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Category: Healthcare

hospital ransomware attacks
April 17, 2020

Hospital patient records leak compensation cases

Victims of a hospital patient records leak can be entitled to make a claim for compensation with us on a No Win, No Fee basis.

These kinds of leaks can easily happen, and we represent a lot of clients for cases of this nature. Given the wealth of personal and sensitive information that healthcare organisations store and process, any leak or misuse event can be serious.

Victims of a medical data breach can be entitled to claim for the distress caused by the loss of control of their personal information. When it comes to medical cases, the distress can be severe.

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healthcare data breaches
April 08, 2020

Healthcare data breach claims

Over the many years we’ve been at the forefront of healthcare data breach claims, we’ve seen increasing numbers of new compensation cases, and we expect this to continue.

The healthcare industry has always been a target for cybercriminals because of the nature of the data that they hold, and the sector has always been susceptible to breaches due to funding constraints in some areas. There’s also the fact that the nature of the data, when exposed, can mean that the impact for the victim is severe. This means people can be more likely to make a medical data breach compensation claim.

An important thing to remember is that victims should never suffer in silence. Here’s what you can do when it comes to making a medical data claim and how we can help you.

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medical records accessed
April 03, 2020

Compensation if your medical records were exposed

You can be entitled to make a claim for data breach compensation if your medical records were exposed, and we may be able to represent you for a case on a No Win, No Fee basis.

With medical data being one of the most personal and sensitive types of information that there is, any misuse or exposure of medical information can have a serious impact on the victim. A large number of the cases that we take forward for individual claims involve healthcare data breaches, and some of the actions we’re also involved with are too.

We understand the impact that this type of breach can have on a victim as a leading law firm that has been at the forefront of data breach claims for years. Here’s how we can help you.

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unsecured database compensation claims
March 20, 2020

NHS is vulnerable to cyberattacks: still

The fact that the NHS is vulnerable to cyberattacks – especially when compared to many other organisations – is not a new thing at all; but the continuing risk is a continual concern.

A recent report by ZDNet is understood to have demonstrated that some half a million computers being used by the NHS are still running older and outdated software, like Windows 7 Operating Systems. What this means is that the systems and software they’re using may not be good enough to prevent a cyberattack, which is a huge cause for concern.

We must appreciate that patients’ lives are at risk as well as the fact that any medical data exposure case is usually significant given the type of information involved. What needs to be done, and what can the victims to?

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unsecured database compensation claims
February 25, 2020

What to do if your medical records are exposed

If your medical records are exposed, you could be entitled to make a claim for data breach compensation with us on a No Win, No Fee basis.

We represent a lot of people for cases of this nature, and the impact on the victim is usually severe. Data breach compensation amounts are designed to reflect the severity of the distress caused by the loss of control of personal information. When the data misused or exposed is particularly sensitive and confidential, like medical data, the distress can be worse. As such, pay-outs can be significant.

Victims should never suffer in silence. If you have been the victim of a medical records data breach, you could be entitled to compensation, and we can help.

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healthcare data breaches caused by human error nhs staff medical record breaches
February 18, 2020

Help if your medical records have been leaked

We understand the distress that can be caused when medical records have been leaked, as this is a common type of legal case that we take forward.

In fact, one of the many cases we recently settled was for this exact situation. Although no one wants to have their right to privacy leaked, we’re happy that we were able to secure yet another settlement for a happy client.

If this has happened to you, we may be able to represent you for a medical data breach compensation claim on a No Win, No Fee basis.

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hospital ransomware attacks
February 11, 2020

NHS cybersecurity claims

We represent victims for NHS cybersecurity claims, and we can offer No Win, No Fee protection as we have done for the thousands of people who have come to us for our expert help and advice for years.

We expect that the number of incidents will rise as the world continues to be increasingly digitalised. Despite the introduction of the GDPR in May 2018, we have seen rising numbers of people coming forward for our help, and many incidents arise from simple and avoidable errors.

NHS data breach compensation claims are one of the most common types of individual legal cases that we take forward, which is why our work is so important.

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cosmetic institute website breach
January 29, 2020

Compensation for a healthcare cybersecurity breach

Victims of a healthcare cybersecurity breach can be entitled to make a claim for compensation with us on a No Win, No Fee basis.

With these types of incidents worryingly common, and on the rise, it’s important that victims know their rights. Of the thousands of people who have approached us for help over the years we’ve been fighting for the rights of data breach victims, a huge number of them involve medical data breaches. They’re one of the most common types of legal cases that we take forward, and the impact for the victim can be significant.

Victims should never suffer in silence. As a leading, expert data breach compensation firm with a proven track record of settling cases, we can help you.

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medical records accessed
January 22, 2020

NHS data protection breach compensation advice

An NHS data protection breach can be absolutely devastating for the victim, and it’s important that people know their rights when it comes to compensation and justice.

Like many organisations, the NHS is moving into the digital era with greater reliance on technology and accessible information. This can be valuable for treating and diagnosing patients faster, and it can also be invaluable for medical research to improve services across the board.

However, it can also mean that more data is being digitally stored; data is far more accessible; and sensitive information can be more easily shared. This means that the responsibilities for the organisations – as well as for its employees – to safeguard the data held is even more important. When things go wrong, the victims can be entitled to justice by way of an NHS data breach compensation claim.

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January 15, 2020

Inappropriate access to medical records: advice for victims

Issues relating to inappropriate access to medical records is something we have talked about before. It’s completely wrong and can have a huge impact for the victims.

In some cases – and this is what we will look at here – unauthorised access to medical data can be a great deal more sinister than staff being curious about people they’re acquainted with. In some cases, employees have accessed information for more sinister means, where they have targeted specific individuals to pursue them for relations.

We have represented people who have been unscrupulously contacted by employees who have accessed their contact data through their employment to then engage them for relations. In these kinds of scenarios, the impact for the victim can be substantial, so it’s important to know your rights.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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