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We focus on the latest news surrounding data breaches, leaks and hacks plus daily internet security articles.

no win, no fee data protection compensation claims
April 19, 2016

Data Protection Compensation Claims on a No Win, No Fee

Most people are aware of the No Win, No Fee with it being so prominent in areas of the law like personal injury claims.

Some people are not as aware of their rights when it comes to making a data protection compensation claim on a No Win, No Fee basis as well though. The facts are these: there are a lot of similarities and even crossovers in terms of personal injury and data protection law that can allow us to offer No Win, No Fee arrangements in similar ways.

The law can be more complex and does require Data Leak Lawyers like us who know how to help people properly. So let’s talk No Win, No Fee Data Leak Compensation Claims…
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expert advice on data leak law
April 19, 2016

Data Leak Law – Your Rights in Brief

People are still unsure about their rights to compensation as a victim of a data leak. It’s an emerging problem as the continuation of the digital age means more and more of our information can so easily be mishandled.

One wrong click of a button; a single mistype; a slip by staff clicking on a rogue email link – they can all lead to huge amounts of data being inadvertently put in the hands of people it shouldn’t have.

So, the aim of this blog is to give you a little bit of an insight – in brief – about your rights to claim.
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By Author
April 15, 2016

The 21st century commodity; YOUR information for sale

Information has never been more valuable than it is in today’s digital age. Information is everything – it tells others so much about you that it can be a really powerful tool to use for organisations who want to market their products and services to a targeted audience.

The problem now is that it’s so easy to take large chunks of data – possibly containing millions of people’s personal information – and pass this on to someone who could make a fortune from it.

Despite legislation we have in the UK, the sale of information can be a serious problem.
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data breach class actions
April 12, 2016

Capita Disability Benefits Assessor admits taking photos of applications – a serious breach of the Data Protection Act

In the wake of the ongoing saga over how disability benefit funds are allocated, Channel 4’s Dispatches program launched an undercover investigation in to what really goes on when applicants are assessed for help.

What they discovered was shocking – amongst the footage and evidence gathered, which showed disgraceful and unfeeling abuse from assessors who were caught red handed admitting to poor practice, was one assessor admitting that he takes photos of applications to prove he has done them so he can get paid for his work.

This is a serious and intentional breach of the Data Protection Act.
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Watford Community Housing email breach
April 08, 2016

Phishing Emails know my address!

Phishing emails – every single day millions of them are received as scammers and cyber criminals try their damndest to hack our computers and take our money…

The trend right now is ransomware which is malicious software (malware) that can end up locking you out of your own computer until you pay a fee. Or, as is the case in a topic we’re blogging about today, you’re told that you OWE money to a company and have to pay them or face legal action.

Most phishing emails are so obvious that it’s hard to fall for them nowadays, but a few slip through that are quite convincing – like the ones where they show your OWN postal address in the text of the email.
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make a data leak claim in confidence
April 06, 2016

Making a data leak claim – in absolute confidence

OK, so you’ve been the victim of a data leak, and you want to seek compensation for what’s happened. That’s your right to do so, and our specialist Data Leak Lawyers can help you to claim because we’re experts in representing victims for data leaks and hacks.

But, as a data leak victim, we imagine you’re already upset enough that your personal and confidential data has been leaked without your authority. This begs the question then – can you make a data leak claim confidentially?
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ignoring cyberattacks
April 04, 2016

Santander Cash Points targeted by criminals

A number of Santander cash machines have been effectively targeted by criminals, and police are warning people to be vigilante and to avoid using Santander cash points.

First reports came in from police who confirmed: “Security at Santander ATMs in Lancs (Lancashire) has been compromised. Advice is not to use them” – but the warning has since been extended across the whole of the UK.

Victims who have lost money are being told to contact Santander as soon as possible.
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distress claim
April 01, 2016

University of Greenwich Data Leak – how do you know if you’re affected?

We’ve accepted instructions to act for victims of the University of Greenwich data leak that saw hundreds (but potentially thousands) of people’s personal information visible on the university website.

Information included personal contact details; medical information; private family information; progress reports; and even signatures of students. The information had been visible for public view, and although it still isn’t clear how this has happened, the current theory is that the information was supposed to be on a secure portal and not supposed to be accessible from Google searches.

As well as acting for individuals who have received confirmation that they have been affected, we have also been contacted by people who want to know if they have been affected or not.
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scammer calling
March 22, 2016

How a simple name, telephone number, and customer or account number can be enough to get scammed

Sometimes the hackers only need very limited information to be able to scam you out of thousands and thousands of pounds. You sometimes see when companies get hacked or leak information that one of the immediate defences they raise is to assure people that financial information hasn’t been released.

But sometimes just a name, telephone number, and account number is all they actually need…
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By Author
March 18, 2016

The University of Greenwich Data Leaks – why people SHOULD be concerned about fraud and identity theft

Whilst we’re not here to bring doomsday style headlines, we are here to help and advise victims of data leaks; and now that we’re acting for individuals who have been a victim of the University of Greenwich data leak, we want to ensure that our advice to our clients extends to those considering asking us for help as well.

Data leak law is what we do – so for those who have been affected, our legal team have a stern warning about making sure you take steps to protect yourself in the wake of the University of Greenwich data leak.
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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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