We focus on the latest news surrounding data breaches, leaks and hacks plus daily internet security articles.
As a leading firm of data breach compensation lawyers, we’re concerned to hear of the milestone that’s about to come for the Have I Been Pwned website.
According to media reports from the Evening Standard, the repository site is about to hit a significant and concerning milestone of 10 billion hacked personal records. This is thought to not even include the recent easyJet breach where 900,000 million records were involved.
This news really does highlight just how significant the risk of breaches and attacks are nowadays, and it hits home that the threat of hackers continues to grow.
As more and more organisations rely on cloud technology and digital storage, we may see growing numbers of unsecured database compensation claims.
As a leading firm of No Win, No Fee data breach solicitors, a lot of the thousands of compensation cases we represent people for involve this kind of breach. This includes one of the more recent infamous examples, which is the Virgin Media data breach incident. This is one of the over 45 data breach group and multi-party actions we’re involved with, and it’s not an uncommon kind of event.
When we see these kinds of data breaches hit the headlines, we’re here to help the victims. The law is on your side and you could be eligible to claim damages when your information is exposed or misused due to an unsecured database.
Victims of NHS ransomware attacks can be entitled to claim data breach compensation with our expert team on a No Win, No Fee basis today.
Attacks against public sectors can be common because cybercriminals do target what they deem to be weaker systems, and this includes the NHS. In 2017, the WannaCry ransomware attack specifically targeted older and more outdated systems that may not be up to date, and the NHS was hit hard. There’s a trove of incredibly personal and sensitive data that the NHS is responsible for, which is another reason as to why it’s a target.
It’s the government’s responsibility to ensure that the NHS is fully protected against cyberattacks by properly funding our national healthcare service. For victims of a successful cyberattack, their rights are enshrined in law, and it’s important that we address this.
When passwords are exposed in cyberattacks, victims can be entitled to make a claim for data breach compensation with us on a No Win, No Fee basis.
As a leading firm of data breach and consumer action specialists, we represent thousands of people for individual and group action cases. Many of those have had personal information exposed as a direct result of a cyberattack, which has involved exposed credentials. People have legal rights that are enshrined in law, and you could be entitled to claim damages if this has happened to you.
Data breach compensation amounts can be based on the extent of any distress and any impact on you. There are also some key steps to take to protect yourself as well.
Reports are coming in that people are falling victim to easyJet data breach scams with thousands of pounds lost in the last few weeks since news of the cyberattack hit the headlines.
Sadly, we are not surprised to hear that people are being targeted by criminals for fraud and scams. It’s not unusual for this to happen in the wake of a data breach, especially one as significant as this incident. Victims of the data breach must be wary and stay alert as the risk of being contacted by scammers under false pretences is real.
We’re representing victims for compensation claims on a No Win, No Fee basis now and we may be able to help you too if you have yet to start your claim.
Healthcare cyberattacks can be common and they can be absolutely devastating for the victims whose personal data is misused or exposed.
The sector is a target for hackers, and the coronavirus pandemic appears to have led to increased numbers of attacks. The wealth of incredibly personal and sensitive data combined with a lack of funding, especially for public sector healthcare, means the risks of these kinds of attacks taking place can be significant.
One thing is for sure: victims of a medical data breach should never suffer in silence. The law is there to make sure that victims can receive the justice that they deserve, and we are here to help. As a leading firm of data breach and consumer action lawyers, we can be your voice for justice.
If you’ve been the victim of a data breach and your debit or credit card details are exposed, you have rights. You may be eligible to make a claim for compensation, and we may be able to help you.
A number of the group and multi-party actions that we’re fighting for justice in involve payment card information being compromised. It can lead to significant distress or the victim, as well the clear risk of fraud and theft. We’re often in the media as a ‘go-to’ name for journalists when it comes to serious data breach events and people’s rights, so this is an issue we frequently talk about.
Criminals targeting payment data is a serious and widespread problem. Victims can access the justice that they deserve, and we are here to help.
If you have been affected by a cyberattack, you could be eligible to make a claim for compensation with us on a No Win, No Fee basis.
As a leading firm of consumer action and data breach compensation lawyers, we’re involved in over 40 separate group actions and we represent victims for individual cases too. We represent thousands of clients and have been doing so for a long time; a great deal longer than most other firms working in this complex and niche area of law. As such, we fully understand the impact of a data breach for the victim.
Here’s how we can help you.
Anyone who has been affected by government data leaks can be entitled to make a claim for compensation, and we may be able to offer No Win, No Fee representation.
Despite certain events that take place, the government is not above the law and can be held to account. When it comes to important data protection legislation, they must abide by the GDPR and the other laws that are in place to safeguard information that is stored and processed. Where data is leaked, victims could be entitled to claim, and we may be able to assist.
Don’t be afraid that you may need to take on the government in a case. As a leading firm of consumer action and data breach compensation lawyers, we’ll fight your corner. We’re used to taking on governments as well as some of the biggest corporations, insurers and defence law firms in the world. You have rights, and we can fight for them for you.
Some statistics have put the number of downloads for mental health apps at one million since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, and these apps have been around for quite some time.
The additional strain that the pandemic is causing on our mental wellbeing is widely recognised, and the increased usage of such apps doesn’t come as a surprise. But people do need to be careful, and some apps will be more secure than others. It’s a perfect opportunity for scammers to try to muscle their way in to get hold of sensitive information too.
So, should we be concerned, what may happen if an app is breached, and what can we do to help people?
EasyJet admits data of nine million hacked
British Airways data breach: How to claim up to £6,000 compensation
Are you owed £5,000 for the Virgin Media data breach?
Virgin Media faces £4.5 BILLION in compensation payouts
BA customers given final deadline to claim compensation for data breach
Shoppers slam Morrisons after loyalty points stolen
Half a million customers can sue BA over huge data breach
Lawyers accuse BA of 'swerving responsibility' for data breach
The biggest data breaches of 2020
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