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Tag: cybersecurity

Watford Community Housing email breach
January 23, 2019

Scams arising from the TV licensing data breach

Victims of last year’s TV licensing data breach need to take care to avoid falling victim to phishing scams that are doing the rounds at the moment.

Victims of the TalkTalk data breach – one of the over 20 data breach actions we’re representing people in – were contacted after the breach. It appears that scammers had got hold of information that had been exposed in the breach. Victims of the TV licensing data breach should be wary of being contacted in the same way.

We know that phishing scams using the cover of TV licensing are doing the rounds. One victim lost £10,000.00 to scammers after they managed to convince him they were the real thing.

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data breach
January 21, 2019

Collection #1 data breach shows how vulnerable people are

The monumental Collection #1 data breach that hit the headlines last week shows just how vulnerable people are to data breaches.

The incident, known as the Collection #1 breach, involved what many say is the biggest ever dump of hacked information on the internet. Hundreds of millions of email addresses and passwords that are thought to have been taken from a number of different hacks were published online. Criminals may have been using the information to break into people’s accounts for years.

The sheer volume of the Collection #1 data is a stark reminder as to just how vulnerable people are nowadays.

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data theft risks
January 18, 2019

The Butlins data breach incident

The Butlins data breach incident was one of many that hit the UK in 2018. As holidays are getting booked up in the post-Christmas period, data security may well be a concern for some.

We know from the recent Marriott data breach that passport data was compromised. The data that’s collected as part of booking holidays can be private and sensitive, and could leave victims at risk of fraudulent activity.

In the Butlins data breach of last year, it was personal information that appeared to have been exposed.

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coronavirus contact tracing data app data breach risks
January 17, 2019

Closure of York Council app after hack

The York Council app that was hacked late last year has reportedly been shut down as a result of the data breach incident.

It’s understood that the public-facing aspect of the app is no longer available. Residents had been able to access it and use it as part of waste-reduction plans and for the improvement of their environmental performance.

After it was discovered that the app lacked the proper security to keep users’ data safe, the app has now been reportedly shut down and is no longer publicly-available.

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online company fined
January 15, 2019

The Marriott data breach UK compensation action

The Marriott data breach UK action for compensation may grow as revelations about unencrypted passport numbers being exposed hit the media.

We know there were some 500m records reportedly exposed in the huge Marriot data breach. As investigations into the breach continue, more information has come to light about the extent and the nature of the data that was exposed.

Some of the information potentially compromised in the breach could leave people at an imminent risk of fraudulent activity.

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cyberattack compensation
January 09, 2019

Fortnite hackers making a mint

Fortnite hackers – some of whom are as young as 14 – are reportedly making a mint through the practice of “Fortnite Cracking”.

Fortnite, the free-to-play online game where users can make in-game purchases like skins for their characters, has opened up a whole new form of black market. Hackers are targeting accounts and stealing them to then resell them based on the value of the account.

Some of the hackers are reportedly making thousands of pounds from stealing the accounts of other users. Now, authorities are set to be stepping-up their efforts to stop this growing black market.

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debit or credit card details are exposed
January 07, 2019

Have you suffered an Amazon data leak?

If you’ve been the victim of an Amazon data leak, we may be able to help you claim data leak compensation on a No Win, No Fee basis.

The most recent Amazon data leak took place last month, and there wasn’t a great deal of detail released about it. All that was said to victims was that some data had been exposed, and that victims don’t need to take any action. Although this may suggest that the leak was contained, people should always be vigilant. Companies should always ensure to warn people that they may need to take action.

One key element we do understand is that the most recent Amazon data leak reportedly stemmed from an API issue. This is important to know.

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January 02, 2019

Marriott data breach compensation

If you’ve yet to sign-up to claim Marriott data breach compensation, you can contact our team for help and advice today.

Some 500m people have been affected by the monumental Marriott data breach that was revealed at the end of 2018. Private and sensitive data has been exposed on a database Marriott’s Starwood reservation customers. The data appears to have been exposed since 2014.

Data compromised in the breach includes personal information, contact information and payment card data. This was yet another serious incident, and any victim who is eligible to claim compensation for the Marriott data breach can sign-up with us today.

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data leak and data breach compensation
December 28, 2018

The NASA data breach

The NASA data breach is a worrying one. An agency as prolific as NASA has been hit by a cyberattack. It makes us wonder – as we often do – is anyone really safe?

Our Data Leak Lawyers are involved in over 20 different data breach actions. These range from the Equifax data breach of 2017, to the British Airways data breach of this year. These are huge hacks that affected large organisations. Each time a new one comes along, we’re a mix of surprised and unsurprised that it has happened. On the one hand, these breaches are happening all the time, but on the other, the big-name breaches are worrying.

Surely there should never be such a thing as a NASA data breach. Yet it has happened…

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December 21, 2018

We need to talk about drone hacking

As Gatwick Airport has been brought to a standstill over drones accessing the airfield, now is the time we need to talk about drone hacking.

We’ve highlighted this before, but given the news this week, it’s time to bring it up again. If cars can be hacked, so can drones. If smart tech in the home can be hacked, so can drones. If these things can be used to harm people – physically or financially – so can drones. They’re remote-controlled which means a huge door is there to be opened. There also incredibly easy to buy, and hackers have already demonstrated how easy it is to take control of another drone by hacking.

If there’s technology good enough to bring one of the UK’s biggest airports to a standstill, drone hacking is a serious concern.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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