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Category: Latest

confidential adoption information
August 30, 2022

SIXT data breach compensation claims

Employees and former employees who may have been affected by the SIXT data breach are being contacted in relation to the cyberattack, and we are pursuing claims for compensation now.

We have agreed to take No Win, No Fee legal action forward having assessed what has happened based on the information that has been provided to us by those who have asked us for help. We believe there could be a case to answer – if you have been potentially affected by this data breach, please do not hesitate to contact our team here now for free, no-obligation legal advice.

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University of Manchester cybersecurity
August 25, 2022

London College of Beauty Therapy data breach

It has been confirmed that there has been a London College of Beauty Therapy data breach that reportedly stemmed from a cyberattack and resulted in information being leaked online.

Your Lawyers, as Leading Data Leak Lawyers, have already been contacted by concerned victims and have agreed to take compensation claims forward now on a No Win, No Fee basis. If you receive confirmation that you have been affected by this breach and you would like our help, please do not hesitate to contact the team here now.

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pensions industry data breaches
August 22, 2022

Arden University Data Breach Compensation Action

We have agreed to take cases forward for a number of individuals who have approached us having been notified that they have been affected by the Arden University data breach.

Your Lawyers, as Leading Data Leak Lawyers representing thousands of people engaged in over 50 group and multi-party actions, often receive contact quickly after the notification of a breach has occurred. As we are open late in the evenings and over the weekends, we have been able to take a number of cases forward on a No Win, No Fee basis for those who have asked for our help.

If you have also received the important security notice from Arden University confirming that you are affected, please do not hesitate to contact us for free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

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By Author
August 12, 2022

Special category data compensation claims

Special category data is personal information that is afforded particular protection in accordance with the GDPR because of the nature of what it is.

The law recognises that you have the right to control who knows what about you, and it also recognises that certain information requires particular attention and control. This is the type of information that is often categorised as “special category”, and the need to protect it is vital.

Your Lawyers, as Leading Data Leak Lawyers, represent thousands of people for cases and we may be able to help you now – our team can offer free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

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file sharing data
August 10, 2022

Data minimisation principle and claiming compensation

The data minimisation principle is an essential part of data protection law in the UK to allow us to have greater control over who knows what about us, and why they store our information.

Any abuse of this principle could be a breach of the GDPR. A breach of the GDPR can entitle a victim to claim compensation for any distress that has been caused by the loss of control of personal information. In such a case, we may be able to represent eligible claimants on in No Win, No Fee basis.

Your Lawyers – The Data Leak Lawyers – is a leading firm of privacy claims specialists. You can speak to our team for free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

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illegally obtaining personal
August 09, 2022

Humberside police data protection – ICO audit

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) recently published an audit report into Humberside Police data protection matters which makes for alarming reading.

In two key areas that the ICO looked at, they issued an opinion that there was a “limited” assurance rating following the audit.

Your Lawyers, as leading Data Leak Lawyers, recognise how important police data protection is and why it is absolutely vital that victims are afforded some form of justice for any misuse of private information. We are here to help with No Win, No Fee representation.

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medical appointment details
August 08, 2022

Medical appointment details leaks and breaches

If your medical appointment details have been leaked or disclosed, or involved in a cyberattack, you could be entitled to claim compensation. We may be able to represent you on a No Win, No Fee basis.

Your Lawyers, as Leading Data Leak Lawyers, are used to representing victims of medical data breach compensation cases as one of the most common types of incidents that we help people with. Our experience of working in this niche and complex area of law for almost decade means we truly understand the substantial impact that such a breach can have on the victim.

Our legal team is happy to provide free, no-obligation legal advice about a healthcare data breach compensation claim here now.

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By Author
August 05, 2022

Regulator data breaches – compensation advice

Regulator data breaches can be a real cause for worry and concern given the nature of the information that they may store and process, and the loss of confidence in an organisation that is there to help us.

Your Lawyers, as Leading Data Leak Lawyers, represent victims claiming data breach compensation against regulators. Victims of such a data breach could be entitled to claim thousands of pounds in data breach compensation. We can assess potential claims on a free and no-obligation basis, and if we believe that there may be a case to answer, we can offer to represent a claimant on a No Win, No Fee basis.

You can speak to our team for free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

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serious impact of data
August 01, 2022

Gloucestershire County Council data breaches

Concerns over Gloucestershire County Council data breaches were in the media following statistics from a Freedom of Information request last year.

Media reports confirmed that the council ranked high in terms of private data breaches in the UK, and we can tell you as a leading firm of data breach compensation experts that it is not uncommon for local authorities to be involved in privacy breaches. Many of the thousands of people that we represent are claiming compensation against councils, and victims of such an incident could be entitled to recover damages on a No Win, No Fee basis.

You can speak to our team for free and friendly advice on a no-obligation basis here now. read more

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leaks of employee
July 26, 2022

Health app data breach – claim compensation

A health app data breach could cause a victim whose personal information has been misused or exposed to suffer from considerable distress, and the GDPR can entitle victims to claim compensation.

You have rights when it comes to privacy, and we are here to uphold them and we are here to hold anyone to account if they failed in their duty of care that they have for you and your information.

Your Lawyers – The Data Leak Lawyers – is a leading firm of privacy compensation specialists, representing thousands of people just like you who are claiming compensation as a victim of a breach. Access to justice is at the very heart of what we are all about, so for eligible clients we are able to represent people on a No Win, No Fee basis.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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