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Category: Healthcare

outsourcer data breaches
July 22, 2022

NHS Trust data protection breach compensation

NHS Trust data protection is incredibly important to get right to make sure that people’s information and right to privacy is protected and respected.

Any breach of vital data protection legislation can lead to people’s personal information being exposed or misused. If this happens, the distress that can be caused to the victims can be substantial, and data breach claims for compensation and damages pay-outs can reflect this.

We represent thousands of clients for data breach claims as a leading firm of specialist privacy compensation lawyers. You can speak to our team here now for free, no-obligation legal advice.

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organisational policies and
July 13, 2022

Princess Alexandra Hospital data snooping

We have been notified of a Princess Alexandra Hospital data snooping event in which medical information has been subject to an information breach.

We have agreed to take legal action forward and on a No Win, No Fee basis to investigate the issues and see whether there are viable claims for compensation to be pursued. We understand that notifications are being issued to patients affected and that the breach occurred last year.

If you have been notified that you could be affected by this incident, please do not hesitate to contact our team for free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

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affected by a cyberattack
July 06, 2022

Phishing emails after data breaches

Phishing emails after data breaches can be a common occurrence, as criminals and hackers use exposed information to try to commit fraud and theft.

Your Lawyers, as leading Data Leak Lawyers, know all too well the risks that people face, which is why our work as privacy claims specialists is incredibly important. We are here to support our clients and pursue justice in the form of a compensation claim for any distress or harm that they have suffered when personal information has been misused or exposed.

You can contact the team here now to find out if you are eligible to claim; No Win, No Fee.

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workplace medical data
June 24, 2022

NHS Trust data breach compensation

Claiming compensation for an NHS Trust data breach is your fundamental legal right if you have suffered due to your medical information being exposed or misused.

Your Lawyers, as leading Data Leak Lawyers, are used to helping people claim damages for these kinds of cases, and we have done so since 2014. We can offer No Win, No Fee legal representation to eligible clients, so what do you have to lose in claiming? With our average pay-out (as of mid-2022) still at just over £6,000, you could have a lot to gain.

Speak to the team here for free, no-obligation advice about how we can help you today.

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data leaks in the healthcare
June 06, 2022

British Pregnancy Advisory Service data leak

We are taking legal action having received instructions about the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) email data leak that occurred earlier this year.

Your Lawyers, as leading Data Leak Lawyers, is often contacted by those affected by such privacy breaches. We are always happy to advise those who approach us and, for eligible clients, we are able to offer No Win, No Fee legal representation.

You can speak to the team here now for free, no-obligation advice.

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special category data breach
May 24, 2022

Pursue compensation for someone looking at medical records

You could be eligible to pursue data breach compensation for someone looking at medical records when they had no right or authority to be doing so.

Your Lawyers, as leading Data Leak Lawyers, is used to helping individual clients and those engaged in group actions where medical records have been snooped on. This invasion of a person’s privacy can lead to a significant degree of distress being caused to the victims, and it can be possible to recover compensation for any distress and suffering that you have had to endure.

For free, no-obligation advice, please do not hesitate to speak to the team here now.

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medical test results
May 11, 2022

Sharing confidential medical data: claiming compensation

Sharing confidential medical information without proper consent can be a breach of the law, and victims can be eligible to claim compensation for any harm caused to them.

We take on a lot of data breach compensation cases that involve medical information, given how private and sensitive this kind of data is. We know from our wealth of experience in this niche and complex area of law just how badly people can be affected.

You can access free, no-obligation advice by contacting our team here now.

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physical records
April 26, 2022

Staff mishandling medical records and what can be done about it

Mishandling medical records can cause the patients affected to suffer significant distress, and this can be compensated in a data breach legal case.

Your Lawyers, as leading Data Leak Lawyers, have been at the forefront of privacy compensation since 2014. This is a great deal longer than most other firms out there, and it means that our experience speaks for itself. With thousands of clients being represented right now, and over £1m in data breach damages already recovered for mostly individual clients, we are the name to trust.

We can help you to obtain some form of justice for what you have had to go through, and you are free to speak to the team for help here now.

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hospital ransomware attacks
April 19, 2022

Human error NHS data breach compensation claims

Human error NHS data breach events can lead to the misuse and the exposure of a significant amount of incredibly personal and sensitive medical information.

The impact that this can then have on the victims who lose control of their personal information and their right to privacy can be substantial. With many of the thousands of people that we represent for data breach cases, many are for medical breach events and many have a factor of human error involved. Some of the highest pay-outs that make up the over £1m in data breach damages we have already recovered for mostly individual clients involve healthcare data, so we know the extent of the impact on the victims.

This is why the expert team here at Your Lawyers – as Leading Data Leak Lawyers – are the right specialists to have on board for your case. We will always fight tooth and nail for your right to justice, and we can do so on a No Win, No Fee basis for eligible clients.

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ico warn nhs staff over accessing medical records
February 23, 2022

Claim compensation for unauthorised access of medical records

Victims suffering from distress that arises from the unauthorised access of medical records can be entitled to claim medical data breach compensation now on a No Win, No Fee basis.

Medical data breach cases are some of the most significant that we represent people for as the impact on the victims can often be very severe. Of the thousands of people that we represent as a leading firm of data breach and consumer action lawyers, we truly understand the significant impact on victims when this kind of event happens.

The team here at Your Lawyers is here for you now – you can speak to our expert team for free, no-obligation advice here now.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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