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Tag: compensation

Have I Been Pwned
July 03, 2018

Accusations deepen over failures to stop Ticketmaster data leak

The accusations have deepened over alleged failures to stop the Ticketmaster data leak, as more information is revealed by the bank that warned of the leak months before the incident was reportedly discovered.

UK challenger bank, Monzo, say that they warned Ticketmaster about a number of suspicious transactions back in April – two months before the Ticketmaster data leak was allegedly discovered – with trends that indicated a data breach involving Ticketmaster.

We’re already acting for a number of victims of the Ticketmaster data leak incident who have asked us to help them fight for their rights to justice. This new revelations are concerning.

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user credentials
July 02, 2018

Ticketmaster data breach claim advice

You may be eligible for a Ticketmaster data breach claim if you have been affected by the recent breach involving some 400,000 UK victims’ payment card information.

If you’re unhappy about being a victim of the Ticketmaster data breach and you would like to join our action for justice, you’re more than welcome to do so.

We’ve already taken on a number of cases because we’re satisfied that the prospects of success for the legal action are good. There are a number of reasons as to why Ticketmaster are liable for claims in our view, so read on for advice and feel free to contact the team to start a claim.

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By Author
June 27, 2018

Ticketmaster data breach

There has been a Ticketmaster data breach that we’re advising victims for and taking on claims for data breach compensation.

People who used the Tickmaster service between February and June 2018 may have been affected.

The Ticketmaster data breach was discovered on Saturday 23rd June and customers have today received email notifications confirming whether they have been affected by the breach. Personal information and payment information is thought to have been accessed.

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By Author
June 19, 2018

Profits set to fall in wake of Dixons Carphone cyber-attack

Profits are set to fall in the wake of the Dixons Carphone cyber-attack. A sharp fall in profits is expected after news of the massive cyber-attack that exposed some 5.9 million credit and debit card details, and some 1.2 million personal data records.

Some reports have indicated the fall in profits may be as much as 23pc.

The Dixons Carphone cyber-attack apparently took place last year, yet it has taken them almost a year for the news to be revealed; a matter that they will no doubt face further criticism for.

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By Author
April 13, 2018

Huge data breach for casual workers at Manchester United Football Club

We have been approached by a number of victims of a huge data breach for casual workers at Manchester United Football Club, and we have taken claims on with our No Win, No Fee offer available.

From the accounts of the clients who have been accepted for our representation, its believed that 167 casual workers at Manchester United received an email which attached all 167 employees’ wage slips instead of just their own.

This means that the personal details of an estimated 167 individuals has been leaked.
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how much the average compensation
March 29, 2018

Is council data protection and cybersecurity quality a postcode lottery?

Experts have looked in to the differences between councils and local authority services and compared the quality of the cybersecurity and their data protection procedures and protocols. One worrying trend is the fact that there are some huge differences between different councils when it comes to practically all aspects of data security.

This issue means that, in reality, the quality of data protection and cybersecurity can be somewhat of a postcode lottery. There is no single or uniform approach, which is a really worrying aspect.
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equifax data breach compensation
March 28, 2018

Equifax data breach compensation success

It’s pleasing to see that some consumers have already had their cases heard and have been able to receive successful verdicts against the credit-referencing agency at the heart of last year’s huge data protection scandal.

Although Equifax reportedly turned up to court with some very expensive lawyers, a group of claimants managed to convince a judge that they had a case to answer for. This has all happened in America, where cases can often get to a trial much faster than they can here in the UK, but the news can be seen as potentially good news here as well.
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executive charged
March 23, 2018

Fallout from the Equifax data protection breach lingers on as executive charged for selling shares prior to breach disclosure

If Equifax thought that news coverage of their huge data protection breach from last year was going away, they’re wrong.

We’re acting for a number of victims in the Equifax data breach after their servers were hacked into because they failed to update a known security soft spot, and detect the ongoing vulnerability. As a result of their clear failure to keep their systems updated, we consider there is a case for compensation.

Now, news of an Equifax executive being charged with “insider trading” has further fuelled the anger against the credit-monitoring giant whose servers were hacked last year.
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cyberattack compensation
March 22, 2018

Trusted Quid data breach – some 66,000 payday loan customers hit by breach

We have already been contacted by people affected by the Trusted Quid data protection breach, and our Data Leak Lawyers have agreed to investigate cases.

As many as 66,000 customers of payday loan firm Trusted Cash, trading as Trusted Quid, may have had their data stolen due to an unauthorised access of their website. Customers affected by the breach are now at a greater risk of becoming a victim of fraud as key information was stolen in the breach.

Because of the nature of the data compromised in the cyberattack, this is a very serious data protection breach indeed.

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domestic abuse data breach
March 12, 2018

Council data protection breaches are serious and highly sensitive

Data protection breaches committed by councils / local authorities – or the companies they outsource work to – can be unfortunately common. We advise and represent a large volume of people who have been the victim of a data breach caused by their local council, so we understand how bad they can be.

The serious council data protection breaches can cause a lot of problems for the victims, and given the nature of data that local authorities often hold – these type of breaches can be very sensitive indeed.
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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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