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Tag: data leak

cybersecurity issues
December 12, 2019

Data breaches and encryption

Given the continually large volumes of incidents that are happening, it’s important to approach the subject of data breaches and encryption.

In some cases, leaks can happen due to human errors or system problems. Some hacks may take place because 100% effective defence is a hard thing to achieve. This doesn’t excuse an organisation when it comes to their responsibilities, but it’s important for them to understand that it’s about more than just trying to stop incidents; it’s also about preventing damage.

And that’s where encryption and even basic levels of protection is king.

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letter is sent to the wrong address
December 06, 2019

NHS South Central and West data leak

There’s been an NHS South Central and West data leak. It’s a familiar story in terms of how the leak has happened and the fact that it appears to have been very preventable.

In this latest incident, thousands of families have reportedly been sent letters encouraging the uptake of flu vaccinations for children. Unfortunately, due to a “mail merge error”, names and addresses for children were somehow mixed up. The result of this is that parents and carers have received information for other people’s children.

Another huge leak that may have been entirely preventable that took place owing to events that have taken place before. NHS data breach compensation claims are one of the most common types of cases we take forward because of how often these kinds of incidents happen, and it’s clear to us that more needs to be done to prevent them from taking place.

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Dyfed-Powys Police enforcement notice
December 04, 2019

Police data leak advice

No one is above the law, and that includes our police service. If a police data leak ever takes place, victims are entitled to justice in the same way as anyone else can be.

Given that the police handle a monumental wealth of personal and sensitive information, their duties to comply with important data protection legislation is important. Any leak, breach or hack could lead to information exposure which could have a serious impact on the victims, which is why it’s important for us to talk about this topic.

You can be entitled to make a claim for data leak compensation, and you’re safe doing so with us.

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domestic abuse data breach
November 26, 2019

Rights when medical records are lost

If your medical records are lost, you may be entitled to bring a legal case for compensation as a result of any understandable distress that can be caused.

When we think of medical data breach compensation claims, many people think of the obvious exposure and misuse incidents. But the loss of medical records can still be a loss of control of personal and sensitive information, and such incidents must be treated with same seriousness. The distress that can be suffered can be just as bad, especially when people are left with no idea as to where their private data has ended up, and who may have seen it.

At the end of the day, lost medical information could end up in the wrong hands, and the same loss of control worries apply.

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compromised mobile phone
November 22, 2019

Another Three data breach?

There has reportedly been yet another Three data breach, and the circumstances for the incident are almost the same as a previous one; which is worrying.

According to The Register earlier this month, there has been yet another case where people have been able to see the account information for other customers when using Three’s website. With the phone provider said to have around 10 million customers, any data breach they suffer could be monumental.

This isn’t the first time this exact problem has happened, and we have represented victims for Three data breaches in the past as well.

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By Author
November 08, 2019

Fraudsters targeting first-time buyers

According to credit-reference agency Experian, there are increasing incidents of fraudsters targeting first-time buyers, and some of it can be related to data breaches.

As a firm of expert data breach compensation lawyers, this news doesn’t come as a surprise to us at all. First-time buyers can be vulnerable to the kinds of tricks and scams that criminals can pull off, particularly because of being thrown into the world of owning a home for the first time. Criminals could pose as a number of organisations or parties, and they could use information from data breaches to convince people that they’re the real deal.

This kind of problem demonstrates how bad a simple data breach can actually be for a victim when criminals use even small bits of seemingly “harmless” data that has been exposed in a breach to do serious damage.

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email breach
November 05, 2019

Another West Berkshire Council data breach

There has been another West Berkshire Council data breach, and it again involves an email being sent to people that has leaked the information for the recipients.

Just a few weeks ago, we covered a breach from the same council which saw an email sent to around 30 people where the “BCC” function wasn’t used. In this more recent event, it’s another case where the “BCC” function wasn’t used, but this time, it’s understood to have affected over a thousand people.

The long and short of the issue is that council data breach compensation claims are incredibly common because of how easily these events occur. But these incidents are completely preventable, and the fact that there has been two from the same council in the space of just a few weeks is alarming.

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car hacking
November 01, 2019

Tesco Parking App Data Leak

Last month, the Tesco parking app data leak was discovered by The Register, and it involved the exposure of tens of millions of number plate images.

It was one of those cases of information that had been accidentally left exposed, and was accessible to anyone who came across it. It was also a clear example of one of the issues we’ve been talking about lately, which is the weaknesses that come with outsourcing information services.

Your defence is only as good as your weakest link, and when there are more links in the chain that arise from outsourcing, data controllers need to be vigilant.

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uea investigation
October 24, 2019

Data protection and privacy claims: how they work

As more and more people are aware of their rights when it comes to data protection and privacy claims, we thought we’d give you a little expert overview as a pioneering firm in this area of law.

There are many ways that you may be able to make a data breach compensation claim, and there can be varying degrees of how people might suffer. It isn’t just about recovering financial losses from fraud and cyberattacks; it’s also about claiming for the distress caused through the loss of control, or misuse, of private information.

With thousands of data breach victims asking us for help over the years we’ve been fighting for justice, here’s a little insight for you.

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data breach deleting information
October 17, 2019

Recruitment agency data breach compensation claims

With cybercriminals potentially targeting this sector, recruitment agency data breach compensation claims may be on the rise. We’re here to help.

This kind of data breach could lead to a substantial impact on the victim. You must remember that recruitment agencies hold a great deal of information about thousands and thousands of candidates. And many of the big agencies are online, so the numbers can be huge, and the data can be accessible.

When you have a wealth of potentially sensitive information for thousands of people, you can easily become a target for hackers. Employees of recruitment companies must also ensure that they’re complying with the law as well.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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