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email breach
January 18, 2018

West Sussex County Council apologises for data breach in inviting business owners to cybersecurity event

West Sussex County Council has apologised to numerous business owners for an ironic data breach that occurred in the process of inviting them to a cybersecurity event.

Located in Chichester, the Council sent an invite to some 200 individuals’ email addresses but used the wrong ‘blind carbon copy’ option, revealing the recipients’ email addresses to each other.

It’s a common form of breach – one that has had grave consequences in other cases, like that of the 56 Dean Street Clinic we are helping people claim for when they revealed the personal details of patients using the clinic for HIV services.
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Data Breach Claims Solicitors
January 17, 2018

Most U.K. citizens don’t trust organisations and businesses with their personal data

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) conducted a study to see how U.K. citizens feel about their personal data being shared with organisations and businesses, and the results reflect an inherent mistrust and lack of confidence in how their data is being stored and handled.

The results of the study are likely to have been influenced by the colossal and numerous high-profile data breaches in the last couple of years that have seen millions of people have their personal data breached time and time again.
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uk businesses data breach
January 16, 2018

Are employees the biggest cybersecurity threat to businesses?

Research tells us that the biggest threat to a company or organisation’s cybersecurity is its own employees.

Although cyber-attacks are usually initiated by third party actors with malicious intent, it can be the shortcomings of employees that allow systems to become vulnerable. On top of that, employees who fail to adhere to policies and procedures are normally responsible for data leaks. With many employees working remotely, or with the ability to log in to servers from home, risks are increasing all the time.
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data breach events
January 15, 2018

New ICO powers to fine organisations up to £17 million

Law changes in the coming months mean that the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) enforcement powers will no longer be subject to a maximum penalty fine of only £500,000. If any person, company or organisation is found to have breached Data Protection laws in the U.K., they may find themselves slapped with a much heftier fine.

The new maximum fine can be 4% of the company’s global turnover or €20million (almost £17million); whichever is the largest.

The government is introducing this as they adopt stricter E.U. laws for data protection into U.K. legislation. Despite Brexit, the government have said that the new regulation will be implemented by May 2018 in any event.
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us and eu data breach laws
January 12, 2018

A comparison between the EU and U.S. data breach notification laws

Data Protection should always be a huge concern for companies and organisations. As with most laws, there are differences that can give some people in some countries more rights than others, such as the differences and similarities with data breach notification laws within both the EU and U.S.

In a world where data breaches can be cross-jurisdictional – i.e. a hacker from the U.K. hacks an American business – these differences could become quite important. It’s a challenge we face when representing victims for claims.

So, what are some of the characteristics of EU and U.S. data laws?
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identity theft
January 11, 2018

Introducing the vicious cycle of data breach fatigue

It seems like we can never escape them; they’re in the headlines and our news feeds all the time, and data breaches are such a common occurrence these days.

So, what is being done to stop data breaches occurring?

Surely with advances in smartphones, self-driving cars and artificial intelligence, we have the technology and skills to stop hackers from cracking websites and security walls? Surely we have access to enough decent cybersecurity software to protect data, and are capable of training staff and enacting procedures and protocols to protect data from leaks?
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data leak and data breach compensation
January 10, 2018

A simple guide to data breach terms

These days, data breaches are happening left right and centre. A lot of them are dealt with discretely and we may never hear about them, but for those that are publicised, statements from offending organisations can be littered with jargon and tech-words.

Sometimes when things go wrong, organisations are keen to blame anyone and anything but themselves. Some may play that they are the victims of “super hackers” when in reality the breach could have been avoided with better cybersecurity in place. To try and understand what they may be saying underneath the “waffle”, we’ll go over a few simple terms.
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January 09, 2018

Sex toy company Lovense “secretly recorded intimate sessions” through its vibrators

Our Data Leak Team are already representing a large group of victims of the We-Vibe data breach scandal. The trend of sex toy data breaches is alarming.

Lovense has admitted that its mobile phone app has been secretly recording audio files while its vibrators were in use.

The company has blamed a “minor software bug” for the apparently unintentional recordings.

Several users reportedly made the horrifying discovery when they spotted unusual sound files stored on their phones. As you can imagine, this is a huge cause for concern and can amount to a misuse of private information.
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media data breach compensation Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away! data breach regulations for debt collection agencies
January 08, 2018

Debt collection agency data breaches

Being in debt is not usually something people are comfortable with others knowing. It can be a difficult situation that some people are powerless to stop. Sometimes things just don’t go our way and we’re left in a hole with no obvious way out.

When debts aren’t settled, debt collectors are usually never far behind. However, although it’s their job to recover money, the business of debt collection must be conducted in accordance with the law. It must be done in a professional manner which includes respecting someone’s personal information and data privacy rights.
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data breach hack
January 05, 2018

“We Heart It” website suffers data breach reportedly affecting eight million accounts

Popular image-sharing site, We Heart It, disclosed a data breach where eight million accounts have reportedly had their emails and passwords stolen.

Although only recently discovered, the breach is reported to have happened five years ago for accounts created between 2008 and November 2013.

Email addresses, usernames and encrypted passwords are thought to have been compromised. The company also admitted that, although encrypted, the passwords were unfortunately not secured.
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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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