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Tag: healthcare sector

hospital ransomware attacks
March 05, 2019

Serious Stafford Hospital data breach

A serious Stafford Hospital data breach has been reported, and it’s another simple and avoidable error that has led to private and sensitive data being leaked.

Our lawyers represent a lot of people who are claiming NHS data breach compensation. The reason for this is that healthcare data leaks and breaches can be incredibly common. A lot of the breaches happen so easily, and are totally avoidable. Despite this, healthcare data breaches continue to happen at alarming rates.

The recent Stafford Hospital data breach incident is a story that’s all too familiar for our team here who are helping victims claim for incidents just like it.

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nhs outsourcing
February 04, 2019

Bristol Hospital data breach advice

If you need advice as a victim of a Bristol hospital data breach, our team can help you.

A recent Freedom of Information (FOI) request found the University Hospital Bristol as a main offender when it comes to lost or missing documents. The FOI revealed worryingly large volumes of data incidents in 2017.

As a firm of specialist Data Leak Lawyers, we’re not surprised. Thousands of people have asked for our help over the years we’ve been fighting for justice for data breach victims. One of the most common types of cases we help people with is for NHS data breach compensation.

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nhs patient confidentially compensation claims
January 29, 2019

Compensation for a HIV status data breach

You can be eligible to claim compensation as a victim of a HIV status data breach, and we can offer No Win, No Fee legal representation.

A HIV status data breach can be absolutely devastating. Medical data breaches are often among the worst because of the nature of the information that can be exposed, and a person’s HIV status is a prime example of how bad it can get.

We’re currently involved in legal action for a large group of victims claiming compensation for the 56 Dean Street HIV status data breach. The expert reports and witness testimonies show just how bad a HIV data leak can be.

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hospital ransomware attacks
January 25, 2019

What to do if your medical data is hacked

If your medical data is hacked, we’re (unfortunately) not too surprised. A large volume of the cases we deal with are for healthcare sector breaches, and hackers do target the sector.

The reason hackers target the sector is often due to a lack of resources in cybersecurity. We saw in the 2017 WannaCry attack just how much damage a targeted attack can do. The hackers in this incident targeted outdated systems because they can be more vulnerable to being broken into. With the healthcare sector often using outdated systems, they were an easy target.

If your medical data is hacked, what can you do about it?

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breaches in the healthcare sector
January 08, 2019

Need help for a Bolton Hospital data breach?

If you need help to make a compensation claim for a Bolton Hospital data breach, we could help you on a No Win, No Fee basis.

It was reported that, in 2017, Bolton NHS Trust was the second worst Trust when it came to lost or stolen data. In 2017 alone, some 2,163 documents reportedly went missing or were stolen. The news came as part of a Freedom of Information (FOI) request that revealed some 10,000 documents had been lost or stolen within the NHS in one year.

If you’ve suffered as a result of a Bolton Hospital data breach, we may be able to help you.

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breaches in the healthcare sector
December 05, 2018

Worrying Birmingham Hospital data breach figures

We’ve seen some worrying Birmingham Hospital data breach figures off the back of recent data released about NHS data incidents.

Birmingham Hospital sits at the top of the pile for 2017 data losses and thefts. According to a Freedom of Information request, some 10,000 documents went missing or were stolen in 2017 within the NHS. Over 3,000 of those were from Birmingham Hospital alone.

The figure of 10,000 missing or stolen documents is a horrendous amount. How can so many documents go missing when they’re likely to contain very sensitive and private information?

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healthcare data breaches caused by human error nhs staff medical record breaches
November 22, 2018

Private health sector data breaches on the rise

Are private health sector data breaches on the rise? With more and more people opting for private healthcare, this may be the case.

Although the overall healthcare sector has long led the way in terms of volumes of breaches, the private health sector has its problems as well. Cyber criminals have been known to specifically target the private health sector. These companies hold a wealth of financial and medical data about us, and these companies are often very wealthy themselves.

They can make for huge targets for ransomware attacks.

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breaches in the healthcare sector
September 04, 2018

The NHS sending wrong patient records must stop

The issue of the NHS sending wrong patient records simply must stop. It’s a common form of breach that often leaves victims with no choice but to start legal action.

As a victim of the NHS sending the wrong patient records, which includes your records, you can be eligible to claim for data breach compensation. It typically happens where information is legitimately requested, but they either send out the wrong patient records or accidentally include the wrong patient records with the request.

There have been plenty of news stories and ICO interventions where the NHS has not handled patient records correctly, and we feel more should be done to prevent such issues.

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nhs outsourcing
August 28, 2018

NHS Digital compensation action

We are representing people claiming in an NHS Digital compensation action we have initiated for victims of the recent NHS data breach.

Some 150,000 patients who had registered for the “type 2 opt-out” of their data being shared from their GP using the SystemOne application were subject to a coding error that resulted in their opt-out not being honoured. As such, their private and sensitive medical data that they had specifically opted out for being shared with NHS Digital was in fact shared because the coding error resulted in the opt-out notification not being referred to NHS Digital.

This was an entirely avoidable incident which is why we have launched NHS Digital compensation cases for those who have been affected and have contacted us asking for our help and representation.

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unsecured database compensation claims
August 20, 2018

Poole Hospital data breach

The Poole Hospital data breach stemmed from the simple act of patient data being exposed from a stolen bag.

It’s understood that the stolen bag had been discarded and hidden in the hospital and contained patient data; the likes of which is always private and very sensitive. This is yet another simple data breach stemming from an entirely avoidable incident, and it doesn’t help the already problematic situation of healthcare sector data breaches.

Patients affected by the Poole Hospital data breach have been informed of the incident.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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