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Tag: data breach

Flagship Group cyberattack
March 03, 2020

Data Lawyers representing victims of LOQBOX data breach

We have been contacted by victims of the LOQBOX data breach since Saturday, and we immediately offered No Win, No Fee agreements for the several victims that got in touch.

LOQBOX has been hacked and customers are being informed about the potential exposure of personal information. As accessible lawyers, we were open over the weekend from 9am to 5pm to help victims who were receiving breach notification emails, and we have taken compensation claims forward.

If you’ve been informed that you were a victim of the LOQBOX hack, we could represent you for a claim for compensation. As a leading firm of specialist data breach lawyers that are proudly representing people in over 30 different group and multi-party actions, with thousands of people coming to us for our expertise, we can help you.

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no win, no fee data protection compensation claims
March 02, 2020

GDPR breach compensation amounts

As a leading data claims law firm, we can offer our valuable insight into GDPR breach compensation amounts, and what you may be entitled to receive.

The GDPR has paved the way for the UK’s data regulator, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), to now issue substantial financial penalties for breaches. The amounts can be in the millions: the intention to fine British Airways for their 2018 breaches has been set at a provisional £183m, which is a record-breaking amount.

But the money from fines isn’t designed to be used for compensation, and will normally go into the treasury. What we focus on is what the victims are entitled to through a GDPR claim for compensation.

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shortage of cybersecurity specialists
February 28, 2020

Claiming compensation for a security breach

You can be entitled to claim compensation for a security breach, and we can offer No Win, No Fee representation for victims who put their trust in us.

As a leading firm that specialises in data breach compensation law, thousands of people have been coming to us for our expert help for years. We launched our first group legal case back in 2015 when data compensation was an emerging area of law, and many of the dozens of actions that we now help people for involve security breaches. In fact, the first GDPR Group Litigation Order (GLO) that we’re on the Steering Committee for – the BA Group Action – stemmed from a security breach.

Victims can contact our team for free, no-obligation advice about their options for compensation.

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compensation for e-skimming fraud
February 27, 2020

Has my data been breached?

News of incidents appear in the media all the time, and when it involves an organisation you may interact with, the first question people often ask is: has my data been breached?

Well, it isn’t always easy to tell right away. In some cases, organisations that have reportedly been hit by a cyberattack stay silent for some time before they speak out about it. Some are slow to advise people about what has happened which has led to criticism; Equifax being a classic example of this.

Organisations have a responsibility to inform their customers and clients if their information has been misused or exposed. But with speed being an issue, and some cases involving issues where it’s hard to know for sure who has been breached, people need to be wary.

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letter is sent to the wrong address
February 26, 2020

When mail is sent to the wrong person

A simple and common type of data breach occurs when mail is sent to the wrong person. It can easily happen, and it often does happen, and victims should know their rights.

For the victims, once a data leak like this has taken place, the damage is done. It can be easy for this kind of incident to be brushed off as a simple “human error”, but there can be so much more to it than that. In many cases, an incident like this is very preventable and we really shouldn’t be seeing so many incidents like this at all

If this has happened to you, you shouldn’t have to accept that it’s just ‘one of those things’. As a leading firm of expert data breach compensation lawyers, we know from our years of experience how a data leak can really impact a victim. Here’s how we can help you.

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unsecured database compensation claims
February 25, 2020

What to do if your medical records are exposed

If your medical records are exposed, you could be entitled to make a claim for data breach compensation with us on a No Win, No Fee basis.

We represent a lot of people for cases of this nature, and the impact on the victim is usually severe. Data breach compensation amounts are designed to reflect the severity of the distress caused by the loss of control of personal information. When the data misused or exposed is particularly sensitive and confidential, like medical data, the distress can be worse. As such, pay-outs can be significant.

Victims should never suffer in silence. If you have been the victim of a medical records data breach, you could be entitled to compensation, and we can help.

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fraud from cyberattacks hotel data breaches
February 24, 2020

Never underestimate the impact of data breaches

No one should underestimate the impact of data breaches; not the organisations who cause a data breach, nor the victims who are caught up in one.

Information is knowledge, and knowledge is power. In the wrong hands, even a little data can go along way to harming someone. The number of breaches and hacks in recent years has grown at a rapid rate, and we expect to see this trend continue; even though we have the GDPR in place nowadays.

Take it from us a leading firm of data breach compensation experts: we know the impact incidents can cause to the victims. Here’s some advice about the risks and what you can do about being the victim of a data breach event.

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data breach deleting information
February 19, 2020

Department for Work and Pensions data breaches

We represent victims for Department for Work and Pensions data breaches, and we know that the impact in terms of the distress suffered can be severe.

Public sector data breaches are one of the most common types of legal cases that we take forward for people on a No Win, No Fee basis. Given the ongoing resource restraints that many areas of the public sector are under, it’s not uncommon to see incidents that involve organisations like the DWP. Victims do not have to suffer in silence, and they have the right to make a claim for compensation with us.

As a leading firm of data breach compensation experts that have been helping thousands of people for years in this complex and niche area of law, we can help you.

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claims folder
February 14, 2020

Employment tribunal data breaches

We represent several clients who are claiming for employment tribunal data breaches, and there are many ways these kinds of incidents can take place.

Employment tribunals are sensitive matters that need to be treated confidentially. Many people involved in disputes with an employer do not want colleagues or former colleagues knowing the details about what’s going on. Although some colleagues may need to be aware for witness evidence purposes, it’s not usually a matter that should be so widely known.

Over the last 5 years, we’ve been at the forefront of data breach compensation claiming as a leading firm of expert lawyers. A number of the individual legal cases we deal with have involved leaks and breaches associated with employment tribunal matters. Here’s how we can help you.

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data breach compensation
February 13, 2020

GDPR fines and compensation

GDPR fines and compensation claims for victims are two separate things with separate avenues for recovering money in either case.

Although the GDPR means that fines can now hit the millions, none of that money is designed to be for the victims. Money recovered from financial penalties will normally end up in the treasury with other general government funds like taxes and fines. It can then be used for government spending.

When it comes to justice for victims, you can speak to us about a separate legal action where you can bring a claim for data breach compensation.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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