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Tag: medical records

ico warn nhs staff over accessing medical records
November 29, 2017

Medical data still the most commonly breached information

Healthcare breaches are common, but it can also be a case of them being more likely to be reported. Whichever way you look at it, something needs to be done about the continually growing trend of medical data breaches.

All those who work in the healthcare sector have a duty to not disclose, mishandle, or misuse a patients’ personal information. In fact, this is the very foundation of a patient / doctor relationship. However, while most people believe their personal information is protected, data breaches by the NHS and the healthcare sector remain far too common.
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healthcare data breaches
November 15, 2017

Nursing and Midwifery Council dismisses NHS midwife for snooping on medical records

A ‘nosy’ midwife has been sacked by the University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust after she was discovered to have viewed confidential medical records belonging to friends, colleagues and other acquaintances.

Thirty-eight-year-old Vicky Anne Bloxham lost her job as a midwife for the illegal snooping carried out between 2002 and 2016.

In 2016 alone, Bloxham reportedly reviewed the medical records of some 45 friends and acquaintances without authorisation, with one person’s records accessed 13 times in a four-month period.
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healthcare data breaches
October 31, 2017

Yet another NHS worker fined for accessing sensitive medical records without authorisation

It seems the NHS can’t keep its staff under control as yet another worker has been found guilty of accessing sensitive medical records without authorisation.

Linda Reeves reportedly abused her position as a former data coordinator with access to the Trust’s patient database by rifling through medical records belonging to colleagues, friends and neighbours. She did not have any consent or authorisation from patients or her employer as the data controller.

Reeves has since resigned from her job at The University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust.
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data protection
October 16, 2017

Aetna sued for revealing HIV statuses of 12,000 patients

Health insurer, Aetna Inc, is being sued for a serious oversight that reportedly revealed the HIV status of around 12,000 patients when a letter was sent out to customers with large clear windows that referenced HIV medication.

It’s a monumental blunder that’s similar to the London sexual health clinic, 56 Dean Street breach, where an email was sent to over 700 patients with names and email addresses for recipients visible. We act for a large proportion of the people claiming in that action.

The clear window is of course intended to be clear, so the address is shown for posting, but this doesn’t change the fact that the letter clearly hadn’t been properly planned out given that private medical information was visible too.
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October 10, 2017

Hackers release names of professional footballers who allegedly failed drug tests

Hackers have reportedly released information on professional footballers who have allegedly failed drug tests registered by UK Anti-Doping (UKad) agency, as well as information about which footballers have been given Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) for otherwise banned medications during the 2010 World Cup.

Famous names include ex-Premier League players Carlos Tevez, Dirk Kuyt and Gabriel Heinze.

Another 21 professional footballers were named as having TUEs.
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unsecured database compensation claims
September 25, 2017

Another NHS worker fined by the ICO for accessing and disclosing information from medical records

On the 11th August 2017 yet another NHS (now former) worker was fined by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for accessing sensitive health records belonging to family, friends and colleagues without authorisation.

She even disclosed information she found.

Brioney Woolfe worked at Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust as a Midwifery Assistant. The self-confessed ‘nosy’ midwifery assistant reportedly accessed 29 patient medical records, including the parents of her children’s school friends.
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ico warn nhs staff over accessing medical records
September 19, 2017

ICO cautions NHS staff against illegally accessing patient medical records

The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) has specifically reminded NHS staff not to access patient medical records without proper reason and / or proper authority. Illegally accessing, obtaining and/or disclosing patient medical records without permission is not only a violation of patient data protection rights, but also exposes the wrongdoer and the NHS to legal action and costly fines.

This latest ICO warning was prompted by a recent case where a former health care assistant accessed medical records belonging to several patients without a valid reason. Over a period of a year and a half, Brioney Woolfe reportedly accessed patient files belonging to 29 individuals, including her family members, colleagues and other patients.
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unsecured database compensation claims
September 08, 2017

9 out of 10 healthcare organisations have dealt with data breaches

According to a Ponemon Institute study (Sixth Annual Benchmark Study on Privacy & Security of Healthcare Data) released in May 2016, 90% of all healthcare organisations have ‘dealt with a data breach in the past two years‘.

As we know, data breaches appear to be on an upward trend for a number of reasons, including the greater reliance on digital means of storing and accessing information, as well as because data breach reporting is often mandatory in many countries, and the rules are being tightened.

This latest research doesn’t make for comfortable reading at all…
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healthcare data breaches
September 06, 2017

Tewksbury Hospital admits data breach by former employee

A former employee stands accused of inappropriately accessing over a thousand patient records without authorisation.

It’s believed more than 1,100 patients may have had their medical records viewed without reason for a 14-year period.

Authorities were alerted to the data breach when a former patient raised concerns that their medical records may have been accessed inappropriately online. An internal review found that a hospital employee had indeed accessed the records “without a good reason” to do so. From there, it was found that the same employee had accessed a huge number of former and current patient medical records without authorisation or grounds to do so.
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healthcare data breaches
August 22, 2017

56% of healthcare organisations plan on investing in data breach protection

A new survey reveals that many healthcare providers plan to invest in data breach protection. A recent study named IT Risks in Healthcare Infographics 2017 gathered information based on feedback provided by IT specialists working in healthcare organisations worldwide.

Off the back of breaches that have plagued the healthcare industry for years, many organisations may now be finally planning to invest more in data protection and cybersecurity.

It’s about time…
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