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Tag: gdpr

make a data leak claim in confidence
January 17, 2022

Your legal rights following a data breach

In the wake of a data breach, it can be difficult to know what to do to protect yourself and take action in light of the harm you may have been caused. As leading specialists in data breach claims, Your Lawyers – The Data Leak Lawyers – can advise you of your legal rights in the event that your data is compromised or exposed.

A breach of data protection law can be any incident in which a third-party data controller fails to protect private information in a way that breaches their legal obligations. In accordance with the GDPR, all businesses and organisations are required to use appropriate organisational and technical measures to keep personal information secure, and failing to do so can leave a third party liable for any harm caused to their data subjects.

Data breach claims still represent a developing area of compensation law, but Your Lawyers has been representing clients for data privacy matters since 2014. Some firms have only just begun branching out into data breach claims, but we have developed the expertise to bring our claimants the compensation they deserve.

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police data breach
January 14, 2022

Police domestic abuse data breaches

The police service holds some of the most sensitive information about the population, including the data of many perpetrators and victims of crimes. Police domestic abuse data is among the most private information there can be, due to the safety risks it could provoke if compromised. A data breach could potentially endanger victims and they could be located by their former abusers.

The police force, like any other data controller, is obliged to protect information in accordance with the GDPR, the primary data protection law in the UK. However, there have, unfortunately, been cases in which unacceptable breaches of privacy have occurred, affecting the information of victims of domestic abuse.

Most of us would expect the police to be fully aware of its responsibilities to maintain strong data security, but it seems data protection is still not a high enough priority or focus in some cases. Where mistakes are made, those responsible must be held accountable, and those affected should be fairly compensated for any harm caused. If you have fallen victim to a data breach at the hands of the police, you can contact us for free, no-obligation advice on your potential compensation claim.

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check online banking accounts
January 12, 2022

Fraudsters stealing millions following data breaches

Data exposure can cause severe stress and anxiety to those affected, and it can also have a material impact. Many people may not be aware of just how close the cause-and-effect relationship between data breaches and online fraud can be. In fact, there are fraudsters stealing millions every year with the help of stolen information.

Due to the developments of the digital age, technology can now provide a means for fraudsters to expand their practices and develop more sophisticated ways of stealing from victims. Their greatest asset is arguably the wealth of data stores kept by many modern businesses, who take extensive personal details from their employees and customers. If the security of this information becomes compromised in any way, it could equip fraudsters with personal details that allow them to easily and effectively target their victims.

Your Lawyers, as leading, specialist Data Leak Lawyers, has represented many clients who have fallen victim to fraud in the wake of data breaches. If you have been impacted in this way, you may be eligible to claim compensation from those who exposed your information to misuse. Simply contact our team for more information on your potential claim.

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medical test results
January 11, 2022

Leading Data Lawyers concern over reported plans to sell Covid test samples

Leading Data and Privacy Law firm Your Lawyers have been concerned to learn of an investigation into plans to sell Covid test samples for medical research.

The news was broken in November 2021, and reportedly involves Cignpost Diagnostics, trading as ExpressTest, who are understood to have conducted almost three million tests. It has been suggested that there are plans by the company to analyse samples from swabs and sell data to third parties, according to inews.

The private company is an approved provider of testing, and it has been reported that the company is now being investigated by the UK’s data regulator, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). There was understood to be a tick box as part of the purchasing process for the test that formed as part of a large privacy policy with links to a research programme. This is understood to have since been removed and appears to be the matter at the centre of the investigation.

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council worker fined for sharing data information to social site
December 29, 2021

Businesses need proper cybersecurity

For many businesses, so much of the work is conducted digitally, a fact that has only become truer since Covid-19 provoked a shift to more remote, online working. However, despite devoting significant expenses to IT resources, some businesses still fail to pay attention to data protection procedures and the tools required to operate their devices securely. From the small start-ups to the global conglomerates, all businesses need proper cybersecurity if they are to be trusted with personal data.

In the headlines, we regularly see data breaches that have occurred as a result of minor, needless oversights. With appropriate data protection and cybersecurity measures, many data security incidents can be avoided, so it is important that we hold businesses accountable when they fail to meet the standards required.

If you have been affected by a data breach for which a third-party organisation was responsible, you could be eligible to hold them to account via a data breach compensation claim. We know how damaging the effects of data exposure can be, which is why we aim to help as many victims to claim as possible.

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Dyfed-Powys Police enforcement notice
December 27, 2021

Police data breaches in 2020 and 2021

Recent statistics revealed that there were over 2,300 police data breaches in 2020, according to figures on the number of incidents reported to the ICO. The high figure raises questions about how effectively the force is managing data protection risks and ensuring the cybersecurity of its systems, and whether similar statistics may emerge for the 2021 period which is shortly due to end.

These statistics are particularly concerning given the often extremely sensitive nature of the information held by the police, which can include personal details of crime witnesses and victims. Everyone who discloses personal information to the police should have the right to do so in the knowledge that it will be kept secure and only viewed for specific investigation or work-related purposes. However, there are many unfortunate cases in which people have been let down by the organisation that is supposed to protect them.

If you have been affected by a police data breach, you may be eligible for a compensation claim. Our expert lawyers can offer free, no-obligation advice on your case.

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nhs outsourcing
December 23, 2021

Hospital staff accessing medical records inappropriately

Hospital staff accessing medical records without any good reason to do so can amount to a serious breach of patient privacy and can allow victims to claim medical data breach compensation.

Any form of inappropriate access to confidential medical data can amount to an abuse of access rights and a breach of the GDPR. Those who have lost control of their personal information arising from such an incident could be eligible to pursue No Win, No Fee data breach claims.

Your Lawyers – The Data Leak Lawyers – are leading privacy claims experts, representing thousands of victims for data cases. We have secured damages for victims who have suffered from such data breach events, and our team is on hand to help anyone affected by an incident of this nature.

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email breach
December 22, 2021

Has a social worker leaked information and breached your confidentiality?

Usually run by local councils, social services hold large quantities of sensitive information about the people under their care. The private nature of the work they carry out means that they are required to keep to strict standards of confidentiality. If they fail to do so, perhaps if a social worker leaked information or failed to keep data secure, they may be in breach of data protection law.

Whether they are children in foster care, people with disabilities, or elderly residents of council care homes, there are thousands of people in the UK who have some form of care provided by their local authority. The integrity of social workers is generally taken for granted but there can, unfortunately, be individuals who let the good name of their profession down.

Their actions may have been accidental or intentional, but in either case, a social worker should be held accountable if they have compromised your right to privacy. By making a compensation claim, you can ensure that you achieve the justice you deserve.

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property management firm data breach
December 20, 2021

Property management firm data breach compensation claims

Whether it’s a local agency or a nationwide chain, many property management firms may be perceived as prime targets for data hackers. Any organisation that stores extensive customer information could be seen as an opportunity for cybercriminals, so the possibility of a property management firm data breach is something all companies must aim to prevent.

Unfortunately, despite the growing awareness of data security issues in the media and among the general public, many data controllers fail to observe the data protection regulations set out in the law. Even for businesses that possess large quantities of sensitive customer information, data protection negligence can be a problem.

If you have had your data exposed by a third party due to their failure to protect it, you may be entitled to claim compensation. In accordance with the law, everyone has a right to have the personal data they disclose to third-party companies kept safe, so contact us for advice if you think you may have a claim to make.

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data breach compensation pay-out guide working on a No Win, No Fee
December 13, 2021

Data breach compensation pay-out guide

With data breaches gaining traction in recent times, many people could be becoming wary of disclosing their data to businesses and organisations, and some may be concerned about what that they can do in the event of a data breach. Your Lawyers, as leading specialists in data breach claims and consumer group actions, are passionate about widening access to justice. This is why want to give you a brief data breach compensation pay-out guide to demonstrate what can be achieved by asserting your legal rights.

In accordance with UK law, all third parties that process, handle or store information relating to their customers, employees or other consumers are obliged to protect it in accordance with the GDPR. This involves ensuring that appropriate data protection procedure is followed by staff, and that there are sufficient cybersecurity defences in place to block potential hackers.

As a result, data controllers can fall foul of the law if they expose or compromise information through their own negligence. If you have been the victim of breach of data protection law, you could be eligible to claim compensation for any harm caused. Read on or contact us to find out more about your potential data breach claim.

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Leading Data Breach Lawyers
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