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Tag: compensation

nhs patient confidentially compensation claims
January 29, 2019

Compensation for a HIV status data breach

You can be eligible to claim compensation as a victim of a HIV status data breach, and we can offer No Win, No Fee legal representation.

A HIV status data breach can be absolutely devastating. Medical data breaches are often among the worst because of the nature of the information that can be exposed, and a person’s HIV status is a prime example of how bad it can get.

We’re currently involved in legal action for a large group of victims claiming compensation for the 56 Dean Street HIV status data breach. The expert reports and witness testimonies show just how bad a HIV data leak can be.

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data theft risks
January 18, 2019

The Butlins data breach incident

The Butlins data breach incident was one of many that hit the UK in 2018. As holidays are getting booked up in the post-Christmas period, data security may well be a concern for some.

We know from the recent Marriott data breach that passport data was compromised. The data that’s collected as part of booking holidays can be private and sensitive, and could leave victims at risk of fraudulent activity.

In the Butlins data breach of last year, it was personal information that appeared to have been exposed.

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data breach compensation
January 16, 2019

Have you been the victim of a Suffolk Council data breach?

If you’ve been victim of a Suffolk Council data breach, we may be able to help you; and you’re not alone either!

Recent data reportedly indicated that there has been an increase of around a third in terms of the number of reported Suffolk Council data breach incidents in 2018 when compared to 2017. Suffolk Council has suggested that this could be because of the new GDPR that came into force last year. They’ve also suggested it could be due to greater awareness from staff, meaning more breaches are being reported.

But that doesn’t mean that those breaches haven’t been taking place. With council data breaches being one of the most common cases we help people with, we can’t say we’re surprised by this latest report.

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online company fined
January 15, 2019

The Marriott data breach UK compensation action

The Marriott data breach UK action for compensation may grow as revelations about unencrypted passport numbers being exposed hit the media.

We know there were some 500m records reportedly exposed in the huge Marriot data breach. As investigations into the breach continue, more information has come to light about the extent and the nature of the data that was exposed.

Some of the information potentially compromised in the breach could leave people at an imminent risk of fraudulent activity.

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By Author
January 03, 2019

Dixons Carphone data breach compensation

Can you claim Dixons Carphone data breach compensation? You could join the action for justice we launched last year.

There’s no doubt that the company has been hit hard by the data breach. They reportedly posted a £440m loss for part of last year and have undergone some restructuring as well. But that aside, victims can be entitled to claim compensation for the Dixons Carphone data breach. Our legal action is separate to regularity fines issued by the Information Commissioner’s Office as well. The breach took place before GDPR came into force, so they won’t be seeing a significant fine.

Our legal action is already well underway, but it’s not too late to join if you’ve yet to sign-up.

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By Author
January 02, 2019

Marriott data breach compensation

If you’ve yet to sign-up to claim Marriott data breach compensation, you can contact our team for help and advice today.

Some 500m people have been affected by the monumental Marriott data breach that was revealed at the end of 2018. Private and sensitive data has been exposed on a database Marriott’s Starwood reservation customers. The data appears to have been exposed since 2014.

Data compromised in the breach includes personal information, contact information and payment card data. This was yet another serious incident, and any victim who is eligible to claim compensation for the Marriott data breach can sign-up with us today.

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claim for an accidental data
December 19, 2018

Caerphilly council data protection incident

There’s been a recent Caerphilly council data protection incident where the personal details of a family were published on its website

Council data protection incidents are unfortunately common. Councils hold a wealth of personal and sensitive data about us, and if this isn’t protected, a breach can cause serious harm to the victims.

With councils and local authorities often committing data protection breaches, we help a lot of people claiming for data breach compensation arising from their local council. A lot of the individual claims that we deal with involve local councils or outsourced local authority agencies.

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easyJet data breach
December 17, 2018

Cathay Pacific Data Breach Compensation

Are you eligible to make a claim for Cathay Pacific data breach compensation? As expert data claims lawyers, we can help you.

The Cathay Pacific data breach is similar to the British Airways data breach action we’ve launched. It’s another case of a serious airliner breach, and it has affected millions of people around the world.

The Data Leak Lawyers are already representing victims claiming in over 20 different data breach actions. Our specialism and focus is on data breach class action cases. If you’ve been affected by the Cathay Pacific breach, we can help you.

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uber data breach
December 13, 2018

Fine issued for Uber cyber attack

A hefty fine has been issued over the 2016 Uber cyber attack as a result of security flaws that could have prevented the breach in the first place.

The data for some 2.7m Uber customers in the UK was compromised, as were the records for over 80,000 drivers. The fine, issued by the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office), is small in comparison to potential GDPR fines. This is because the cyber attack took place in 2016 before the new rules came into force.

Had the cyber attack have happened this year, Uber could have faced fines in the millions.

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By Author
December 12, 2018

Equifax cyber breach was entirely preventable

We’ve been stating that the Equifax cyber breach was entirely preventable since we launched our legal action for compensation last year.

Equifax failed to patch a known security vulnerability. On top of that, their staff failed to identify the ongoing vulnerability. To make things worse, they didn’t even spot the data being lifted for months and months.

Although we’ve known this for a while, it’s good to see the same statements from external reports. Unsurprisingly, another report has highlighted this important fact. It’s a fact that means we’re confident in securing compensation in the legal action we’ve launched.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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