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We focus on the latest news surrounding data breaches, leaks and hacks plus daily internet security articles.

data breach
March 15, 2017

Are consumers seeing data breaches as the new norm?

Thanks to the ever-growing rise in technological devices, we’re in an era where we are all at a huge risk of data breaches.

We’re more connected to our smart devices than ever before, with millions of us relying on the security of our information being a given. But as more of our information is going online, the risk of data breaches is increasing, and leaks, breaches, and hacks are becoming commonplace.
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By Author
March 14, 2017

Data breaches becoming more common in the workplace with 90 per cent of employees are violating data protection policies

Data breaches are becoming vastly common in the growing digital era, and are sometimes bigger threats than hackers themselves…

According to research, 90% of employees violate data breach prevention policies. This is contrary to the common misconception that data breaches are undertaken by cyber-hackers who are masked behind their screens. In fact, data breaches happen daily due to the failure of employees who are not following data prevention policies.
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By Author
March 10, 2017

5 data breach trends that may grow in 2017

Data breaches have been on a general upward trend since the huge growth of technological devices.

As we continue developing the digital era – where the use of technology is seen as the norm – data breaches are also becoming the norm too.

Data breaches have affected companies of all sizes due to the increasing reliance on digital data and using technological devices for convenience. With confidential and sensitive data stored on machines or cloud connections, it’s become easier to breach data through breaking in to networks.
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data protection
March 09, 2017

Most data breaches happen because of missed oversight or exploited vulnerabilities

Whenever we hear about huge data breach scandals like the recent Yahoo fiasco or the TalkTalk hacking, we think “how could this happen to such a large company?”

With large businesses and companies, one would expect them to be big and grand in all areas, including cybersecurity. In a shopping centre, you’d think the bigger the shop or the more expensive the items they sell would mean their security is stronger. However, realistically, these data breaches still happen to large companies because they don’t always prioritise their security.
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phone data
March 08, 2017

Whistle-blowers reveal Indian call centre scammers targeting TalkTalk customers following massive data breach

Several whistle-blowers have come forward to disclose details of an alleged intricate scamming operation set up in India to target TalkTalk customers.

The unnamed whistle-blowers told a BBC reporter that they were employed by a gang of professional fraudsters to trick TalkTalk customers into revealing personal information and provide access to their bank accounts.
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university data leak data breaches at universities
March 07, 2017

“Spying in schools becoming the norm” – More than 1,000 schools use software to monitor their students online use

Child safety and security has been at the apex for years, but it’s questionable as to whether it has been the case at the expense of data protection rights.

Some data privacy campaigners argue that school surveillance goes beyond what is necessary and may actually breach data protection rights of the children.

It’s never been easier to keep an eye on people with technology these days – so are schools going too far?
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By Author
March 06, 2017

What to do if a debt recovery company has leaked my private information

As a hard-and-fast rule, companies have a responsibility under the Data Protection Act (DPA) to use and store sensitive information correctly. Although the law is there, not all organisations successfully uphold the regulations they’re supposed to.

So, in this example, what can you do if a debt recover company has leaked your private information? Do you have a valid claim for Data Leak Compensation?
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By Author
March 03, 2017

Sports Direct yet again under fire after reportedly hiding a data breach that compromised 30,000 employees’ personal data.

Information authorities and security experts are reportedly appalled by the way Sports Direct handled a data breach that happened back in September of last year. Apparently, they never actually told their employees about it; leaving them to find out on the news!
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data protection
March 02, 2017

Two former employees were fined by the ICO for misusing personal information

Two former employees who worked at a UK based claims management company illegally obtained information from a car hire company and then used this information to blag calls to an insurance company to illegally obtain personal information of drivers.

They did this in order to try and sell this personal information to solicitors. We ourselves have never bought claims, and never will!

The information included policy holders information and their recent and/or historic road traffic accidents. Within that information, the policy holders’ names, addresses, and contact details would likely have been accessed too.
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By Author
March 01, 2017

November of 2016 saw the largest number of data breach incidents

2016 was a big year for changes.

From Brexit and Trump, to a wave of celebrity legends departing our lives, 2016 was one heck of a bumpy road; and we saw some of the most notable data breaches in history around the world. With the online world ever advancing, we can’t seem to keep up. Cyber hackers have been constantly coming up with new methods to break down security walls to wreak havoc and fear, and leaks are almost becoming a norm.
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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
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