We focus on the latest news surrounding data breaches, leaks and hacks plus daily internet security articles.
The monumental Collection #1 data breach that hit the headlines last week shows just how vulnerable people are to data breaches.
The incident, known as the Collection #1 breach, involved what many say is the biggest ever dump of hacked information on the internet. Hundreds of millions of email addresses and passwords that are thought to have been taken from a number of different hacks were published online. Criminals may have been using the information to break into people’s accounts for years.
The sheer volume of the Collection #1 data is a stark reminder as to just how vulnerable people are nowadays.
The Butlins data breach incident was one of many that hit the UK in 2018. As holidays are getting booked up in the post-Christmas period, data security may well be a concern for some.
We know from the recent Marriott data breach that passport data was compromised. The data that’s collected as part of booking holidays can be private and sensitive, and could leave victims at risk of fraudulent activity.
In the Butlins data breach of last year, it was personal information that appeared to have been exposed.
If you’ve yet to sign-up to claim Marriott data breach compensation, you can contact our team for help and advice today.
Some 500m people have been affected by the monumental Marriott data breach that was revealed at the end of 2018. Private and sensitive data has been exposed on a database Marriott’s Starwood reservation customers. The data appears to have been exposed since 2014.
Data compromised in the breach includes personal information, contact information and payment card data. This was yet another serious incident, and any victim who is eligible to claim compensation for the Marriott data breach can sign-up with us today.
The NASA data breach is a worrying one. An agency as prolific as NASA has been hit by a cyberattack. It makes us wonder – as we often do – is anyone really safe?
Our Data Leak Lawyers are involved in over 20 different data breach actions. These range from the Equifax data breach of 2017, to the British Airways data breach of this year. These are huge hacks that affected large organisations. Each time a new one comes along, we’re a mix of surprised and unsurprised that it has happened. On the one hand, these breaches are happening all the time, but on the other, the big-name breaches are worrying.
Surely there should never be such a thing as a NASA data breach. Yet it has happened…
iPhone app data breaches, leaks and hacks are on the rise as much as then use of apps continues to rise in everyday society.
Many people just assume that data on apps and phones is secure. Recent investigations and data breach incidents have told us a totally different story about the security of apps on phones.
People have a lot of reasons to worry. There have been a number of apps that have been comprised through poor security. Potentially millions of people are putting their private and sensitive data at risk every day.
Are you eligible to make a claim for Cathay Pacific data breach compensation? As expert data claims lawyers, we can help you.
The Cathay Pacific data breach is similar to the British Airways data breach action we’ve launched. It’s another case of a serious airliner breach, and it has affected millions of people around the world.
The Data Leak Lawyers are already representing victims claiming in over 20 different data breach actions. Our specialism and focus is on data breach class action cases. If you’ve been affected by the Cathay Pacific breach, we can help you.
An Amazon data breach incident took place in the lead up to the big Black Friday sales a few weeks ago.
The incident reportedly stemmed from a technical problem.
In the data protection breach, customer names and email addresses were inadvertently posted on the company’s website. They were removed upon discovery of the error, and customers affected by the data breach have been informed.
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is said to be looking into the situation.
If you need legal advice about the Marriott data breach, we can help. This is another huge breach that has led to private and sensitive data being exposed.
This has to be 2018’s mega breach. Although we thought the British Airways one was the breach to set the bar, this one is obscene in terms of data breached and the timeframe. Some 500 million customers whose data was on Marriott’s Starwood reservation database has been comprised since 2014. Anyone with data on the system up until 10th September 2018 may be affected.
If you’ve received notification that you’re a victim of the data breach and you’re based in England or Wales, we can help.
It seems highly likely there will be some form of Facebook GDPR fine coming at some time. The recent data breaches cannot go unpunished.
As data breaches and our rights to privacy continue to grow in importance, people want to know how GDPR will be there to protect us. With the massive Facebook data breach that took place in September fresh in our minds, people want to know what kind of Facebook GDPR fine may be issued.
Facebook could find themselves as the marker in Europe for how far the new GDPR will go. Although it isn’t the first company to have been at the centre of a data breach since the rule change in May, it could be the biggest.
If you’ve suffered from a Bexley Council data breach, you may not be alone. According to recent information, they’ve suffered a spate of breaches lately.
A Freedom of Information (FOI) request has revealed a huge increase in the number of Bexley council data breach incidents taking place. Local authority data breaches are a common type of claim we often deal with. With the public sector often responsible for large volumes of data breaches, we’re not surprised by the recent revelations.
If you’ve been affected by a council data protection incident, you may be entitled to claim for data breach compensation.
EasyJet admits data of nine million hacked
British Airways data breach: How to claim up to £6,000 compensation
Are you owed £5,000 for the Virgin Media data breach?
Virgin Media faces £4.5 BILLION in compensation payouts
BA customers given final deadline to claim compensation for data breach
Shoppers slam Morrisons after loyalty points stolen
Half a million customers can sue BA over huge data breach
Lawyers accuse BA of 'swerving responsibility' for data breach
The biggest data breaches of 2020
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