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healthcare cyberattacks
February 06, 2020

Cybercrime compensation – your rights

It’s important that people know that they can make a claim for cybercrime compensation as a victim of a hack or cybersecurity event.

Over the last few years, we’ve seen significant increases in the number of cyberattacks taking place. As a pioneering law firm in the complex and niche area of data breach compensation law who have been at the forefront of fighting for victims’ rights for a long time, the number of cases we take forward has rapidly grown. A number of the dozens of group and multi-party actions that we’re involved with also stem from cyberattacks given how often they’re occurring.

It’s important that victims know that they can be entitled to compensation and that no one should suffer in silence. As a leading, expert data breach compensation law firm, here’s what you need to know.

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data breach compensation for card skimming
January 28, 2020

Compensation if your debit or credit card is hacked

If your debit or credit card is hacked, you could be entitled to make a claim for data breach compensation, even if no money was stolen or if you’ve been refunded.

If you have lost money, we can include this as part of a legal case as well. However, you don’t have to have suffered an actual financial loss to be able to make a No Win, No Fee claim with us.

The distress that victims can suffer when this kind of personal and sensitive information is exposed can be substantial. Data breach compensation pay-outs can reflect the distress that people suffer from by the loss of control of their personal information. In this area of law, we are experts with a proven track record of settling damages claims over several years.

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January 15, 2020

Inappropriate access to medical records: advice for victims

Issues relating to inappropriate access to medical records is something we have talked about before. It’s completely wrong and can have a huge impact for the victims.

In some cases – and this is what we will look at here – unauthorised access to medical data can be a great deal more sinister than staff being curious about people they’re acquainted with. In some cases, employees have accessed information for more sinister means, where they have targeted specific individuals to pursue them for relations.

We have represented people who have been unscrupulously contacted by employees who have accessed their contact data through their employment to then engage them for relations. In these kinds of scenarios, the impact for the victim can be substantial, so it’s important to know your rights.

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data breach compensation for card skimming
January 10, 2020

Dixons Carphone data breach fine

The Dixons Carphone data breach fine has been formally issued by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for the maximum amount possible under the previous rules.

The cyberattack took place between July 2017 and April 2018, meaning the Data Protection Act 1998 applies as opposed to the GDPR that came into force just a month later. As such, the maximum fine that the retailer could face was £500,000.00, which is what the ICO has issued. Had the attack have continued into the GDPR era, they could have faced fines in the hundreds of millions of pounds mark.

We’ve been representing victims of this data breach for some time now as expert data protection compensation lawyers with a wealth of experience in large consumer actions. As we know a great deal about this breach as it’s one of our live actions, we’re not surprised by the findings and the maximum fine being issued.

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January 09, 2020

Travelex cyberattack leaves customers frustrated

The Travelex cyberattack has left customers frustrated as hackers have locked down their systems and are holding the company to ransom.

We’re taking legal action for the previous Travelex incident, which stemmed from a leak of customer data. As an expert consumer law firm that specialises in data breach compensation, we’ve spoken to the media about this incident and aired our concerns that we’re seeing yet another cyberattack incident taking place; this being one of many that have hit various businesses over the last few years.

This hack may lead to customer information being leaked or sold on for money, so there’s every reason for customers to be concerned; despite assurances from Travelex.

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December 31, 2019

Hospital cyber-attacks: where the victims stand

When it comes to hospital cyber-attacks, our focus is on ensuring that the victims’ voices are heard and that they have the chance for the justice that they deserve.

The threat that hospitals are facing from cybercriminals is substantial. A large volume of the individual compensation claims that we take forward are for medical data breach incidents, and many of them stem from cybersecurity events.

The 2017 WannaCry incident was perhaps one of the biggest examples that showed just how much of a target the healthcare sector really is.

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data breach compensation for card skimming
December 18, 2019

Missoma data breach

The Missoma data breach has a very familiar feel to it. In fact, it feels identical to a number of previous breaches, including compensation actions we’re involved with.

Reportedly, an email sent to customers has confirmed that a data breach has taken place and that malicious software from a third-party had been used to target customers’ payment details. It appears that malicious code has been injected into the payments part of the website in order to steal data processed through it.

Although news of the breach has only just broken, the circumstances surrounding the incident appear to be exactly the same as a number of other data breaches that have taken place in recent years as well.

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council worker fined for sharing data information to social site
December 13, 2019

Gaming app data breaches

There has been a large volume of gaming app data breaches in recent years, and it may well be a trend that’s set to continue as these kinds of apps grow in popularity.

Gaming apps are now used by millions across the world, and there are no doubt hundreds of even thousands of them to choose from worldwide. We’ve previously discussed the issues over many apps having poor security, which recently led to Facebook closing down links with hundreds of apps due to concerns.

Ultimately, people need to be careful. Not only do people need to consider who it is that’s going to be in charge of their personal information, but they also need to consider what happens if a security breach takes place.

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cybersecurity issues
December 12, 2019

Data breaches and encryption

Given the continually large volumes of incidents that are happening, it’s important to approach the subject of data breaches and encryption.

In some cases, leaks can happen due to human errors or system problems. Some hacks may take place because 100% effective defence is a hard thing to achieve. This doesn’t excuse an organisation when it comes to their responsibilities, but it’s important for them to understand that it’s about more than just trying to stop incidents; it’s also about preventing damage.

And that’s where encryption and even basic levels of protection is king.

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police data breach claims
November 13, 2019

Police computer data breach advice

A victim of a police computer data breach can be entitled to make a claim for compensation for any distress or loss that’s suffered.

Ultimately, we treat a police data breach in the same was as any other. The police and their employees are not above the law, and they too must abide by the data protection laws and principles we have here in the UK. As such, any breach can lead to a victim being able to make a claim, and we can offer No Win, No Fee representation.

As experts in data breach compensation claiming, having been helping people (thousands of them!) specifically in this niche area of law for several years, we can help you.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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