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Tag: medical records

healthcare data breaches
August 02, 2017

2017: The year of the healthcare data breaches!

Health data breaches have seen an unprecedented rise in recent times. Overwhelmed and untrained healthcare administrators appear to be making simple errors in some cases, and as a result, millions of people are at risk of their personal information being released.

On top of this, cyber criminals are targeting hospitals, GP practices and University health research facilities to steal and hold medical data for ransom. In the ever-advancing digital world, our cyber security measures are failing to keep up, and it seems like the healthcare sector still remains way off the mark.
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cosmetic surgery company hacked by tsar team
June 23, 2017

Hackers publish private information of 25,000 patients from a Lithuanian cosmetic surgery clinic

Another massive cyber-attack in a healthcare industry.

More than 25,000 private photos – including naked images – were made public by hackers on the 30th May as they gained access to a Lithuanian surgery’s server.

The Grozio Chirurgija clinic based in Kaunas, Lithuania, was hacked earlier this year by a group calling themselves “Tsar Team”. They managed to break into the servers in March, originally releasing a portion of their database alongside a large ransom demand from the surgery.
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data protection
May 04, 2017

March 2017 saw a 1.5 million spike in lost or stolen medical records

Protenus, a company who protect patient privacy in the U.S., compiles a monthly report on data breaches called the Protenus Breach Barometer (PBR) using data provided by DataBreaches.net. It analyses all breaches reported to the Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) in the U.S or to the media in 2017.

Looking at breaches that compromised healthcare records for the past few months in 2017, January and February seemed relatively quiet with 388,000 and 200,000 patient records respectively. However, when compared to the massive spike of 1,519,521 compromised patient records in March, it makes the previous figures look insignificant.
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April 27, 2017

Are large teaching hospitals more likely to have data breaches?

A new study finds that teaching hospitals are more likely to suffer from data leaks.

In a new study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), researchers found that larger health care providers and teaching hospitals are more likely to have data breaches. At the John Hopkins Carey Business School, Assistant Professor Ge Bai identified that around 1,800 data breaches were reported in the last 7 years, and he found that, the larger the hospital, the more data breaches occur.
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