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Tag: data breach

victim of data theft or loss
January 23, 2020

Simple data breaches can sometimes be the worst

In some cases, those small and simple data breaches can actually be the worst; especially when the context of the incident is considered.

It can only take one employee of an organisation failing to understand the rules that can lead to a substantial breach. It can only take just one piece of leaked information to cause significant to distress for the victim as breaches can be very subjective.

Take it from a leading law firm with a proven track record of succeeding with data breach cases that sample leaks, breaches and hacks can cause devastation. Our role is to make sure that anyone – no matter who they are and what the breach is – can access the justice they may be entitled to.

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medical records accessed
January 22, 2020

NHS data protection breach compensation advice

An NHS data protection breach can be absolutely devastating for the victim, and it’s important that people know their rights when it comes to compensation and justice.

Like many organisations, the NHS is moving into the digital era with greater reliance on technology and accessible information. This can be valuable for treating and diagnosing patients faster, and it can also be invaluable for medical research to improve services across the board.

However, it can also mean that more data is being digitally stored; data is far more accessible; and sensitive information can be more easily shared. This means that the responsibilities for the organisations – as well as for its employees – to safeguard the data held is even more important. When things go wrong, the victims can be entitled to justice by way of an NHS data breach compensation claim.

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Virgin Media group action data breach
January 21, 2020

Final deadline for BA compensation: Your Lawyers in the news

As a leading, specialist data breach compensation law firm, we’re often in the news. Last week, we featured in the Mirror with regards to the final deadline for BA compensation cases to be submitted.

Making sure that victims know about the deadline to claim is an important part of the work that we do. We have been – and still are –  involved in dozens of group actions, some of which (like the BA Group Action) have formed into a GLO. When a GLO (Group Litigation Order) is established, the court will normally enforce a deadline for people to join, and that’s what we have in the British Airways action.

People need to know that there’s a strict time limit in force to launch your claim, and there’s work that needs to be done to make sure that you hit the deadline.

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British Airways data breach claims
January 17, 2020

BA data breach compensation deadline: one year to go!

There’s now just one year left to sign-up for a legal case before the BA data breach compensation deadline passes.

You may think that you still have plenty of time to join the BA Group Action with a whole 12 months before the court cut-off date expires. However, it’s important to understand that there’s far more to it than just registering your name and address, and a great deal of work needs to be done.

As we have done so many times in the past when group actions deadlines are in place, we issue advice as to why you should claim now and avoid delay!

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police data breach claims
January 16, 2020

Police breach data protection breach compensation

We represent victims for police breach data protection breach compensation claims, and we can offer No Win, No Fee arrangements for cases that we can take forward.

Although we can be thankful for the hard work and bravery of many officers of the law, it’s important to remember that the police are not above the law. This includes officers, senior staff, and administration and support employees. Anyone employed within the police service is subject to the same rules as everyone else, and the Data Protection Act and the GDPR apply.

If you have been affected by a leak, breach or hack involving the police, you should speak to our team for free, no-obligation advice. We’re data compensation experts with a proven track record of settling claims, with thousands of people having come to us for our specialist advice and legal representation.

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January 15, 2020

Inappropriate access to medical records: advice for victims

Issues relating to inappropriate access to medical records is something we have talked about before. It’s completely wrong and can have a huge impact for the victims.

In some cases – and this is what we will look at here – unauthorised access to medical data can be a great deal more sinister than staff being curious about people they’re acquainted with. In some cases, employees have accessed information for more sinister means, where they have targeted specific individuals to pursue them for relations.

We have represented people who have been unscrupulously contacted by employees who have accessed their contact data through their employment to then engage them for relations. In these kinds of scenarios, the impact for the victim can be substantial, so it’s important to know your rights.

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January 14, 2020

Can I claim data breach compensation?

Many victims want to know what rights they have when their information is misused or exposed. A common question we’re asked as experts in this field is whether a person can claim data breach compensation or not.

We do assess claims on a case-by-case basis, so we can’t tell for sure if we can help you unless we know more about what has happened. However, we can give you some useful guidance which is based on our specialism in this area of law. As a law firm who have been fighting for justice for data breach victims for far longer than many other solicitors, our insight can be valuable.

Read on for some more info about whether we may be able to help you or not. However, our team is more than happy to offer you free, no-obligation advice on a confidential basis about right now so you can know if we can help you or not. We don’t ask for upfront fees for our initial advice, and if we can take a case forward, we can also offer No Win, No Fee options.

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hospital ransomware attacks
January 13, 2020

Confidential advice for an HIV status data leak

We offer professional, confidential and no-obligation advice and representation for an HIV status data leak as an area of law that we have particular expertise in.

One of the first data actions that we took forward was for victims of the infamous 56 Dean Street Clinic leak. This 2015 leak resulted in the HIV status for almost 800 patients being exposed, and the impact for the victims has been substantial. Having built legal cases for the many who placed their legal cases with us, we understand just how bad this kind of data exposure can be.

It’s important to know our background in these kinds of claims, given how serious a matter like this is. A lot of law firms have started offering services for data cases, and we’ve seen some remarkable and unsubstantiated claims being made by some firms when it comes to their role in the sector. People need to take care.

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domestic abuse data breach
January 07, 2020

Doorstep Dispensaree receives the first GDPR fine in UK

It’s official: the first GDPR fine in the UK has been issued to Doorstep Dispensaree for data protection breaches that spanned across a two-year period.

This one involves medical data, which is some of the most personal and sensitive forms of data that there is. Medical data breach compensation claims account for a large proportion of the legal cases that we take forward because of how common they can be, and because of the impact on victims. The impact is often severe because this is the kind of information that we do not want to be misused or exposed.

The breach period, in this case, is between June 2016 and June 2018, which means that it just falls within the GDPR start period from May 2018. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) was reportedly alerted to the breach by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) who were conducting unrelated enquiries.

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healthcare data breaches caused by human error nhs staff medical record breaches
December 27, 2019

Snooping on medical records: legal advice

Ultimately, snooping on medical records is not OK at all. In fact, in the UK, this behaviour can constitute as a breach of data protection laws, and that can land the snoopers in trouble and give the victims the right to claim.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has prosecuted a number of NHS workers for these kinds of incidents. They have also had to issue general warnings to remind staff about their obligations and duties, and the fact that snooping on records could get you prosecuted, fined and sacked.

In terms of the victims, they can have the right to bring legal action for compensation if their records are ever snooped on. We can represent people for medical data protection breach cases like this on a No Win, No Fee basis.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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