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cyber attack
November 18, 2021

Lister Fertility Clinic data breach: compensation action advice

It has been revealed that the Lister Fertility Clinic data breach may affect some 1,700 patients of the private clinic, and victims of the cyberattack will need to be wary.

If you have received confirmation from the clinic that you have been affected, you could be eligible to pursue a claim for data breach compensation on a No Win, No Fee basis. The leading team here at Your Lawyers – The Data Leak Lawyers – is happy to offer you free, no-obligation advice on a confidential basis now.

We are concerned that victims may end up being targeted by ransomware and scams, and it is important that those affected are protected as much as they can be.

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letter is sent to the wrong address
November 17, 2021

Oxford City Council data breach concerns

Oxford City Council issued an apology over a possible data breach that the local authority may have caused. It is said that a computer error may have exposed information contained in rent statements.

Following news coverage from The Oxford Mail, the exact nature of this security incident and its impact has been unclear. It was not decisively identified as a data breach, but incidents such as this nevertheless highlight the damage that can be brought about by unintentional data protection errors. Even where the data controller has not broken data protection law, it is important to flag potential negligence to ensure that it is thoroughly investigated.

As a victim of an information security incident, it can often be difficult to tell whether or not an organisation has breached your rights under data protection and privacy law. This is why it is important to seek legal advice if you have reason to believe that your personal information has been compromised. At Your Lawyers – The Data Leak Lawyers- as leading data compensation claims experts, we can offer potential data breach victims free, no-obligation advice on their eligibility for a compensation claim.

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Sky Vegas email 11/21
November 05, 2021

Sky Vegas email promoted gambling offers despite GamStop and self-exclusion

It has been reported that a promotional Sky Vegas email has landed in the inboxes of people using self-exclusion and/or GamStop services for well-being protection and for gambling addiction.

Although news of the incident has only just broken, based on what we know so far, we consider this to be a serious breach that we are able to assist victims with. Your Lawyers – The Data Leak Lawyers – is a leading firm of data and consumer action specialists, representing thousands of people for privacy claims. We have launched over 50 group and multi-party actions and recovered over £1m in data compensation to date for mainly individual clients.

We are here to help, and anyone registered for self-exclusion who received the Sky Vegas email could be entitled to pursue a No Win, No Fee compensation claim now.

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data breach deleting information
November 04, 2021

Labour Party data breach – ongoing ransomware cyberattack

The Labour Party data breach is currently being investigated, and is understood to involve a ransomware cyberattack with information held by a third party currently inaccessible.

It is understood that the Labour Party’s own systems have not been affected by this, and it is a case of a third party that holds information about members being hit by a cyberattack. It remains unknown as to exactly how many people may have been affected and what information could have been exposed. We have started taking on claims for those who have approached us.

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Home Office data breaches government data breach leak
November 03, 2021

New Year’s Honours List data breach – not long left to claim

There is really not a great deal of time left to claim for certain damages you could be entitled to receive if you were one of those affected by the 2019 New Year’s Honours List data breach.

We have successfully recovered compensation arising from the incident, and if you were notified of your involvement, there is still time to claim. However, one of the deadlines expires next month and that could alter what you may be entitled to receive. You may still have a claim after this period has expired, but it could affect what you may be entitled to.

Your Lawyers is a leading firm of Data Leak Lawyers, pursuing compensation claims for breaches for thousands of people. This includes in over 50 group and multi-party actions that we have launched, and we have recovered over £1m for data breach clients alone since 2014. We are here to help, and you can speak to the team for free, no-obligation advice here now.

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data breach
November 01, 2021

The latest Tesco cyberattack: a near-miss?

It will have been hard to miss the major news that hit the mainstream media over the last couple of weeks. The latest Tesco cyberattack appears to have now concluded, and the news so far looks to suggest that it was a near-miss event.

Hopefully, this will mean that no one will have to endure their personal information being misused or exposed. Anyone who is the victim of a data breach can be entitled to claim compensation for the loss of control of their personal information if this happens.

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confidential lawyers
October 22, 2021

University of Sunderland cyberattack

The University of Sunderland cyberattack situation remains ongoing, with a significant amount of their IT and infrastructure grinding to a halt as a result of the problems caused.

Your Lawyers – as Leading Data Leak Lawyers – are used to seeing these kinds of incidents. We are also used to representing people claiming data breach compensation from events like this, and we have successfully recovered damages for victims affected by university data breaches.

Whilst we do not know the extent of what information – if any – has been compromised in this incident, if there are victims whose right to privacy has been breached, we may be able to help.

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The Financial Conduct Authority data breach
October 19, 2021

Vulnerable victims of data breaches

A data breach can have an adverse impact on anyone it affects, but some victims are forced to endure even worse consequences due to their personal circumstances. Vulnerable victims of data breaches can typically be prone to increased security risks and distress due to the highly sensitive nature of the information exposed.

Unfortunately, we have seen how some data controllers have little regard for the real implications of information exposure, which can drastically compromise a victim’s privacy and even personal safety in the long term. By bringing claims against these defendants, we aim to stand up for the rights of vulnerable victims of data breaches whose voices may otherwise go unheard.

If you have been put in a vulnerable position due to a data breach, please do not hesitate to contact us for free, no-obligation advice on your potential claim.

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By Author
October 13, 2021

Billions of leaked records – data exposure in 2021

According to a recent report, over five billion personal records have already been exposed in 2021. A number of significant data leak incidents have contributed to the billions of leaked records, showing how cybercriminals are often able to steal information in large quantities.

In many cases, the theft of records can be facilitated by the negligence or errors of data controllers. Despite being required by law to impose strong cybersecurity defences, vulnerabilities are often neglected and left open for cybercriminals to take advantage of.

Your Lawyers, as leading specialists in data protection law, have seen data controllers fail to meet their responsibilities on many occasions, and the consequences can be devastating for those affected. It is not always possible to undo the impact when control of your personal information is lost, but making a data protection breach compensation claim can allow you to hold a third-party organisation accountable for any failure to protect your personal data. In a time in which so many records are being leaked, our work has never been more important.

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fingerprint access
October 12, 2021

The Deerbrook Surgery data breach

We have been approached for help and are taking legal action now for people affected by the recently revealed Deerbrook Surgery data breach who are eligible to claim with us.

Your Lawyers (T/A The Data Leak Lawyers), as a leading firm of data breach compensation experts, is often at the forefront of this still-developing area of law. When new breaches and leaks happen, it can be common for the victims to approach us for help early on. We are often in the media a lot, and we have been working in this niche area of law since 2014. This is a lot longer than most other firms out there, and is why we represent thousands of clients for singular cases and in group and multi-party actions.

Having already recovered over £1m for mostly individual clients, our experience speaks for itself. If you have been affected by the Deerbrook Surgery data breach, you can speak to our team here now for free, no-obligation advice.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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