinGo” is the latest company to suffer a breach. The app supposedly removes the hassle of paying for parking, making it quick and easy without the need to queue.

After the company updated their app, hundreds of customers reportedly saw other people’s details when they tried to log into the app.
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mcdonalds canada hack
April 17, 2017

95,000 McDonald’s applicants personal information hacked

Food for thought: McDonald’s is the next big corporation to fall victim to a major cyber-attack.

A McDonald’s Canadian unit said that 95,000 job applications were compromised from a cyber-attack that took place on the 31st March. It’s believed that the cyber-attackers retrieved information such as names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and employment backgrounds from a careers website.

The users affected by the hack are said to be candidates who applied for jobs at one of Canadian branches between March 2014 and March 2017.
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yahoo hack - were the russians to blame?
April 05, 2017

Was the Russian intelligence service involved in the Yahoo hacking scandal?

Two Russian intelligence agents and two hackers have been formally accused of stealing more than 500 million U.S. Yahoo email accounts.

Officers of the FSB, the internal security of the Russian state, allegedly commissioned cyber-hackers to access Yahoo’s email network to steal half a billion accounts of ordinary users, as well as data for U.S. officials and CEO’s of large corporations.
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March 24, 2017

Huge hack affects thousands of NHS staff

Thousands of NHS staff in Wales have had their private information stolen after hackers accessed their details through an IT contractor’s server.

The private information included:

  • Full names;
  • Dates of Birth;
  • National Insurance Numbers;
  • Radiation doses.

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