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Tag: data leak

domestic abuse data breach
January 27, 2021

Data protection practices – protecting physical and digital data

A recent leak of patient data has called into question the data protection practices of Lloyds Pharmacy. A parcel containing the prescription records of hundreds of Lloyds pharmacy patients is believed to have been intended for an NHS recipient, but mistakenly reached a personal home 300 miles away instead.

When the unintended recipient opened the box, she was shocked at the mass of details she found, assuming they were intended for the NHS prescription services in Bolton.

While Lloyds Pharmacy has placed the blame on an external courier service who mistakenly delivered the parcel, they may not be able to sidestep their ultimate responsibility for the control and handling of their own data in accordance with the GDPR. The incident undoubtedly highlights the risks organisations take when entrusting an external party with the safety of confidential records.

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local authority data breaches local authority data leak
January 20, 2021

Lichfield District Council and data protection negligence

A recent meeting of local councillors has reportedly highlighted data security problems that could put the Lichfield District Council in breach of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The issue surrounds the reported continued use of unencrypted laptops and was raised by Cllr Joanne Grange, who is understood to have expressed concerns that the problems had still not been addressed three years after they were identified in 2017.

It is understood that Cllr Grange suggested that the failure to update working practices in accordance with data protection regulations could be tantamount to “negligence”. Her statements have undoubtedly highlighted some key problems which the council should feel obliged to address as a matter of urgency.

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council email data leaks
January 19, 2021

Well Pharmacy data breach action- still open for claimants

There is still time to make a claim in the Well Pharmacy data breach action.

In 2018, Well Pharmacy, a major pharmacy chain, was responsible for leaking the details of over 24,000 staff and locum workers, after the data was accidentally included in an email.

Since the breach, The Data Leak Lawyers has been working hard to take on claims for affected employees ever since we launched legal action in early 2019. We have been working on the action for just over two years now, and our door is still open to any claimants who have yet to come forward.

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compensation advice for hospital data breaches
January 13, 2021

Medical data breach and the exposure of private patient information

A medical data breach is often serious as our medical data often represents the most personal information that we will ever entrust to a third party.

The faith we invest in medical professionals to protect this data is indicative of our confidence in their ability to care, and in the health service more generally.

However, this trust is at risk of being eroded due to the succession of medical data breaches that we have encountered, either first-hand or in the headlines, in recent years. When such breaches occur, the exposed information can be highly sensitive and, depending on the affected individual’s circumstances, can dramatically affect their mental state and/or their relationships. It is vital that the confidential doctor-patient relationship at the heart of the NHS is not damaged by a failure to prevent these exposures.

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domestic abuse data breach
January 12, 2021

Domestic violence and data protection breaches

A recent data leak from a community organisation has reportedly exposed the personal information of highly vulnerable domestic violence victim.

Moving On is a Rochdale-based support service that seeks to help adults with acquired disabilities and provide a safe space for them to work through their difficulties. However, a series of errors reportedly led to the personal data of a former domestic violence victim being sent to a third party and posted online.

The victims in question is understood to have been left ‘terrified’ following the incident, worrying who their personal information may have reached. Rochdale council is investigating the leak to find the cause of the error, but it has already been established that council officials were apparently responsible for sending a letter that unintentionally shared the victim’s details with a third party.

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new report uncovers councils lack of cybersecurity systems
January 06, 2021

HaveIBeenPwned and increase in hacks and incidents

The HaveIBeenPwned platform watches for breaches and can be used to check email addresses to see if an account linked to that email has been compromised in a data breach.

Over the last few months, HaveIBeenPwned has reported huge numbers of data breaches involving millions of records. This can highlight just how frequently these serious breaches are taking place, which is bad for us all.

Data breaches are becoming an increasing threat in society, particularly with the way 2020 evolved with a huge increase in people working from home due to the coronavirus pandemic. Your Lawyers (T/a The Data Leak Lawyers) are experts in the field of data breach law as a leading firm of compensation experts, and we are always keen to help victims of data breaches and fight for the justice that they deserve. We have helped thousands of victims claim millions in damages, and we may be able to help you too.

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data leak and data breach compensation
December 30, 2020

2020: another year of data breaches

2020 has been yet another year of data breaches, resulting in our leading team of lawyers here taking on many new cases and launching several new actions.

We had hoped that the introduction of the GDPR in 2018 would lead to serious improvements and that we would see far fewer breaches, leaks and hacks. Sadly, this has not been the case and, if anything, the volume of breaches continues to grow.

What has not helped us in 2020 is, of course, the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The increased reliance on the use of technology to be able to work and live has resulted in an increase in cyberattacks, and hackers have done their best to exploit the situation. When it comes to 2021, we expect the current trends to continue.

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expert advice on data leak law
December 29, 2020

Data protection laws and what you can claim for

Data protection laws are designed to do exactly what they say – they are in place to protect your personal data from being exposed and/or misused.

In today’s digital age, it has become harder and harder to keep track of your personal information and data. When we create online accounts or do our online shopping, we are trusting that business or organisation to have the correct security measures in place to protect our sensitive data, and we trust that they are abiding by important data protection laws.

Your Lawyers (T/a The Data Leak Lawyers) is a leading specialist data breach law firm. We have pioneered data breach action since 2014 and we are passionate about fighting for the rights of victims of data breaches. We know the importance of holding organisations to account when it comes to data protection and we know the damage data breaches can have on individuals when it is exposed or misused.

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domestic abuse data breach
December 28, 2020

The seriousness of social services data breaches

Social services data breaches can be extremely serious. Social services hold information on vulnerable children and their parents, and their job is to protect this information and safeguard the welfare of vulnerable children.

As such, data breaches of this nature can be extremely serious and can put vulnerable people at risk.

Your Lawyers (T/a The Data Leak Lawyers) are highly experienced in the complex area of data breach law as a leading firm in the UK, and we have been representing clients in privacy matters as far back as 2014. We are currently representing victims across dozens of multi-party and group action claims, and our expert team is ready to help you if you have been affected by a data breach; particularly any social services data breaches.

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data breach compensation for card skimming
December 23, 2020

A data breach at Christmas: never suffer in silence

Suffering the impact of a data breach at Christmas is something we are used to helping people with on a No Win, No Fee basis.

This is the time of year when data breach numbers can increase as more people go online to spend in time for the big day. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, more of our shopping is now online anyway, and the dangers of breaches, leaks and hacks are evident.

If you suffer from a data breach, you should never suffer in silence. Here is how we can help you.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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