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Category: Scammers

email breach
November 24, 2016

“Phishing messages sent to Red Cross blood donors” – Cyber attackers are trying to extract more sensitive data from the 1.3 million Red Cross data breach

Following ‘Australia’s largest data breach‘ where 550,000 Red Cross blood donors’ information was reportedly hacked, victims have found themselves to be at a potential risk of further hacking as criminals are reportedly attempting to steal patients’ details through a recent phishing scam.

These sorts of follow-up attacks are not uncommon – when people are at their most vulnerable after a cyber attack, it can be common for other hackers or criminals to jump on the situation to try and use the hack for further gains.
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Watford Community Housing email breach
April 08, 2016

Phishing Emails know my address!

Phishing emails – every single day millions of them are received as scammers and cyber criminals try their damndest to hack our computers and take our money…

The trend right now is ransomware which is malicious software (malware) that can end up locking you out of your own computer until you pay a fee. Or, as is the case in a topic we’re blogging about today, you’re told that you OWE money to a company and have to pay them or face legal action.

Most phishing emails are so obvious that it’s hard to fall for them nowadays, but a few slip through that are quite convincing – like the ones where they show your OWN postal address in the text of the email.
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scammer calling
March 22, 2016

How a simple name, telephone number, and customer or account number can be enough to get scammed

Sometimes the hackers only need very limited information to be able to scam you out of thousands and thousands of pounds. You sometimes see when companies get hacked or leak information that one of the immediate defences they raise is to assure people that financial information hasn’t been released.

But sometimes just a name, telephone number, and account number is all they actually need…
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