We focus on the latest news surrounding data breaches, leaks and hacks plus daily internet security articles.
There has been a serious breach at Plymouth University which has seen more than 200 staff members’ salaries leaked.
An investigation, undertaken by Plymouth University solicitors, is well under way. It transpires that a confidential spreadsheet noting 240 senior staff members’ salaries was erroneously sent to an incorrect email address in June 2015.
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More and more purchases are being made through non-traditional methods, like mobile apps. However, concerns remain about the security of these methods as we continue to see data breaches hit the news on an almost daily basis.
Large numbers of Starbucks’ customers have reported their accounts being hacked, which was reportedly from an attack dating back to 2015. Some say they’ve had money tapped from their accounts on the mobile app, and according to USA TODAY, the cyber-hackers used a ‘clever new attack’ without actually hacking Starbucks itself.
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Healthcare data breaches continue to rise
Whilst an overwhelming amount of data breaches occur due to human error – like sending an email to the wrong recipient, or failing to hide multiple recipients’ identities from each other – ransomware of healthcare records are on a rapid climb.
In a report conducted by the Breach Industry Forecast, patient data is one of the most valuable types of information to cyber criminals. Hospitals and other healthcare organisations usually keep masses of patient data in digital databases, and these are far from secure it seems.
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Following on from the several big recent hacking scandals where million of users’ personal details have been compromised, Guardian Soulmates – a dating service provided by The Guardian newspaper – are the latest victim of a cyber-hack.
Users of the dating website reportedly received sexually explicit emails following on from the hack. Soulmates usernames and email addresses were exposed by an unknown third-party service provider, according to Guardian News and Media (GNM).
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A recent hack saw thousands of Debenhams Flowers customer details compromised.
The hack was targeted at the staple retailer’s flowers website, but their primary website Debenhams.com is not thought to be affected.
Debenhams has reportedly notified affected customers, and issued a statement:
“Debenhams has taken immediate steps to minimise risk to customers affected and made contact with all those customers whose data has been accessed.”
According to recent figures, 1 in 8 people have suffered a healthcare data breach.
This is very worrying as healthcare data can be very private and sensitive information, and it can also be a goldmine for cyber-criminals.
Off the back of Friday’s monumental ransomware attack that hit almost one hundred countries around the world, and brought the NHS to an almost standstill, this is very worrying news.
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Three’s recent data breaches have caused a rippling effect for many customers.
The newest of the breaches caused some customers to be without texting and telephone functions on 22nd April 2017, and also led to some texts going to totally random people rather than the intended recipients.
We have already taken cases on where personal text messages ended up in the inbox of someone totally random, and social media was filled with complaining customers asking for explanations.
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The Police Federation’s head of misconduct has revealed that a large number of the police force are “persistently” committing data breaches.
Fears have arisen that the police force are using technologies like the Police National Computer (PNC) and the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) “for non-work related reasons”, according to the Police Federation.
And it’s happening all the time.
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Numerous security experts have noted that data breaches at the Financial Times Stock Exchange’s (FTSE) 100 firms have cost approximately £120 million in market value.
£120 million isn’t really loose change that organisations and firms should disregard; it should be a wake-up call!
According to the Breach Level Index, almost 1.4 billion data records were lost or stolen in 2016. The statistics showed an 86% increase from the previous year. The Breach Level Index notes that:
“…more and more organisations are accepting the fact that, despite their best efforts, security breaches are unavoidable.”
InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) originally believed that 12 of their properties were compromised from the data breach, but it now transpires that approximately 1,200 IHG hotels are affected.
On the 19th April 2017, IHG released new information in regards to the data breach. The information shows that the cyber-attack’s consequences were far worse than originally thought.
The data breach led to the theft of hotel guests credit card information.
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EasyJet admits data of nine million hacked
British Airways data breach: How to claim up to £6,000 compensation
Are you owed £5,000 for the Virgin Media data breach?
Virgin Media faces £4.5 BILLION in compensation payouts
BA customers given final deadline to claim compensation for data breach
Shoppers slam Morrisons after loyalty points stolen
Half a million customers can sue BA over huge data breach
Lawyers accuse BA of 'swerving responsibility' for data breach
The biggest data breaches of 2020
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