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Category: ICO

police data breach
November 08, 2017

Dyfed-Powys Police Force signs undertaking after multiple data breaches reported

Dyfed-Powys Police Force in Wales signed an undertaking with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) after a number of data breaches over an 18 month period were identified.

The ICO was alerted to the seriousness of multiple incidents that indicated a potential lack of data protection training and protocols. Although none of the breaches appear to have had any underlying malicious intent, the ICO recognised the seriousness of the repeated data breaches.
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data protection
October 26, 2017

London Borough of Islington fined £79,000 for security flaw that may have compromised personal data belonging to 89,000 people

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has found that the London Borough of Islington is liable for breaching data protection duties through their reported failure to keep 89,000 people’s personal data safe on an online parking ticketing database.

Information including sensitive health details, disabilities and financial details were reportedly not properly secured.

Islington Council uses a ‘Ticket Viewer’ system to allow members of the public to review CCTV images or videos of the parking offence so they may check any tickets issued, and it is this system that is at the centre of the breach.
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mobile devices
September 13, 2017

Provident Personal Credit Limited fined £80,000 for sending a million nuisance texts over six month period

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has concluded investigations into a Bradford-based credit loan company after 285 complaints were made over unwarranted ‘nuisance’ text messages.

Provident Personal Credit Ltd reportedly employed third party vendors to send 999,057 text messages to promote their services. The text messages were unwarranted as the recipients had not agreed to receive such correspondence for marketing purposes.
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email breach
August 31, 2017

Newcastle City Council leaks sensitive information on thousands of adopted children

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is investigating Newcastle City Council after a data breach exposed the personal information of adopted children.

The north-eastern council has recently come under fire for the breach that saw the personal information of 2,743 adopted children – information which included sensitive data about the children, and included data on parents, social workers and former adoptees – sent out in an email by mistake.
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By Author
August 21, 2017

MyHome Installations fined £50,000 for nuisance marketing calls

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has recently issued a monetary fine of £50,000 to a Maidstone firm for nuisance calls.

Nuisance marketing calls are split into 2 types: live marketing calls and automated marketing calls. They’re regulated by the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) 2003.

Live marketing calls shouldn’t be made to anyone who has registered with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS). The TPS is a service which allows individuals to block numbers from calling them. When organisations break the rules, they may incur hefty fines from the ICO.
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