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Tag: council data breaches

Greater Manchester Police
October 18, 2022

Compensation for council cyber incidents

You could be entitled to pursue privacy compensation for council cyber incidents, and our leading team of expert lawyers may be able to represent you now on a No Win, No Fee basis.

We know the substantial impact that council data breaches can have on the victims, and we understand the need for people to achieve some form of justice for what they have had to go through. The GDPR is not just there for organisations to follow in terms of good practice and procedure for information management, it is also there for people to use in the event that something has gone wrong.

You can speak to our team here now for free, no-obligation legal advice about pursuing a GDPR compensation case today. read more

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contact details in domestic abuse matters
October 05, 2022

Unauthorised access in a local authority council data breach

Unauthorised access in a local authority setting could result in significant distress being suffered by the victim. This can be a breach of the GDPR and could allow the person to pursue a compensation claim.

Your Lawyers, as Leading Data Leak Lawyers, represent thousands of people engaged in compensation cases for privacy breaches and we may be able to help you too. We can offer No Win, No Fee legal representation to eligible clients and you could be owed thousands of pounds in compensation.

You can talk to our team for specialist advice and help here now on a completely free and no-obligation basis.

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serious impact of data
August 01, 2022

Gloucestershire County Council data breaches

Concerns over Gloucestershire County Council data breaches were in the media following statistics from a Freedom of Information request last year.

Media reports confirmed that the council ranked high in terms of private data breaches in the UK, and we can tell you as a leading firm of data breach compensation experts that it is not uncommon for local authorities to be involved in privacy breaches. Many of the thousands of people that we represent are claiming compensation against councils, and victims of such an incident could be entitled to recover damages on a No Win, No Fee basis.

You can speak to our team for free and friendly advice on a no-obligation basis here now. read more

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email data breaches
July 25, 2022

Oxfordshire County Council data breaches

Oxfordshire County Council data breaches were in the media last year in terms of the volume of them and the increase in events that have taken place over the last decade or so.

Local authority data breach incidents can be substantial given the nature of the information that they store and process. The impact on the victim can be severe, and justice can be achieved by way of a claim for privacy compensation. Your Lawyers, as a leading firm of data breach experts, are here to help.

You could be eligible to pursue a legal case on a No Win, No Fee basis with our expert team. Contact us here to find out more now.

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UK council data breaches
July 12, 2022

Compensation for sensitive council data breaches

Sensitive council data breaches can lead to victims suffering considerable distress caused by the loss of control of their personal information.

Councils and local authorities store and process a significant wealth of very personal information for a huge number of people. Their duty to protect this information is incredibly important. If they fail to adhere to vital data protection laws, a victim of a data breach could be entitled to claim compensation now.

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by Social Services
July 11, 2022

Public sector GDPR fines set to change

Public sector GDPR fines are set to change following an open letter that has been published by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) in recent weeks.

It is looking like there may be a shift in focus away from the need to issue large fines in the public sector, and instead focusing on how standards could be raised across the board.

Regulatory fines are a separate matter to the rights of victims who can still be eligible to claim compensation for any distress or loss that has been caused by a data breach. You should always contact our data privacy team for free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

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Ministry of Justice privacy
July 04, 2022

Welsh local authority data breach compensation claims

We can pursue Welsh local authority data breach compensation claims on a No Win, No Fee basis for eligible clients, and you can obtain free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

Your Lawyers is a leading firm of Data Leak Specialists representing thousands of people just like you who need our help when it comes to a privacy breach. You could be entitled to claim thousands of pounds in compensation, and our team is on hand to help you now.

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medical notes have
June 28, 2022

Leak of confidential documents – claiming compensation

You could be eligible to claim compensation for a leak of confidential documents, and we may be able to offer No Win, No Fee legal representation.

Your Lawyers, as leading Data Leak Lawyers, represent thousands of people for privacy compensation cases. Many of those are centred on confidential data and documentation being misused or exposed, so we know all too well how badly the victims of such an event can be affected.

Although we cannot undo any damage that has been done to you, we can use the law to fight for your right to receive compensation for what you have had to go through. We are here to help.

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compromised mobile phone
June 01, 2022

Wandsworth Council data leak

The media has reported that there has been a Wandsworth Council data leak that may have affected tens of thousands of people, arising from an error on a mass email.

Anyone who has been affected could be entitled to claim compensation now on a No Win, No Fee basis. Depending on how you may have been affected, you could be eligible for our legal representation.

You can contact our leading team of data experts and speak to us for free, no-obligation advice here now.

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Cheshire West and Chester Council data
May 27, 2022

Cheshire West and Chester Council data leak

Media reports have confirmed that there has been a Cheshire West and Chester Council data leak, and it appears to be yet another in a long line of email breaches of its kind.

At Your Lawyers, as The Data Leak Lawyers, we are used to helping people claim compensation for incidents like this as leading privacy claims experts. It does not come as a surprise to us when we see a repeat of a style of incident, despite the fact that data laws are more stringent these days, and organisations should learn from the errors of others. Despite this, in our experience, these same kinds of breaches just keep on happening time and time again.

This may be part of the reason as to why we represent thousands of people for claims, and have already recovered over £1m in damages for mostly individual clients to date.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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