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Tag: council data breaches

domestic abuse data breach
January 22, 2019

Serious Swansea Council data breach

There has been a serious Swansea Council data breach that has affected vulnerable adults and children that was discovered in December 2018.

In this remarkable case, a diary was found on the side of the A48 road in Carmarthenshire. The diary contained personal and confidential information about vulnerable adults and children and is thought to belong to a Swansea Council employee.

It has yet to be determined how the diary ended up abandoned at the side of the road. What we know for certain is that proper care for sensitive data has not been upheld.

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coronavirus contact tracing data app data breach risks
January 17, 2019

Closure of York Council app after hack

The York Council app that was hacked late last year has reportedly been shut down as a result of the data breach incident.

It’s understood that the public-facing aspect of the app is no longer available. Residents had been able to access it and use it as part of waste-reduction plans and for the improvement of their environmental performance.

After it was discovered that the app lacked the proper security to keep users’ data safe, the app has now been reportedly shut down and is no longer publicly-available.

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data breach compensation
January 16, 2019

Have you been the victim of a Suffolk Council data breach?

If you’ve been victim of a Suffolk Council data breach, we may be able to help you; and you’re not alone either!

Recent data reportedly indicated that there has been an increase of around a third in terms of the number of reported Suffolk Council data breach incidents in 2018 when compared to 2017. Suffolk Council has suggested that this could be because of the new GDPR that came into force last year. They’ve also suggested it could be due to greater awareness from staff, meaning more breaches are being reported.

But that doesn’t mean that those breaches haven’t been taking place. With council data breaches being one of the most common cases we help people with, we can’t say we’re surprised by this latest report.

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domestic abuse data breach
January 11, 2019

Serious Wokingham Council data breach

The incredibly serious Wokingham Council data breach that came to light in the last few weeks was a severe example of how bad a council data breach can be.

This particular breach was said to be an error that’s among a number that had been identified with Wokingham Council. Councils and local authority agencies hold a great deal of incredibly personal and sensitive data about thousands of individuals. This includes vulnerable people and children.

As such, any council data breach can be severe. This latest Wokingham Council breach is one of the worst we’ve seen.

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January 10, 2019

Chelmsford City Council data breach

The Chelmsford City Council data breach was another preventable incident of information exposure by a local authority that has affected thousands of people.

Personal information that was submitted using online forms was accidentally left visible on the website. There’s no way of knowing for sure if the information exposed was used or copied, leaving victims with a lack of closure over the incident.

More than 6,500 people that were affected by the breach have been informed  by email that their data has been exposed.

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claim for an accidental data
December 19, 2018

Caerphilly council data protection incident

There’s been a recent Caerphilly council data protection incident where the personal details of a family were published on its website

Council data protection incidents are unfortunately common. Councils hold a wealth of personal and sensitive data about us, and if this isn’t protected, a breach can cause serious harm to the victims.

With councils and local authorities often committing data protection breaches, we help a lot of people claiming for data breach compensation arising from their local council. A lot of the individual claims that we deal with involve local councils or outsourced local authority agencies.

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compromised mobile phone
November 30, 2018

York Council data breach

The recent York Council data breach led to the information for almost 6,000 people being exposed due to a coding vulnerability.

A computer expert happened upon the vulnerability in the ‘One Plant York’ app. He did the right thing and reported the breach to York Council, who then bizarrely reported him to the police. It’s understood that the expert had alerted the Council in efforts to make them aware, so the issue could be resolved.

The police matter aside, the result is that the data for almost 6,000 people has been left exposed. If one expert happened upon it, who’s to say someone else isn’t already aware of it, and hasn’t already been exploiting it?

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claim for an accidental data
November 29, 2018

East Lindsey Council data breach

The recent East Lindsey Council data breach was another example of a totally avoidable incident that resulted in sensitive information being exposed.

Our lawyers are often representing victims for council data breach cases. This includes for claims against local authority agencies and outsourced third-parties as well.

Public sector breaches can be common, and council data breaches are amongst the most frequent we see. As is the case with the East Lindsey Council data breach, many of the incidents are totally avoidable. Many stem from simple errors that can have costly consequences.

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how much the average compensation
November 27, 2018

Have you suffered a Bexley Council data breach?

If you’ve suffered from a Bexley Council data breach, you may not be alone. According to recent information, they’ve suffered a spate of breaches lately.

A Freedom of Information (FOI) request has revealed a huge increase in the number of Bexley council data breach incidents taking place. Local authority data breaches are a common type of claim we often deal with. With the public sector often responsible for large volumes of data breaches, we’re not surprised by the recent revelations.

If you’ve been affected by a council data protection incident, you may be entitled to claim for data breach compensation.

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council email data leaks
November 23, 2018

Concerns over Cornwall Council data protection breach incidents

Concerns have been raised over a spate of Cornwall Council data protection breach incidents, leading to worries over the safety of data in their hands.

The recent email data breach was one incident that was raised in council meetings. On top of that, there have been incidents of data loss, data leaks and councillors being hacked.

With the degree of sensitive and personal information that councils hold, any council data breach can be a serious one. Cornwall Council isn’t the only local authority with data protection headaches. The new GDPR is set to only make things tougher; and rightly so.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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