We focus on the latest news surrounding data breaches, leaks and hacks plus daily internet security articles.
If you’ve been affected by the recent Npower data breach, we can help with legal advice and compensation representation.
Npower sent out some 5,000 letters addressed to customers with solar panels. However, the letters contained the details for other customers as opposed to the information for the addressee. Some contained additional sheets containing further information for more customers.
Npower has apologised for the breach, which has been referred to the ICO (Information Commissioner’s office).
The Ceredigion Council data breach showed the severity of a council data breach. Councils and local authorities hold a lot of personal and sensitive data about us.
Unfortunately, the Welsh council failed to uphold their important security responsibilities. It was discovered (a few weeks ago) that names, addresses and information about medical conditions was exposed on their website. The personal and sensitive documents had been left on the website and were accessible to anyone for 11 years, since 2007.
This is a serious data breach. Anyone affected can approach our legal team for advice today.
The Hastings Council data breach on the eve of the GDPR coming into force showed just how easy the human error element is.
The irony was that the breach involved an email being sent out with an opt-in or opt-out offer for compliance with the new GDPR. They sent the email on the eve of the new rules coming into force. It all seemed very sensible.
That was until it was realised that all the recipients’ information was visible to each other. Yes, that’s right. A GDPR information email was sent out that breached data protection rules itself. It was another simple case of avoidable human error.
Airline data breach incidents is a hot topic right now off the back of the recent British Airways data breach. We recently launched a legal case as a result of the breach.
Airline data breach incidents can be incredibly serious. The amount of personal and sensitive data that an airline holds is substantial enough to cause serious distress and monetary loss. Victims affected by a breach like the British Airways hack can be entitled to compensation.
For advice, please contact the team or read on for more general guidance.
You can claim compensation as a victim of the Newegg data leak. This was a preventable breach in our view, and we can represent you for a legal case.
If you have been affected by the leak that took place between 14th August 2018 and 18th September 2018, we can help if you’re based in England or Wales. This was a ‘digital skim’ attack in the same style as the British Airways and Ticketmaster attacks we’re representing victims for. The same hackers are understood to be behind all three attacks.
In our view, the Newegg data leak was preventable. That’s why we ‘reoffering No Win, No Fee representation for eligible victims
Want to know how the Equifax data breach UK compensation works? Don’t ignore your rights just because their parent company is a US one!
Victims in the UK can claim for Equifax data breach compensation within the jurisdiction we operate in, which is England and Wales. We understand how there may be some confusion over whether a UK data breach victim can claim against a US company, but your claim should be with the UK arm.
For information about our Equifax data breach compensation action launched last year, click here. For more information about your rights to claim in the UK, read on.
The British Airways cyber breach was not the first of its kind in the travel sector, nor was it the first breach British Airways have suffered themselves.
The travel sector is a popular target for criminals to hit as there’s a wealth of information that can be stolen; and money to steal as well. This fact alone ought to have been enough of a warning for British Airways to take more care of their customers’ information, yet they were still hacked (again).
What does the Equifax fine mean for the many people we’re representing for compensation claims for last year’s massive data breach?
We launched our Equifax compensation action last year, and we’re still taking new cases on now. The news of the Equifax fine has prompted more people to come forward and join our action, but what does the fine mean for the action on the whole?
The fine and our legal action are separate, but outcomes of regulatory investigations can help legal claims as well.
We’re launching legal action for Newegg data breach compensation. The tech company has been hit with a malware injection that’s believed to have been skimming payment card data for over a month.
Yesterday, Newegg announced that they’d discovered malware on one of their servers, and that a number of their customers may be at risk from their payment card data being exposed. Newegg are said to be contacting affected customers, and anyone in England and Wales who has been affected can contact us for help.
The full extent of the data breach has yet to be revealed, but we’re launching our Newegg data breach compensation action immediately given the nature of the breach.
British Airways complaints have understandably risen in the aftermath of the massive payment card data breach, but what about compensation?
If you have a legitimate complaint with regards to the service a company has provided to you, you can be entitled to some form of remedy. This especially applies where you are at a loss as a result of the complaint.
In terms of British Airways complaints over the recent data breach, we understand that the advice they have given is to contact your bank. We have launched a compensation action, so you can instruct us directly to recover any compensation you are due.
EasyJet admits data of nine million hacked
British Airways data breach: How to claim up to £6,000 compensation
Are you owed £5,000 for the Virgin Media data breach?
Virgin Media faces £4.5 BILLION in compensation payouts
BA customers given final deadline to claim compensation for data breach
Shoppers slam Morrisons after loyalty points stolen
Half a million customers can sue BA over huge data breach
Lawyers accuse BA of 'swerving responsibility' for data breach
The biggest data breaches of 2020
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