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cyber attack
August 31, 2018

Ticketmaster cyber attack may just be the beginning

The recent Ticketmaster cyber attack we’ve launched an action for may just be the beginning as hackers are reportedly ready to attack again.

The Ticketmaster cyber attack was successful because the hackers were able to install malicious code into third-party software that Ticketmaster were using as part of their payment process. Inbenta, the authors of the code, say they didn’t know Ticketmaster were using their code for this purpose, and had they have known, they say they would have recommended against it on the grounds of security issues.

The growing trend of hackers looking to attack third-party code means the huge Ticketmaster cyber attack may well be just the beginning.

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data breach
August 29, 2018

Superdrug data breach victims held to ransom

The apparent Superdrug data breach has led to as many as 20,000 victims being held to ransom as hackers threaten to release information reportedly stolen in the breach.

Superdrug say they were contacted last week by hackers threatening to expose the personal data of customers affected by a breach. Hundreds of accounts appear to have been compromised so far as hackers have reportedly been able to verify the data they hold.

It’s assumed that a ransom is being demanded, although the details of any payment demands have not been made clear.

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nhs outsourcing
August 28, 2018

NHS Digital compensation action

We are representing people claiming in an NHS Digital compensation action we have initiated for victims of the recent NHS data breach.

Some 150,000 patients who had registered for the “type 2 opt-out” of their data being shared from their GP using the SystemOne application were subject to a coding error that resulted in their opt-out not being honoured. As such, their private and sensitive medical data that they had specifically opted out for being shared with NHS Digital was in fact shared because the coding error resulted in the opt-out notification not being referred to NHS Digital.

This was an entirely avoidable incident which is why we have launched NHS Digital compensation cases for those who have been affected and have contacted us asking for our help and representation.

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local authority data breaches local authority data leak
August 23, 2018

Equifax data leak investigations continue

The Equifax data leak investigations continue for both our compensation action as well as criminal probes and investigations around the world.

We’re representing a large group of people affected by the Equifax data leak in the UK, and as our compensation action continues to move forward, more fines and charges are being pursued against the credit-monitoring company as well.

In the latest, the problems Equifax face continue as yet another employee is being investigated over alleged insider trading.

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breaches in the healthcare sector
August 13, 2018

NHS Digital data breach compensation action

Our NHS Digital data breach compensation action is well under way with a number of victims affected by the huge data breach already signed up to our service.

News of the massive breach affecting some 150,000 patients came just weeks after the new GDPR legislation came into force at the end of May 2018. A simple case of a software error is the underlying cause of the NHS Digital data breach, and with the healthcare sector already leading the way in terms of data breach incidents, this situation is unwelcome news.

Many people have approached us for help, and our Data Leak Lawyers have listened to their concerns and agreed to take cases forward.

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claim for an accidental data
August 09, 2018

Typeform data breach compensation advice

We’re offering Typeform data breach compensation advice and legal representation for victims of this recent breach.

We’re already acting for a number of people affected by the Typeform data breach whose information was exposed due to what Typeform admitted was third-party access to a server where information was downloaded without authority.

Many organisations use Tyepform, meaning the people affected vary in terms of the data being held about them and where they’re from.

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equifax data breach
August 08, 2018

Was the Equifax breach just the beginning?

Was the Equifax breach – an action we are representing a group of individuals for – just the beginning in terms of cyberattacks against financial institutions?

When news broke of the Equifax breach, the world was left in shock that such a major financial institution could become a victim to what transpired to be a relatively simple attack that was entirely preventable. With almost 150 million people affected worldwide, and 700,000 of those victims here in the UK, and many not even knowing that Equifax held their data, it was the big breach of 2017; and the aftershock is still being felt to this day.

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data breach deleting information
July 31, 2018

NHS data breach hits 150,000 patients

An NHS data breach hit 150,000 after an IT glitch failed to record the wishes of patients who had opted-out of their medical data being used for research and auditing.

We’ve already accepted a number of cases for patients who have been affected by the huge NHS data breach. We are taking forward claims for data breach compensation for anyone who has received notification that they have been affected by the breach.

With 150,000 patients affected by the issue, this is a huge breach with the potential for GDPR implications to be imposed.

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healthcare data breaches
July 28, 2018

Healthcare cybersecurity still a cause for concern

Recent study findings suggest that healthcare cybersecurity is still a cause for concern, with the healthcare industry itself a prime target for cybercriminals.

Underfunding and a lack of understanding by bosses means there are still huge gaps and vulnerabilities when it comes to healthcare cybersecurity, putting countless people’s private and sensitive medical data at risk of leaks and hacks.

It’s a simple case of pace: the healthcare industry doesn’t appear to be able to keep up to speed with the pace of the cybercriminals who are targeting them.

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phone hacking
July 23, 2018

Mobile working data breach worries

As remote working continues to grow in popularity, adding massive flexibility for organisations, mobile working data breach worries are not being properly addressed.

According to a recent study, almost all (95pc) of businesses still struggle to secure mobile working, leaving both employees and the organisation on the whole at risk of mobile working data breaches. The study also said that one-third of businesses have suffered a data breach or a data loss as a result of mobile working, with one-in-five suggesting that mobile workers themselves simply don’t care about security. This is particularly shocking.

The information gleaned from this study is hugely concerning.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
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As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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