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Tag: database security

May 18, 2021

NurseryCam data breach

The recent NurseryCam data breach reportedly exposed the information of parents using the webcam service, which allows them to watch live footage of their kids at nursery.

Said to be in use across 40 nurseries in the UK, the company believes that the breach did not allow unauthorised users to view the webcam footage, but it nevertheless had the potential to cause a substantial violation of privacy had action not been taken quickly. It is currently unclear how many users of NurseryCam have been affected.

The news comes following a public dispute between NurseryCam and a cybersecurity expert, who had reportedly identified holes in the company’s defences prior to the data breach. As a result, the incident undoubtedly raises questions about the strength of the cybersecurity measures used by the company, and perhaps also the general attitude towards data protection among employees.

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cyberattack compensation
May 11, 2021

Data for sale online

In today’s digital age, we give out so much of our personal information to third parties, whether it’s an online fashion store or a delivery giant, that many undervalue the risks of data disclosure. While entrusting your data to a third party should not be unsafe in any way, the dangers that can arise if that third party has poor cybersecurity and falls victim to a hack, following which the cybercriminals may put up the data for sale online, can be serious.

Even the smallest amount of information can be a powerful weapon in the arsenal of criminals. They can use this valuable resource for themselves or sell it on for profit, thus exposing the data to wider misuse.

The risks of data sale should never be underestimated, a fact that we are keen to highlight in our work as leading data protection lawyers. We advocate data breach victims who want to stand up for their right to proper data protection, so contact us to find out if you could be eligible for a compensation claim.

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data breach deleting information
May 05, 2021

Human error GDPR breach – legal advice

A huge volume of data breaches in recent years were caused by human error, and the frequency with which such breaches happen does not seem to be lessening. A human error GDPR breach can be no less serious than a mass cyberattack. In fact, it can be due to the mistake or overall negligence of employees that data hacks are allowed to occur in the first place.

In either scenario, vast amounts of information can end up being exposed.

It is simply unacceptable that failing to carry out basic data protection procedures is still a primary culprit of data leaks, even in today’s digital world. Data protection guidelines have been enshrined in law for many years now, and the GDPR should have further moved organsations to repair any holes in their defences, yet human error continues to provoke data breaches. Anyone who has fallen victim to such a data breach may be eligible to claim compensation for any damage caused to them, so contact us if you would like to be advised on your right to claim.

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mobile devices
April 23, 2021

Claim compensation for a data breach at work

When a data breach occurs in your place of work, the stress on employees can be significant; whether you are one of those dealing with the repercussions, or one of the people who has had your private information exposed. The victims, in particular, can be adversely affected both psychologically and materially, so a data breach at work can represent a huge failure on the part of the company involved.

In fact, many workplace data breaches are caused by the neglect of basic data protection principles and cybersecurity measures, meaning that the company itself can often be held liable for the occurrence of the breach. Every employer has a duty to uphold strong data protection, both for their customers and their employees. When this duty is breached, affected employees may have a right to claim compensation for the damage caused to them.

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consumer data breaches
April 21, 2021

Consumer data breaches – your rights for compensation

When a data breach affects any business or organisation, customers often bear the brunt of the data exposure, particularly at companies where consumer data is integral to business operations. The number of consumer data breaches was already elevated in 2019, and the added factor of the coronavirus undoubtedly exacerbated the data protection threats to businesses in 2020.

While consumers may often seem powerless in the face of huge companies, the law can allow you to assert your right to proper data protection in the event that you do fall victim to a data breach. Any company that fails in its legal data protection duties could be obliged to pay compensation settlements to the victims, so contact us if you are interested in starting a data breach claim.

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compensation for hotel cyberattacks
April 19, 2021

MGM Resorts data breach – one year on

Just over a year has passed since the MGM Resorts data breach was revealed, after a security breach resulted in the monumental leak of customer information.

The breach fell in line with the ongoing trend of data breaches in the travel and tourism industry, which has affected several other major companies, including British Airways and easyJet.

Although the news of the breach emerged last February, we can still take on claims for affected customers from England and Wales. Victims may be eligible to receive compensation pay-outs for any harm that they have suffered.

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impact of a council cyberattack
April 16, 2021

Ransomware healthcare attacks

The 2020 surge in ransomware healthcare attacks has highlighted how healthcare organisations have become more vulnerable to cyberattacks during the coronavirus pandemic. While many of us have turned to remote working over the past year, ransomware has long been a remote access tool for cybercriminals, allowing them to breach systems and take control of computer servers and machines from anywhere in the world.

In the UK, we constantly hear that our health service is constrained by limited resources, but few stop to consider the impact that this has on data privacy. Faced with outdated hardware and cybersecurity software in some cases, healthcare organisations could have poor defences against cyberattacks. They can, therefore, be risking the exposure of patient and employee data on a daily basis.

Every UK citizen has a right to have their personal information kept safe and secure by third-party organisations. This could mean that you may be entitled to claim compensation in the event that your data has been exposed. For free, no-obligation advice, contact us today to talk to a member of our specialist data breach team.

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claim for an accidental data
April 12, 2021

Careless approach to data protection – rights for victims

Despite the fact that there is extensive legislation designed to prevent data breaches, many organisations continue to have a careless approach to data protection.

In this digital age, in which consumers regularly disclose private data to third party companies online, it is unacceptable that many are neglecting their duty to protect this information.

We are always on the lookout for data leaks which show a carelessness on the part of the organisation, as this may mean that victims may be entitled to claim compensation for the exposure of their personal information. Unfortunately, many companies fail to realise that their data protection duties are equal to their responsibilities to deliver on the goods and services paid for by their customers. We believe that it is important to raise awareness of this widespread issue, and to make sure any victims can achieve justice for the effects of data breaches.

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Arup data breach
April 09, 2021

Arup data breach affects employee payroll information

Arup, an international professional services firm, has reportedly suffered a recent data breach, after their third-party payroll provider succumbed to a cybersecurity incident.

The payroll information of current and former employees is understood to have been affected, with Arup contacting those whose details have been compromised. We cannot yet put a number on the scale of the breach but, based on the information disclosed to customers, the Arup data breach may have affected many of the company’s employees.

We have already begun taking on cases for affected claimants, who may be entitled to recover compensation for the exposure of their personal data. If you have been notified of your involvement in the Arup data breach, please do not hesitate to contact us for free, no-obligation advice on your potential compensation claim.

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April 07, 2021

Midlands News Association data breach exposes journalists’ private information

According to an article from HoldtheFrontPage, the Midlands News Association has recently suffered a data security incident that led to the publication of private details belonging to journalists.

This is understood to have included journalists who were employed by the newspaper as far back as 2011. It is believed that an unauthorised third party was able to access the data, and that they chose to post the stolen information online.

All data controllers have a legal responsibility to ensure that the data disclosed to them is stored and processed securely. If they ever fail to uphold this duty, they can be held to account under the law. If it is found to have breached data protection law, the Midlands News Association could be liable to pay compensation to those affected.  Anyone who has been notified of their involvement in the data breach can contact us to make an enquiry about their potential compensation claim.

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Leading Data Breach Lawyers
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