We focus on the latest news surrounding data breaches, leaks and hacks plus daily internet security articles.
A Competition Watchdog has announced earlier this month that banks should share customer’s data in order help them find the best deal.
This has caused concern for privacy campaigners as our financial data is already widely shared, stored, and available anyway through various public and private bodies.
Most consumers think credit reference agencies only collect and collate data about our repayments and loans – but companies are instead cashing in on our data and selling it on, which can include all our transactions; every last one! Even something as small as paying a friend back for a meal!
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Healthcare data breaches are the most common – which is unfortunate because of the sensitivity of the information that can often be leaked or hacked.
The NHS has a wealth of information about us. Due to how much information they have on us, data breaches by the NHS can be a major concern. One of the most frustrating things about NHS data leaks is that we are required to share so much of our personal information with them.
Unlike businesses, we arguably have more of an option to how much information we choose to share with them, when it comes to sharing information with the NHS, it’s more out of necessity – we share some of our most personal information with the healthcare industry.
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) did a report on data security, and their findings highlighted just how frequent healthcare industry data breaches takes place.
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American photojournalist Lori Nichols was driving down the highway near Atlantic City close to midnight when she snapped a picture of a free standing temporary road sign. On the lit up road sign, instead of the normal “work ahead” or “slow down”, the sign instead read the word “poop”.
The sign had been like that for several hours. When she reported it to the police station in the morning, she was told other people had also called it in.
While the pranksters only wrote “poop” on the sign, it does raise the question as to how easy it was to gain access to an unlocked panel at the back of the sign. Instead of writing what they did, they could have written something that could have created an entirely different scenario. Something warning of a serious incident, or perhaps a threat that could have sparked a very different response…
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Apps are being created all the time that allow people to monitor their health and fitness. By monitoring our health, it allows people to have a greater control on their life.
But are we exposing ourselves to data breaches when using these apps? How secure is our data really?
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A woman received a £75,000 settlement after Greater Manchester Police disclosed her personal information without her consent.
In 2014 the woman agreed that details of the domestic abuse she suffered from a former partner could be used in training sessions for officers and support agencies on the basis that her information would be anonymous.
It was later discovered, however, that her identity and medical history was disclosed in full. This was also disclosed to a wider audience. A recording of a 999 call was played as well, where she had called for help after an assault.
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Most people believe their personal information is safe in the hands of medical processionals – but data breaches by the NHS are at the top of the list in terms of how often they happen.
Due to the sensitivity of the information that we hand over to the NHS, it is very private and personal information that could be leaked. It is not the same with handing information over to businesses or companies in which we can choose what information we wish to share with them. We have no option but to share lots of personal information with the NHS which can make it even more of a problem when a data breach occurs.
So it’s concerning to hear that one of the biggest offenders of leaks and breaches within the UK is the NHS!
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An investigation carried out by the UK’s privacy watchdog has led to a Doctors Surgery in Hertfordshire being fined £40,000 for giving out personal medical information contrary to data laws.
The surgery, Regal Chambers, gave information to a woman’s estranged partner despite the practice being warned this might happen.
The information was formally requested by the ex-partner regarding the son he has with the woman. The data breach was discovered when the ex-partner filed medical reports in court against her.
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We trust the authorities with our personal information in some of our most distressing times which is why it’s important that the Police must protect the data they have on us. But is our data always safe in the hands of the authorities?
As Big Brother Watch found out in a report, the security of our data with the police might be something we should all perhaps be a bit more concerned about…
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We covered this yesterday – the story about a nurse’s stolen handbag possibly causing a significant data breach, which has been a real cause for concern for those affected.
On 9th July, in east Chesterton, an out of hours nurse who worked for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust was visiting a patient when the out of hours vehicle she was using was broken into. Her handbag was stolen from the car, which contained a diary.
The diary contained information about 200 patients whom the nurse had been visiting for the last six months. The information contained in the diary included patient name, their address, and, for some, access information to their home.
The result of this is a potentially huge data breach for those whose details have been stolen.
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Patients in America at Oregon State Hospital’s maximum security ward had their private information improperly shared by a hospital psychiatrist.
It happened on 9th June where a psychiatrist ended up sending six recipients a photograph of a patient census sheet that had a list of patient’s names on it. The psychiatrist sent the image by accident; but this accident caused six people to be able to see patient’s names, treatment information, identification numbers, photos of the patient, and legal status.
A very serious breach!
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EasyJet admits data of nine million hacked
British Airways data breach: How to claim up to £6,000 compensation
Are you owed £5,000 for the Virgin Media data breach?
Virgin Media faces £4.5 BILLION in compensation payouts
BA customers given final deadline to claim compensation for data breach
Shoppers slam Morrisons after loyalty points stolen
Half a million customers can sue BA over huge data breach
Lawyers accuse BA of 'swerving responsibility' for data breach
The biggest data breaches of 2020
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