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Tag: data leak

disposal of sensitive
June 28, 2023

Failing to disposal of sensitive data: compensation

Any failure in respect of the proper disposal of sensitive data could constitute a breach of the GDPR. This could allow anyone whose information has been misused or exposed to claim compensation on a no Win, No Fee basis.

At Your Lawyers, as Leading Data Leak Lawyers, we are used to representing people in matters where information has been subject to an avoidable breach. The first place to start to find out if we could help you with a legal case is to contact us for free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

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exposed pension data
June 27, 2023

Compensation for exposed pension data

You could be eligible to claim GDPR compensation for any misused or exposed pension data that has caused distress or financial loss to you.

Your Lawyers, as Leading Privacy Compensation Experts, may be able to represent you for a legal claim on a No Win, No Fee basis. This way of working means that we can write off our legal fees if the claim does not succeed as part of our commitment to access to justice.

Get started now by contacting our team for free, no-obligation legal advice here today.

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workplace medical data
June 22, 2023

Workplace medical data breach: £11,000 settlement

Our team previously recovered £11,000 in settlement of a workplace medical data breach compensation case which had a significant impact on our client.

Medical data is some of the most personal and sensitive information that there can be about us, so for this to be misused or exposed in a workplace setting can cause considerable distress. That is why in a case of this nature we are often able to recover substantial damages as we were able to do so for our client in this particular matter.

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serious impact of data
June 21, 2023

Serious impact of data breaches: claiming compensation

Any victim of a privacy incident could be eligible to recover compensation for any serious impact of data breaches that they have been affected by. We may be able to represent an individual for a legal case on a No Win, No Fee basis.

Read on for some advice, and contact our team here now for free, no-obligation legal advice about starting a claim today.

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data leaks in the healthcare
June 20, 2023

Data leaks in the healthcare sector

Victims of data leaks in the healthcare sector could be eligible to claim compensation and we may be able to represent you for a legal case on a No Win, No Fee basis.

If the breach has occurred due to some form of negligence, that is when we may be able to help you with a legal case. The best place to start to find out if you could be eligible to make a claim for medical data breach compensation is to contact our team for free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

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medical notes have
June 08, 2023

Sending sensitive data to wrong recipients: over £10,000 claim

We were pleased to have been able to recover over £10,000 in damages for a client who was affected by an incident of sending sensitive data to the wrong recipients.

In a matter of this nature, the impact on the victim can be substantial, depending on the nature of the information that has been affected. That is why, for some claims, we are able to recover substantial damages, as we were able to in this particular case.

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Department for Work and Pensions
June 06, 2023

Department for Work and Pensions data breach compensation

If you have suffered as a result of a Department for Work and Pensions data breach, we could represent you for a compensation claim on a No Win, No Fee basis now.

We are Your Lawyers – we are Leading Data Leak Lawyers representing thousands of people for privacy claims in England and Wales. You can talk to our team for a free, no-obligation claims assessment by contacting us here now.

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workplace data leak compensation
June 05, 2023

Workplace data leak compensation claims

You could be eligible to pursue a workplace data leak compensation claim, and we may be able to represent you for a legal case on a No Win, No Fee basis.

To find out if you are eligible to pursue a privacy compensation claim with us using the GDPR, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly team here now.

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inappropriately accessing medical
June 01, 2023

£10,000 settlement: inappropriately accessing medical data

We previously recovered £10,000 in damages for a client whom we represented in a case where there had been an incident of inappropriately accessing medical data that belonged to them.

This was a serious and flagrant breach of GDPR that had a significant impact on our client, which is why we agreed to pursue the case for them on a No Win, No Fee basis. We are pleased that we were able to succeed with the claim and recover substantial damages on behalf of our client.

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special category data breach
May 31, 2023

Special category data breach compensation claims

A special category data breach compensation claim requires the particular expertise and experience of a leading firm of privacy solicitors such as ourselves.

We may be able to represent you for a case of this nature on a No Win, No Fee basis. You can contact our team for free, no-obligation legal advice about your prospects of pursuing a case here now.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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