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Tag: database security

March 29, 2019

Worrying Facebook password data protection flaw revealed

The social media giant hasn’t had it easy lately, with a number of data breach incidents plaguing their public image. The recent revelations about the Facebook password data protection flaws is another headache to add to the pile.

It’s understood that some Facebook passwords have not been securely stored and have been accessible to thousands of Facebook employees. You would expect that one of the biggest social media platforms in the world would have the best protection for passwords, but this story suggests otherwise.

Users affected by the issue are set to be contacted by Facebook. This incident is one in a long line of recent data scandals Facebook has been embroiled in.

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Dyfed-Powys Police enforcement notice
March 27, 2019

Police Federation of England and Wales data breach

The (PFEW) Police Federation of England and Wales data breach incidents were announced earlier this month, and they’re potentially huge. The PFEW cyber attacks may have affected 120,000 police employees.

Although PFEW say that they don’t believe any information was exposed, they cannot rule it out. For the potential victims of the breaches, this isn’t helpful. It’s hard enough these days being on the police force with constant cuts and under-staffing.

This kind of added stress in the current environment of policing isn’t helpful at all.

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local authority data breaches local authority data leak
March 26, 2019

V12 Sports and Classics data breach incident

A recent prosecution has taken place over the V12 Sports and Classics data breach incident where a former employee of the company has been found guilty of breaking the law.

In this case, the former employee (32-year-old Jayana Morgan Davies) reportedly forwarded work emails that contained the data of customers and colleagues to her personal account. She resigned from her position a few weeks later, which suggests a specific motive for the illegal processing of the data she misused.

The incident is said to have taken place in August 2017. It has led to a successful prosecution from the ICO (the Information Commissioner’s Office).

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March 07, 2019

Coffee Meets Bagel data breach revealed on Valentine’s Day

The Coffee Meets Bagel data breach was unfortunately revealed on Valentine’s Day. I.e. a dating app revealed a breach on the day of love and romance…

With the data breach reportedly having happened on 11th February 2019, I suppose its just a case of bad timing that notifications ended up being on Valentine’s Day. Either way, the American-based dating service that is used in the UK has suffered a breach.

This isn’t the first dating website that has been targeted for a data breach. We doubt it will be the last as well.

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camera photography
March 04, 2019

Huge 500px data breach

There’s been another huge security incident announced. This time it’s the 500px data breach that may have affected all 15 million of its worldwide users.

The Canada-based online photography networking platform (that also has an app) is understood to have identified security issue last year. However, it’s taken some six months for the organisation to discover that they’ve been breached.

The length of time that’s passed is particularly worrying. It means that victims of the 500px data breach may have already been targeted by criminals. Victims may have had no idea that their data had been exposed given that news of the breach has only just hit the headlines.

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easyJet data breach
February 27, 2019

Airbus data breach

News of the Airbus data breach has hit the headlines over the last few weeks. As yet another aviation sector breach, the news is incredibly worrying.

It’s understood that some form of cyber incident has taken place. Airbus’ information systems for their commercial aircraft business appears to have been hit. As a result of the Airbus data breach, it’s understood that some personal data has been accessed, according to the company’s statement on the incident.

With Airbus not only being in the civil sector but also the military sector, this kind of breach is worrying. News of this breach comes just months after the monumental British Airways data breach we’re running an action for. The aviation sector is clearly being targeted.

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healthcare cyberattacks
February 25, 2019

Hackers selling stolen medical records online

It’s true that there’s an issue with hackers selling stolen medical records, normally on the dark web. The problems this can cause for victims can be huge.

Some people may not even be aware that their medical data has been stolen. Even the organisation(s) the data has been stolen from may not (yet) even be aware. Some victims of medical record hacks find out because of an instance of online exposure, or even successful or attempted cases of identity theft.

Claims for medical data breach compensation are some of the most common types of cases we deal with. The healthcare sector is a target, so know your rights if you end up being the victim of hackers selling stolen medical records related to you.

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February 11, 2019

Mumsnet data breach

The Mumsnet data breach hit the news last week, with dozens of accounts reportedly affected after a software upgrade caused a leak incident.

The parenting site is said to have reported themselves to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) already. The UK’s data watchdog will now have to decide whether the incident is serious enough to warrant any form of financial punishment for the incident. The Mumsnet data breach resulted in personal information for the affected users being exposed.

Any victim of a data breach can be entitled to claim data breach compensation for any distress and financial loss caused. We see these kinds of breaches all the time, and news of new breaches doesn’t come as a surprise to us anymore.

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data breach
January 21, 2019

Collection #1 data breach shows how vulnerable people are

The monumental Collection #1 data breach that hit the headlines last week shows just how vulnerable people are to data breaches.

The incident, known as the Collection #1 breach, involved what many say is the biggest ever dump of hacked information on the internet. Hundreds of millions of email addresses and passwords that are thought to have been taken from a number of different hacks were published online. Criminals may have been using the information to break into people’s accounts for years.

The sheer volume of the Collection #1 data is a stark reminder as to just how vulnerable people are nowadays.

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debit or credit card details are exposed
January 07, 2019

Have you suffered an Amazon data leak?

If you’ve been the victim of an Amazon data leak, we may be able to help you claim data leak compensation on a No Win, No Fee basis.

The most recent Amazon data leak took place last month, and there wasn’t a great deal of detail released about it. All that was said to victims was that some data had been exposed, and that victims don’t need to take any action. Although this may suggest that the leak was contained, people should always be vigilant. Companies should always ensure to warn people that they may need to take action.

One key element we do understand is that the most recent Amazon data leak reportedly stemmed from an API issue. This is important to know.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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