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Tag: data controllers

Dyfed-Powys Police enforcement notice
December 04, 2018

Staffordshire police data breach leads to sacking

A sickening Staffordshire police data breach has led to an officer being sacked and being handed a 12-month prison sentence.

With the police handling very sensitive and personal information, we expect the best from them. Unfortunately, they do fall short on some occasions. The police have been embroiled in a number of data breach incidents for several years. A concerning element is where officers are using police data when they’re not supposed to.

This hearings in the Staffordshire police data breach at the centre of this article resulted in the instant dismissal for the officer involved.

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December 03, 2018

The big Facebook GDPR questions

It seems highly likely there will be some form of Facebook GDPR fine coming at some time. The recent data breaches cannot go unpunished.

As data breaches and our rights to privacy continue to grow in importance, people want to know how GDPR will be there to protect us. With the massive Facebook data breach that took place in September fresh in our minds, people want to know what kind of Facebook GDPR fine may be issued.

Facebook could find themselves as the marker in Europe for how far the new GDPR will go. Although it isn’t the first company to have been at the centre of a data breach since the rule change in May, it could be the biggest.

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claim for an accidental data
November 29, 2018

East Lindsey Council data breach

The recent East Lindsey Council data breach was another example of a totally avoidable incident that resulted in sensitive information being exposed.

Our lawyers are often representing victims for council data breach cases. This includes for claims against local authority agencies and outsourced third-parties as well.

Public sector breaches can be common, and council data breaches are amongst the most frequent we see. As is the case with the East Lindsey Council data breach, many of the incidents are totally avoidable. Many stem from simple errors that can have costly consequences.

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how much the average compensation
November 27, 2018

Have you suffered a Bexley Council data breach?

If you’ve suffered from a Bexley Council data breach, you may not be alone. According to recent information, they’ve suffered a spate of breaches lately.

A Freedom of Information (FOI) request has revealed a huge increase in the number of Bexley council data breach incidents taking place. Local authority data breaches are a common type of claim we often deal with. With the public sector often responsible for large volumes of data breaches, we’re not surprised by the recent revelations.

If you’ve been affected by a council data protection incident, you may be entitled to claim for data breach compensation.

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By Author
November 15, 2018

Have you been affected by a Basingstoke council data breach?

If you have been affected by a Basingstoke Council data breach, we can help you with a claim for data protection compensation.

According to recent news coverage, there may have been a few Basingstoke Council data breach incidents of late. There are said to be a number of councillors who are at the centre of complaints proceedings over data breaches. A number of complaints may still be outstanding which, given the strength of GDPR, could be a problems itself.

If you have been affected by a Basingstoke Council data breach, or any data breach by a local authority, we can help you.

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By Author
November 14, 2018

Worries over numerous Facebook data breach incidents

A number of individuals have contacted us with concerns about the Facebook data breach incidents that have come to light.

If you’ve been affected by a Facebook data breach, our team may be able to help with a claim for compensation.

From the recent private messages hack, to the infamous Cambridge Analytica data breach, Facebook appears to have a lot to answer for. If you’ve been affected by a data breach as a Facebook user, you may be entitled to damages. You should contact our team for help and advice today. It’s no-obligation, and No Win, No Fee representation.

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parliament data breach scandal
August 30, 2018

Emma’s Diary data breach compensation advice


The Emma’s Diary data breach involved the company behind Emma’s Diary, Lifestyle Marketing (Mother and Baby) Ltd, selling personal data without consent.

The company has been fined £140,000.00 by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for illegally collecting and selling the personal data of some one million people. The data was sold to Experian Marketing Services who used the information for the Labour Party to specifically profile new mums to target them in the lead-up to the 2017 snap General Election.

Our Data Leak Lawyers are available now for advice to victims of the breach who can be eligible to claim for data breach compensation.

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cybersecurity issues
August 03, 2018

Who is responsible for data protection? Blame HR, apparently…

According to some recent and rather worrying research, the question as to who is responsible for data protection is that it’s a HR problem, some executives say.

According to a spread of UK executives who were asked about where the responsibilities are in terms of compromised credentials, like stolen or misused passwords, it’s a HR training issue.

It’s understood that one-fifth of respondents placed the responsibility in the hands of HR departments, with close to a thousand executives questioned. Some respondents also considered compromised credentials and weak passwords as very little risk to the business as well.

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how much the average compensation
July 30, 2018

2017 saw 2.7 BILLIION data records compromised

The year of 2017 saw a monumental 2.7 BILLIION data records compromised around the world as a result of data breaches and data hacks, estimates say.

This overall estimated figure of data records compromised is terrifying, with the UK reportedly in second place (behind the US) when it comes to the league table of breaches around the world.

They really are happening all the time and all over the place, and figures suggest that numbers have almost doubled in the UK from 2016 to 2017.

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cyber-attacks on UK councils
July 25, 2018

Research shows cybersecurity is not a priority for most businesses

Cybersecurity is not a priority for most businesses in the UK, results from recent research has indicated.

Despite us being in a time where the importance of cybersecurity has never been more prevalent, businesses are still not showing the respect to cybersecurity that it deserves. In fact, recent research suggested that just 10pc of UK businesses see cybersecurity as their biggest challenge to economic success, despite 2018 being the big year of the GDPR changes.

With the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) now having the power to fine data breach offenders up to £17m, how cybersecurity is not a priority is incredibly baffling.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
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Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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