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Category: Hacking News

May 16, 2016

Millions of email accounts hacked by Russian hacker; or not?

Last week reports emerged that 272 million email accounts had been put up for sale on the dark web by a Russian hacker.

It spread an understandable wave of panic across the world as people scoured the internet to find out if their account had been compromised.

However, digital security experts now believe that the hack may have been a fake as part of a publicity stunt launched by the researcher who claimed to have discovered it.
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April 29, 2016

Millions of users of hacked dating website ‘Beautiful People’ personal info sold online

The personal details of 1.2 million users of the dating website Beautiful People are being sold online.

Members information for the dating site which caters for what they consider to be “beautiful people only” where users are voted in by existing users over a 48 hour period, is now being sold on the black market. The information available includes names, ratings, dates of birth, social habits, educational backgrounds, locations, income and financial information, personal interests, sexual preferences, and passwords.

Millions of messages sent between users are also said to have been leaked as well.
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March 17, 2016

Hackers hit BBC, MSN, AOL, New York Times, and host of others with fake adverts

Just this week we were posting about the rise of ransomware, and today the news agencies are reporting of a malicious attack that has infected users with ransomware when hackers were able to take control of banner adverts that linked to malicious software.

The hackers managed to gain control of a domain that the former owners didn’t renew, meaning that legitimate ad agencies were inadvertently displaying adverts that linked to a separate page that then tried to put ransomware on to their computers.
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